
A RickRoll Facilitator.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



RickRoll like there's no tomorrow.
Conceal your RickRolls with a credible fake article. Complete with title, description and an image.
Try it out »

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Deploy your Own
  3. Contributing
  4. License

About the Project

Create a fake article

Create Screenshot

Share it

Share Screenshot


Twitter Demo Screenshot

Twitter Preview. Whomever falls to the cuteness of the kitten would get rickrolled.

Platforms Supported

Currently headers sent by the following applications are being parsed as bots:

  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • Twitter
  • Discord
  • Reddit

It may be that other platforms are already supported. You may ask support for another platform by opening an issue.



I saw a video on a popular video sharing platform of a guy asking Guinness World Records recognition for the most celebrities RickRolled in a week. I saw him sharing the links using a popular link-shortener website, and I was shocked by how primal his technique was.

So here we are now!

Built with



Deploy your own

You know, once people start to recognize the domain it won't fool 'em anymore.

So you may as well just get another one up!


To deploy your own rickrolling factory, you will need:

  • some server of some kind (it's pretty light, so no need to overdo it)
  • docker and docker-compose installed on it
  • an email address (used to issue a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate)
  • a domain (you may find some free ones around the web, go for them)


Clone the repo and cd into the .deployment folder:

$ git clone git@github.com:thatsed/TheDoubleR.git
$ cd TheDoubleR/.deployment

Generate some secrets using the deploy.sh utility (replace your own domain and email address):

$ ./deploy.sh example.org your-email@domain.com

This will generate a .env file containing some newly generated secrets.

You may adjust the docker-compose.yml to your needs. You can also deploy a sqlite3 version using the other compose file to ease the resources requirements.


(Remember to cd .deployment)

Either source the env file or the source script before running docker-compose commands:

$ source deploy.sh


$ source .env

Then build and launch with Docker:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

You should now reach it at the domain you specified earlier.


Feel free to contribute to the project!

Easiest way to contribute is by adding support to more platforms' previews. We need to identify which User-Agent the platforms' bots' requests use, as well as how to make the preview look pretty by providing good meta tags.

Fork the project or open an issue to get started!


It's MIT, do whatever.


Share the word, rickroll the world. Be kind to one another. Have a good one.