Summary of Crime Statistics based on input file Program 7 Algorithm
Display menu: Summary by Zip, Victim Count by Offense Type, and Quit
If they don’t choose one, ask again
Summary of Zip:
Open incidents.csv
Try to open, if error warn and quit
Iterate through file
For each line, build dictionary or zip: number of incidents
If the zip is already in the dictionary, append
If the zip is 0 or not there, zip = 99999
Output 2 columns; Zip, number of crimes in zip
Ordered numerically
Victim Count:
Open Details.csv
Try to open, if error warn and quit
Iterate through file
Sort each line into a dictionary; report number, involvement
Open offenses.dox
Try open, if error warn and quit
Iterate through file
Open incidents.csv
Try open etc
Iterate through file
For each Report number in Details dictionary, replace with Offence number of report
For each Offence number now in Details dictionary, replace with Description in offenses
Output 2 columns; Description, Number of victims
Ordered by number of victims (highest to lowest)