
EventSender is a extension to send a message, or multiple messages, to friends!

Event Sender


  • Send a custom message to everyone on the right side List
  • Allow multiple line messages, this means it will send a message separated by each line in the Text Box
  • Has a Cooldown so players don't abuse it.
  • Option to Select all friends with ">>>" and "<<<"

Known Issues

  • You will receive a fake message from the friend in which you send the message, didn't understand how message works to make it show as you sent the message. FIXED IN 2.0
  • You need to restart habbo with extension installed so it works properly FIXED IN 2.0

How to use

  1. Select each friend you want to send a message, click the "->" button to drag it over to group list
  2. Type your message in the text box above, you can use breaklines, but each line can't contain more than 128 chars.
  3. Press Send Message!
  4. Wait for Cooldown, so you can send again.

You can remove the friend by choosing it and clicking the "<-" button

Thanks to Roboroads for helping reborning the extension!

If you want to contribute you can contact me through discord at: thauanvargas