
Latex script for creating and editing documents.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT


Appa is a simple and efficient CLI tool for creating and viewing LaTeX files. It removes the pain of writing each of your documents from scratch by making use of templates for all the documents you want to publish. We want to make it easy to write books, letters, reports, presentations or conference posters by simply specifying the document you want to create.




    $ git clone https://github.com/thatosmk/appa.git 
    $ cd appa/
    $ chmod +x install
    $ ./install

How it works

At the moment there are three templates, you can create a blank document, a scientific paper like an IEEE standard blog and a presentation template with default slide styles.

    $ appa new TEMPLATE --name DOCUMENT_NAME

Creates a new folder based on the chosen template, e.g. blank/presentation/science/invoice and a makefile.

    $ appa open [filename]

Opens an existing .tex document in Vim, open a pdf and runs an instance of latexmk live viewing of doc edits.

Compiling your .tex file


    $ make
    # It will compile the TeX file


If you would like to help make this better, please read the CONTRIBUTING file for suggestions.

Inspired by



Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.