
Java Interactive Visualization Environment

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Quick Start Guide: Development Environment

  • Install Eclipse Mars.

  • Clone the JIVE repository.

  • Open Eclipse and select the jive folder containing the cloned repo as your workspace folder.

  • Bulk import plug-ins and fragments.

    • Select Import... | Plug-ins and Fragments.
    • In the Import From section, select the workspace folder as the Directory.
    • In the Import As section, select the option Projects with source folders.
    • Click Next.
    • Add all plug-ins and features.
    • Click Finish.
  • Import features (repeat this for each feature project).

    • Select Import... | Existing Projects into Workspace.
    • In the Select root directory option, select the respective feature project folder.
    • Click Finish.
    • The feature projects are:
      • edu.buffalo.cse.jive.feature
      • edu.buffalo.cse.jive.feature.importer.fiji
      • edu.buffalo.cse.jive.feature.importer.jivere
      • edu.buffalo.cse.jive.feature.launch.pde
      • edu.buffalo.cse.jive.feature.launch.tomcat
  • Your projects should build without errors. If you get JRE warnings about the strict compatibility of the JRE, follow the instructions on here to address this issue:


Quick Start Guide: Run JIVE from Eclipse

  • This guides assumes your JIVE environment builds all projects successfully.

  • Make sure you have the Plug-in Development perspective open.

  • Select Run | Run Configurations...

  • Double click the Eclipse Application option.

    • A default configuration should have appeared, named New_configuration.
    • Rename it as Jive or some other name of your preference.
    • (Optional) On the Main tab, select where the workspace data will be stored. This is the workspace for the Eclipse instance with the development version of JIVE you launch from Eclipse itself. The default should work in most cases.
    • (Optional) On the Arguments tab, tweak the arguments passed to the Eclipse instance. For most cases, you do not need to change this.
    • Once you have completed the steps above, save and close the configuration. You can now run and debug JIVE from Eclipse by running/debugging your project using this configuration.