
Template for Django (DRF) Project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django (DRF) Dockerized Project Template

This repository serves as a template for creating a Django REST Framework (DRF) project that is containerized using Docker. It provides a structured starting point for developing Django-based web applications with a RESTful API, allowing for easier setup and deployment.


  • Django 3.x and Django REST Framework (DRF) pre-configured
  • PostgreSQL database integration
  • Docker and Docker Compose configuration for containerization
  • Separation of development and production settings
  • Automatic database setup and migrations using Django's manage.py commands
  • Ready-to-use Django project structure following best practices
  • Simple API endpoint for testing purposes
  • Customizable and extensible to fit your project's needs


Before using this template, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed on your system:

Getting Started

To start a new project using this template, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Palwisha-18/django-drf-template.git
  1. Navigate into the django_project directory:
cd django-drf-template
cd django_project
  1. Set environment variables:
cp .env.example .env

Open the .env file and set the value of all environment variables.

  1. Build and run the Docker containers:
docker-compose up -d --build

This command will download the required Docker images, set up the containers, and start the development server.

  1. Access the Django application:

You can access the Django application running on in your web browser.

  1. Test the API endpoint:

A sample API endpoint is available at You can modify or extend it according to your project's requirements.

Using this template

  • Rename django_project folder according to the name of your django project and replace its usage in the project.
  • Rename app1 to represent the application name in your django project. Similarly, replace its usage in the project.
  • You can add more apps under api directory. For each app added, add app name to INSTALLED_APPS in config/settings/base.py and add app urls to api/urls.py


  • Django Settings: The project-specific Django settings are located in the config/settings/ directory. You can modify these files to adjust the project's configuration based on your needs.

  • Database: By default, this template uses PostgreSQL as the database backend. You can update the database settings in the docker-compose.yml and config/settings/base.py

  • Docker Configuration: The Docker configuration files (Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml) are included in the root directory. If you need to make changes to the container setup or add additional services, you can modify these files accordingly.

Development Workflow

  • During development, you can modify the Django code, and the changes will be automatically detected and applied.
  • To stop the development server and the associated containers, use the following command:
docker-compose down


To deploy the project to a production environment, you can use Docker Compose or any other preferred deployment method. Ensure that you update the necessary configurations for a production environment, such as using a secure secret key, configuring HTTPS, and setting up any required production database or caching services.


If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


This project template is inspired by the excellent Django and Docker tutorials and best practices available in the Django and Docker communities.