
Task management web-app for managing teams remotely, monitor the tasks by teammates with current status.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Task Management

Task management is usable web-app for managing teams remotely, enabling remote culture in teams.


This project is bootstrapped using NextJs and Firebase as Backend service.


  • Login/Signup authentication using firebase auth
  • add tasks in any section i.e. add task in todo, in progress or in completed tasks.
  • drag and drop tasks across different sections i.e. todo tasks, in progress tasks, completed tasks.
  • implemented Remember Me functionality i.e maintain the user authentication state at session level or forever.

Tech Stack

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Redux toolkit
  • Firebase
    • Firebase Authentication
    • cloud firestore

Installation Guide

1. Using NPM

Note: preffered to use Node version 18.2.0 Asumming everyone knows how to setup firebase😅😄..

  • clone the repository to your host machine
  • In cloned directory open terminal use command npm i
  • Install tailwind if not installed (optional) npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
  • create .env.local file
  • setup firebase
  • add firebase config to .env.local file. ex
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_API_KEY="your api key"
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN="your auth domain key" likewise add all fields..
  • enable firebase Authentication, cloud storage, firebase store at console.firebase.com
  • finally, use npm run dev

Deployed Link:



Edit tasks is not implemented until now.... will work on this afterwards.

Any Contributions will be appreciated😋😋