
Commonly used components for Kiba ETL

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Kiba Common is a companion gem to Kiba and Kiba Pro in which I'll share commonly used helpers.

Gem Version Build Status


Add kiba-common to your Gemfile:

gem 'kiba-common'

Then see below for each module usage & require clause.

Supported Ruby versions

kiba-common currently supports Ruby 2.5+, JRuby 9.2+ and TruffleRuby. See test matrix.

Available components


A source enabling any enumerable (or rather any class implementing each) to generate rows for a data pipeline.


require 'kiba-common/sources/enumerable'

# will generate one row per number between 1 and 100
source Kiba::Common::Sources::Enumerable, (1..100)

You can pass a callable to make sure the evaluation will occur after your pre-processors (which is considered a good thing), like this:

# will evaluate the list of files at run time, after "pre_process" steps are called
source Kiba::Common::Sources::Enumerable, -> { Dir["input/*.json"] }


Let's say you have a source (e.g. CSVSource), which you would like to instantiate for each input row (e.g. a list of filenames).

Normally you'd have to bake file iteration right inside your source.

But since Kiba v2 introduction of StreamingRunner, it is possible for transforms to yield an arbitrary (potentially infinite) amount of rows.

Leveraging that possibility, you can use a SourceTransformAdapter to dynamically instantiate the source for each of your input rows.

This allows you to mix-and-match components in a much more versatile & powerful way.

Requirements: Kiba v2 with StreamingRunner enabled.


source Kiba::Common::Sources::Enumerable, -> { Dir["input/*.csv"] }

transform do |r|
  # build up the args that you would normally pass to your source, e.g.
  # source MyCSV, filename: 'file.csv'
  # but instead, using the input as a parameter
  [MyCSVSource, filename: r]

# this will instantiate one source per input row, yielding rows
# that your source would normally yield
transform Kiba::Common::Transforms::SourceTransformAdapter

This can be used for a wide array of scenarios, including extracting data for N third-party accounts of a same system, with an array of API keys etc.


A transform calling each on input rows (assuming they are e.g. arrays of sub-rows) and yielding one output row per enumerated element.

Requirements: Kiba v2 with StreamingRunner enabled.


require 'kiba-common/transforms/enumerable_exploder'

transform Kiba::Common::Transforms::EnumerableExploder

This can help if you are reading XML/JSON documents from a source and each input document contains multiple rows that you want to extract.

source Kiba::Common::Sources::Enumerable, -> { Dir["input/*.xml"] }

transform { |r| IO.binread(r) }
transform { |r| Nokogiri::XML(r) }
# this will return an array of XML elements
transform { |r| r.search('/orders') }
# this will explode the array (one order per output row)
transform Kiba::Common::Transforms::EnumerableExploder

Similarly, if you have a CSV document as your input:

po_number buyers
00001 John:Mary:Sally

and you want to reformat it to the following:

po_number buyer
00001 John
00001 Mary
00001 Sally

then you can explode them again with:

source MyCSVSource, filename: "input.csv"

transform do |row|
  row.fetch(:buyers).split(':').map do |buyer|
      po_number: row.fetch(:po_number),
      buyer: buyer

transform Kiba::Common::Transforms::EnumerableExploder


A CSV source for basic needs (in particular, it doesn't yield row metadata, which are useful in more advanced scenarios).

Use the csv_options keyword to control the input format like when using Ruby CSV class.


require 'kiba-common/sources/csv'

# by defaults, csv_options are empty
source Kiba::Common::Sources::CSV, filename: 'input.csv'

# you can provide your own csv_options
source Kiba::Common::Sources::CSV, filename: 'input.csv',
  csv_options: { headers: true, header_converters: :symbol }

Note that the emitted rows are instances of CSV::Row, part Array and part Hash, which retain order of fields and allow duplicates (unlike a regular Hash).

If the rest of your pipeline expects Hash rows (like for instance Kiba::Common::Destinations::CSV), you'll want to transform the rows to Hash instances yourself using to_hash. This will "collapse the row into a simple Hash. Be warned that this discards field order and clobbers duplicate fields."

transform { |r| r.to_hash }

Handling multiple input CSV files

You can process multiple files by chaining the various components available in Kiba Common (see test/test_integration#test_multiple_csv_inputs for an actual demo):

# create one row per input filename
source Kiba::Common::Sources::Enumerable, -> { Dir[File.join(dir, '*.csv')] }

# out of that row, create configuration for a CSV source
transform do |r|
    filename: r,
    csv_options: { headers: true, header_converters: :symbol }

# instantiate & yield CSV rows for each configuration
transform Kiba::Common::Transforms::SourceTransformAdapter

Alternatively, you can wrap this source in your own source like this:

class MultipleCSVSource
  def initialize(file_pattern:, csv_options:)

  def each
    Dir[file_pattern].each do |filename|
      Kiba::Common::Sources::CSV.new(filename, csv_options).each do |row|
        yield row


A way to dump Hash rows as CSV.

All rows are expected to have the exact same set of keys as the first row.

The headers will be the first row keys unless you pass an array of keys via headers.

All keys are mandatory (although they can have a nil value).

Use the csv_options keyword to control the output format like when using Ruby CSV class.


require 'kiba-common/destinations/csv'

# by default, the headers will be picked from the first row:
destination Kiba::Common::Destinations::CSV,
  filename: 'output.csv'

# if you need a different separator:
destination Kiba::Common::Destinations::CSV,
  filename: 'output.csv',
  csv_options: { col_sep: ';' }
# to enforce a specific set of headers:
destination Kiba::Common::Destinations::CSV,
  filename: 'output.csv',
  headers: [:field, :other_field]


At times, it can be convenient to use a block form for a destination (pretty much like Kiba's built-in "block transform"), especially for one-off scripts.

The Lambda destination is there for that purpose.

Example use:

require 'kiba-common/destinations/lambda'

destination Kiba::Common::Destinations::Lambda,
  # called at destination instantiation time (once)
  on_init: -> { ... },
  # called for each row
  on_write: -> (row) { ... },
  # called after all the rows have been written
  on_close: -> { ... }

Each "callback" (e.g. on_init) is optional.

The callback code can refer to scope variables or instance variables you may have declared above.


A simple logging facility.


require 'kiba-common/dsl_extensions/logger'
extend Kiba::Common::DSLExtensions::Logger

pre_process do
  logger.info "pre_process is running!"

By default the logger will output to STDOUT.

You can customize that behaviour by setting the logger:

require 'kiba-common/dsl_extensions/logger'
extend Kiba::Common::DSLExtensions::Logger

logger = Logger.new(xxx)


A way to color-dump rows on the screen, useful during development when you are inspecting the data (requires either the amazing_print or the awesome_print gem - you will have to require one or the other manually yourself, in order to ensure compatibility between both gems).


require 'kiba-common/dsl_extensions/show_me'
extend Kiba::Common::DSLExtensions::ShowMe

source MySource
transform MyTransform
show_me! # will color-print the row at this step of the pipeline

You can also pre-process the data to only show specific parts of the row:

require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except'

show_me! { |r| r.except(:some_noisy_field) }

Contributing & Legal

See LICENSE for license.

(agreement below borrowed from Sidekiq Legal)

By submitting a Pull Request, you disavow any rights or claims to any changes submitted to the Kiba Common project and assign the copyright of those changes to LoGeek SARL.

If you cannot or do not want to reassign those rights (your employment contract for your employer may not allow this), you should not submit a PR. Open an issue and someone else can do the work.

This is a legal way of saying "If you submit a PR to us, that code becomes ours". 99.9% of the time that's what you intend anyways; we hope it doesn't scare you away from contributing.