
Repo manifest for cFS Training exercises

Hammers cFS Training Manifest

Manifest file for Hammers Company cFE Training Exercises

How to use the manifest file(s) in this repo

Download and install the repo tool:

$ mkdir -p ~/.bin
$ PATH="${HOME}/.bin:${PATH}"
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/.bin/repo
$ chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo

Create a project directory and download the manifest

# create the project directory
$ mkdir <large-project> 
$ cd <large-project>
# Download repo scripts from google. Download our desired custom manifest
$ repo init -u ssh://<username>@<url>.com/<path>/manifest 
# Download/Sync/Fetch from all git repositories listed in the manifest
$ repo sync 
# Optional: Repo start develop --all' will checkout a local branch 'develop' in each git repository
$ repo start develop --all


Generate a build-able cFS directory structure from NASA's repos on github

# Navigate to a learning directory (we're assuming "lessons" has already been created for this example)
$ cd ~/lessons
# Create a new working project directory and navigate into it
$ mkdir practice
$ cd practice
# grab the manifest from github and use the "main" branch
$ repo init -u https://github.com/the-Hammers-Company/cfs-manifest.git -b main
# Fetch the git repositories from the manifeest
$ repo sync

At this point you can run the cFS CMake tool and build a running image of the flight software. If you don't bother to run the "repo start" instruction, you can still either (1) navigate directly to a repository and use command-line git to check out branches, make commits, do pushes, and so on, or you can (2) add a temporary local repository entry to your favorite GUI-based git software and manage the repo graphically. Just remember to push your changes and pull them to any "permanent" local repositories you might have.