
Import a matrix from a CSV into a C array, and store in row-major ordering.

Primary LanguageC


One day I needed to load a matrix from a CSV file into a C array. I looked around the internet to borrow someone else's solution, but I couldn't easily find an existing solution for this simple and common task, which I think is surprising. (I'm sure someone has posted about this before, I just couldn't easily find it). So I wrote my own solution. Maybe the next guy/gal will find this and save an hour :)

Note, there is no support for white spaces, this is just a simple demo...

 * Function: readCSV
 * -----------------
 * read a nXm matrix from a CSV file into a flat array in row-major ordering
 * n: the number of rows
 * m: the number of cols
 * fp: pointer to FILE object for the CSV file containing (one row per line)
 * mat: pointer to a block of memory of size sizeof(double)*n*m, into which
 *      the matrix will be loaded on output
void readCSV(int n, int m, FILE *fp, double *mat)


There are 4 files:

  • README.md is this file
  • readCSV.c is the source file
  • matrix.csv is a sample matrix
  • Makefile is a sample GNU makefile