
Dashboard to analyze your facebook post performance

Facebook Post Analytics

P.S: this documentation is divided between WHY?, WHAT?, HOW?

User Story

As a Facebook user, I want to check the performance and insights of my post using an interactive dashboard.


Tool to show various KPIs (likes, comments, shares, etc.) of a post through an interactive dashboard with charts and tables.

Note: The introduction given above answers the 'why' of the user story.


To create a user-friendly dashboard application that allows Facebook users to track the performance of their posts, including likes, comments, and shares.


  1. User Authentication
    • Allow users to log in using their Facebook account.
  2. Dashboard Overview
    • Provide a summary view of post performance.
    • Display key metrics (KPIs) such as likes, comments, shares, and reactions.
  3. Interactive Charts and Graphs
    • Visualize KPIs using various chart types (bar, line, pie charts).
    • Allow users to interact with charts (hover for details, click for more information).

Note: The objective and features, given above answers the 'what' of the user story.

Note: This section provides the answer to 'how' to achieve the user story.


  • Facebook account
  • Facebook developer account.
  • Access Token
  • Facebook Graph API - an API from facebook, which will be used to fetch posts data from facebook.

Dashboard KPI's (Key Performance Indicators)

I have explored the FB Graph API for Posts data, decided upon various KPI's which can be shown, as listed below:

  • whether the Post was popular or not.
  • number of comments vs time ( let's us analyze engagement with posts with time period).
  • number of shares of Post vs time (let's us analyze how much the post was shared with time period).
  • story_tags vs reach (let's us analyze which tags has reached the user the most).

Sequence Diagram

User flow



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