This is a simple flask API that basically does the same thing as JCU-Daily-Course-Info project but this is intended to be running as a RESTful API server. The application just need to query the API using the following endpoints and it will return in JSON format.
URL : localhost/classinfo
GET/POST parameter : classname=CPXXXX
This end point is used to get the information of a single class. It will return None
if it is empty.
URL : localhost/roominfo
GET/POST parameter : room=XX-XX
This end point is used to get the information of a single room. It will return None
if it is empty.
URL : localhost/getclasses
GET/POST parameter : codes=CPXXX,CPXXX,CPXXX
This end point will return the related information about the classes using the subject codes provided
This API returns standard JSON format strings. A typical format is as follows.
"count": 0,
"result": []
When the result exists
"count": 1,
"result": [
"name": "xxxx",
"room": "xx-xx",
"time": "xx:xx - xx:xx",
"type": "xxxx"