
A little repo to play around with elixir

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Spoiler ahead! In this repository's koans/koans_test.exs, I'm storing my own solutions to the exercises found in Programming Elixir.

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Common tasks

# install dependencies
mix deps.get

# clean dependencies
mix deps.clean --all

# check code quality
mix dogma

# run tests
elixir *_test.exs

# launch interactive session with mix setup
iex -S mix

# launch phoenix with iex session
iex -S mix phoenix.server

# visually inspect applications from iex

# run one function
mix run -e "Issues.CLI.process(:help)"

Creating a minimalistic phoenix app

mix phoenix.new web_hello_world --no-brunch
mix deps.get

(then truncate loads of stuff)

Useful resources