
Cross-language context-sensitive parsing with type inference, left recursion resolutions and decision tree optimizations.

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Due to the obstacle of individually maintaining type inference framework and corresponding IRs, I now rule out current implementation for OCaml back end.

Instead, a plan to support following back ends is established.

  • Julia(source code)
  • Python(bytecode, by sijuiacion-ir)
  • Ruby(source code)
  • Lua(source code)


Usage: [-v] [-h] [-in filename] [-out filename]
[-be python|ocaml|marisa(default)]
[-k lookahead number] [--trace : codegen with tracebacks.]
[--noinline : might be useful when viewing generated code]
[--jsongraph : dump parsing graph to JSON format]
[--stoppablelr: (not recommended but faster)
   allow rollbacks during proceeding the left recursion branch]

# gen python
rbnf-pgen -in <infile>.rbnf -k <lookahead number> -out <outfile> -be python [--codegen-with-trace] --noinline

# list out all terminals of the given grammar
rbnf-lex -in <infile>.rbnf -out <outfile>

Repo Structure

  • RBNF.IRs: a bunch of IRs useful for generating codes for various backend

    • Cirno: not for codegen, used before generating parsing graphs, to analyse parsing semantics.

      It will be simply interpreted in a stack-based virtual machine(a simple abstract interpreter).

    • Marisa: the first layer which is generated from the parsing graphs and user settings.

      It lacks of declarations, and is untyped, however sufficient for dynamic languages to do codegen.

  • RBNF.BackEnds

    • Pyrrha: code generator targeting Python back end
  • to be continue


Number ::= number
Factor ::= Number | "-" !a=Factor
Mul    ::= ?always_true Factor
           | Mul "*" Factor

You can configure the generator to specify whether to generate codes with error reports.

Note: Front End


  • <a>/"a": terminal rule a/quote a
  • a: non-terminal rule
  • a | b: a or b
  • [a b c]: an optional block
  • a b c: a sequence of parsing symbols
  • !name=rule: context-xsensitive feature, locally bind what produced by rule to name.
  • ?f(x)/?f/?(f(g(x)): use locally-binded variables to do some predictions.
  • {E: p} : a syntactic sugar for !tmp=p ?E(tmp), where tmp is a mangled name.
  • a ::= b;: classic production definition
  • a ::= b -> f;: specify custom reduction rule
exp ::= "if" cond=exp "then"
        "else" f=exp
        -> If(cond, t, f);
exp ::= ...

Line comments are supported(# ...), but not very fancy.

The .rbnf is really weak, however, with a simple bootstrap and adding some syntax sugars, it can be as powerful as OCaml Menhir.

Check out the capabilities of .exrbnf in rbnf-rts, and you can find the fastest generated JSON parser by RBNF at rbnfjson.

Top Level Combinators in Haskell

RBNF accepts a C datum(given below), and produces efficient generated parser.

data C
    = CTerm    String
    | CNonTerm String
    | CSeq     [C]
    | CAlt     [C]
    | COpt     C
    -- advanced:
    | CBind    String C
    | CPred    MiniLang
    | CModif   MiniLang -- modify current context
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
type CRule = C
type CProd = (String, C, Maybe MiniLang)
data MiniLang
    = MTerm String
    | MApp MiniLang [MiniLang]
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)

Note: Left Recursion Handling

Left recur

Note: Lookahead decision trees(by ID3 algorithm)

======== Node1 ========
  LAShift (Case "-")
      LAShift (Case "-")
          LAShift (Case "-")
          LAShift (Case "number")
      LAShift (Case "number")
  LAShift (Case "number")

--- LA optimization:
case elts[0]
      LAShift (Case "-") => [6]
      LAShift (Case "number") => [12]

======== Node19 ========
  LAShift (Case "-")
      LAShift (Case "-")
          LAShift (Case "-")
          LAShift (Case "number")
      LAShift (Case "number")
          LAShift (Case "*")
  LAShift (Case "number")
      LAShift (Case "*")
          LAShift (Case "-")
          LAShift (Case "number")
--- LA optimization:
case elts[1]
      LAShift (Case "*") => [28]
      LAShift (Case "-") => [20]
      LAShift (Case "number") => [20]

======== Node38 ========
  LAShift (Case "-")
      LAShift (Case "-")
          LAShift (Case "-")
          LAShift (Case "number")
      LAShift (Case "number")
          LAShift (Case "*")
  LAShift (Case "number")
      LAShift (Case "*")

--- LA optimization:
case elts[1]
      LAShift (Case "*") => [48]
      LAShift (Case "-") => [39]
      LAShift (Case "number") => [39]