
List contents of a directory in tree-like format.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


go-version   CI   release

A command-line tool to print the contents of a relative or an absolute directory in a tree-like format. It conditionally displays file size and file mode in a neat and colorful format.


This CLI application is made using Commando.


$ GO111MODULE=on go get -u "github.com/thatisuday/tree"


$  tree --help

This tool lists the contents of a directory in tree-like format.
It can also display information about files and folders like size, permission and ownership.

   tree [dir] {flags}
   tree <command> {flags}

   info                          displays detailed information of a directory
   help                          displays usage informationn
   version                       displays version number

   dir                           local directory path (default: ./)

   --no-color                    ignore colored output (default: false)
   -h, --help                    displays usage information of the application or a command (default: false)
   --ignore                      ignore directories (separated by comma) (default: .git,node_modules)
   -l, --level                   level of depth to travel (default: 1)
   --mode                        display mode of the each file (default: false)
   --size                        display size of the each file (default: false)
   -v, --version                 displays version number (default: false)


$ tree /projects/commando -l=2 --size --mode
├── .DS_Store (6.1kb) (644)
├── .github (755)
|  └── workflows (755)
├── .gitignore (269 bytes) (644)
├── LICENSE (1.1kb) (644)
├── README.md (23.8kb) (644)
├── assets (755)
|  ├── logo.png (285.0kb) (644)
|  └── logo.svg (87.0kb) (644)
├── commando.go (21.5kb) (644)
├── commando_test.go (10.7kb) (644)
├── demo (755)
|  ├── .DS_Store (6.1kb) (644)
|  ├── reactor.cast (6.3kb) (600)
|  ├── reactor.gif (308.3kb) (644)
|  ├── reactor.gif.sh (49 bytes) (644)
|  └── reactor.go (4.2kb) (644)
├── go.mod (94 bytes) (644)
├── go.sum (533 bytes) (644)
├── templates.go (1.5kb) (644)
└── tests (755)
   ├── empty-exec-name.go (172 bytes) (644)
   ├── invalid-default-value.go (259 bytes) (644)
   ├── missing-action-function.go (208 bytes) (644)
   └── valid-registry.go (4.4kb) (644)