Bundle service integration of official influxdb/influxdb-php client
First of all, you need to require this library through composer:
composer require algatux/influxdb-bundle
Then, enable the bundle on the AppKernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Algatux\InfluxDbBundle\InfluxDbBundle(),
// ...
return $bundles
Here is the configuration reference:
# If not defined, the first connection will be taken.
default_connection: ~
# Prototype
# Your InfluxDB host address
host: ~ # Required
# Your InfluxDB database name
database: ~ # Required
# Set it to true to activate the UDP connection
udp: false
udp_port: 4444
http_port: 8086
username: ''
password: ''
If you have only one connection to configure, this can be simplified to this:
# Your InfluxDB host address
host: ~ # Required
# Your InfluxDB database name
database: ~ # Required
# Set it to true to activate the UDP connection
udp: false
udp_port: 4444
http_port: 8086
username: ''
password: ''
You can directly access to the InfluxDB\Database
trough UDP or HTTP with those services:
$httpDatabase = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection.http'); // Default HTTP connection
$udpDatabase = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection.udp'); // Default UDP connection
// Same as before.
$httpDatabase = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection.default.http');
$udpDatabase = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection.default.udp');
You can also retrieve them thanks to the registry:
$database = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection_registry')->getDefaultHttpConnection();
$database = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection_registry')->getDefaultUdpConnection();
// Same as before.
$database = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection_registry')->getHttpConnection('default');
$database = $this->get('algatux_influx_db.connection_registry')->getUdpConnection('default');
To manipulate the database, please read the official documentation for reading and writing.
Assuming this collection to send:
$time = new \DateTime();
$points = [new Point(
'test_metric', // name of the measurement
0.64, // the measurement value
['host' => 'server01', 'region' => 'italy'], // optional tags
['cpucount' => rand(1,100), 'memory' => memory_get_usage(true)], // optional additional fields
Dispatch the event instance according to the chosen writing protocol:
// UDP
->dispatch(InfluxDbEvent::NAME, new UdpEvent($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS));
->dispatch(InfluxDbEvent::NAME, new HttpEvent($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS));
Or, if you prefer to defer the event:
// Deferred Events
// Collect your measurements during the request and make only one write to influxdb.
// Deferred events are catched and "stored". Than on the kernel.terminate event one write per
// event type and precision will be fired.
// UDP
->dispatch(InfluxDbEvent::NAME, new DeferredUdpEvent($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS));
->dispatch(InfluxDbEvent::NAME, new DeferredHttpEvent($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS));
If you want to write to another connection than the default, you must specify it:
// UDP
->dispatch(InfluxDbEvent::NAME, new UdpEvent($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS, 'other_connection'));
->dispatch(InfluxDbEvent::NAME, new HttpEvent($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS, 'other_connection'));
Some commands are provided:
: To create the database.algatux:influx:database:drop
: To drop the database.
To get more information, run:
./app/console help <command>
This bundle provides several pre-defined form types. They are useful but optional.
If you want to use them, you have to require the symfony/form
Description of each of them is on the class doc block. Here is a short usage example:
->add('measurement', MeasurementType::class, [
'connection' => 'default' // Optional: The connection you want to use.
->add('fields', FieldKeyType::class, [
'measurement' => 'cpu', // The concerned measurement.
'multiple' => true, // Parent type is ChoiceType. You can use parent option like multiple.
->add('tags', TagKeyType::class, [
'measurement' => 'cpu',
'exclude_host' => false, // True by default. Excludes the 'host' choice value.
'multiple' => true,
->add('tag_value', TagValueType::class, [
'measurement' => 'disk',
'tag_key' => 'fstype', // The related tag key.
Feel free to contribute by opening a pull request, if you find a bug or to suggest a new feature. If you like docker, this repository is provided with a dev environment with some scripts to prepare and use it. All you need is docker and docker-compose installed on your system.
make setup # will build the needed containers and setup the project
make start # will start the needed containers and put you inside the php-cli container
make test # will launch the test suite
Note: All these scripts are meant to be used outside the containers.