
Simple responsive react modal

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A simple responsive and accessible react modal compatible with React 16 and ready for React 17.

  • Focus trap inside the modal.
  • Centered modals.
  • Scrolling modals.
  • Multiple modals.
  • Easily customizable via props.



With npm: npm install react-responsive-modal --save

Or with yarn: yarn add react-responsive-modal


Edit react-responsive-modal

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Modal from 'react-responsive-modal';

export default class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    open: false,

  onOpenModal = () => {
    this.setState({ open: true });

  onCloseModal = () => {
    this.setState({ open: false });

  render() {
    const { open } = this.state;
    return (
        <button onClick={this.onOpenModal}>Open modal</button>
        <Modal open={open} onClose={this.onCloseModal} center>
          <h2>Simple centered modal</h2>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));



Name Type Default Description
closeOnEsc bool true Is the modal closable when user press esc key.
closeOnOverlayClick bool true Is the modal closable when user click on overlay.
onEntered func undefined Callback fired when the Modal is open and the animation is finished.
onExited func undefined Callback fired when the Modal has exited and the animation is finished.
onClose* func Callback fired when the Modal is requested to be closed by a click on the overlay or when user press esc key.
onEscKeyDown func undefined Callback fired when the escape key is pressed.
onOverlayClick func undefined Callback fired when the overlay is clicked.
open* bool Control if the modal is open or not.
classNames object An object containing classNames to style the modal, can have properties 'overlay' (classname for overlay div), 'modal' (classname for modal content div), 'closeButton' (classname for the button that contain the close icon), 'closeIcon' (classname for close icon svg). You can customize the transition with 'transitionEnter', 'transitionEnterActive', 'transitionExit', 'transitionExitActive'
styles object An object containing the styles objects to style the modal, can have properties 'overlay', 'modal', 'closeButton', 'closeIcon'.
children node null The content of the modal.
center bool false Should the dialog be centered.
showCloseIcon bool true Show the close icon.
closeIconSize number 28 Close icon size.
closeIconSvgPath node <path d="M28.5 9.62L26.38 7.5 18 15.88 9.62 7.5 7.5 9.62 15.88 18 7.5 26.38l2.12 2.12L18 20.12l8.38 8.38 2.12-2.12L20.12 18z" /> A valid svg path to show as icon.
animationDuration number 500 Animation duration in milliseconds.
container object You can specify a container prop which should be of type Element. The portal will be rendered inside that element. The default behavior will create a div node and render it at the at the end of document.body.
blockScroll bool true Whether to block scrolling when dialog is open
focusTrapped bool true When the modal is open, trap focus within it
focusTrapOptions object Options to be passed to the focus trap, details available at https://github.com/davidtheclark/focus-trap#focustrap--createfocustrapelement-createoptions
overlayId string undefined id attribute for overlay
modalId string undefined id attribute for modal
closeIconId string undefined id attribute for close icon
role string 'dialog' ARIA role for modal
ariaLabelledby string undefined ARIA label for modal
ariaDescribedby string undefined ARIA description for modal


MIT © Léo Pradel