
.gitignore templates at your fingertips!

Primary LanguageShell

The Common .gitignore Templates

.gitignore templates at your fingertips!


Unless otherwise specified, this product is released with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, version 4.0, or any more recent version of your choice, with an exception of the license only covers the configuration file itself, but not other assets in your project.

For the attribution requirement, please retain the "This file is based on ..." mention and link to this project.

Identify licenses applicable to a certain product/development asset

If the asset is in plaintext format:

  1. Check the SPDX-License-Identifier tag in the file's header
  2. Check the .reuse/dep5 file from the source tree/release tree directory

If the asset is not in plaintext format:

Check the .reuse/dep5 file from the source tree/release tree directory