A Java Connector for connection with external databases from a Sydle Seed process
The Sydle SEED Connector could be downloaded in the-darc/ss-db-connector/release/ss-db-connector.jar.
To use it is necessary to create a new Java Connector in Sydle SEED adding the files:
- ss-db-connector.jar Package Jar of this library
- sqljdbc4.jar JDBC connector to Microsoft SQL Server
To use it just create a Java Connector in Sydle SEED:
- Create a new Java Connector in Sydle SEED
- Add the ss-db-connector.jar and the jdbc jar in the new connector
- In the field Qualified class name of the new connector form use the value darc.connector.ConnectionFactory
If you need help in how to create the Java Connector see Help Sydle SEED - Integrate with external systems.
To use it in your process create a service task with the created connector and write a expression like the example bellow:
var host = "host.for.the.sqlserver";
var database = "databasename";
var user = "username";
var pwd = "user.password";
var conn = dbConnector.createDbConnection(host, database, user, pwd);
// Insert two regs
var countInserted = conn.run("INSERT INTO treinamentoseed.ProductType VALUES ('teste1 insert', 'teste de insert pelo connector');");
countInserted += conn.run("INSERT INTO treinamentoseed.ProductType VALUES ('teste2 insert', 'teste de insert pelo connector');");
Utils.debug('Count inserted: ' + countInserted);
// List all regs in the table
var result = conn.runSelect("SELECT * FROM treinamentoseed.ProductType;");
while(result.next()) {
var line = {
id: result.getInt('id'),
nome: result.getString('name'),
descricao: result.getString('description')
// Update inserted regs
var countUpdated = conn.run("UPDATE treinamentoseed.ProductType SET description='updated' WHERE name like '%insert';");
Utils.debug('Count updated: ' + countUpdated);
// Remove inserted regs
var countRemoved = conn.run("DELETE FROM treinamentoseed.ProductType WHERE name like '%insert%';");
Utils.debug('Count removed: ' + countRemoved);
Create a new DataBaseConnection based on the passed connection properties.
- host: Host name of the connection (ex.: "yourserver.database.windows.net")
- database: database name (ex.: "AdventureWorks")
- user: user (ex.: "yourusername@yourserver")
- pwd: password (ex.: "yourpassword")
A new instance of the DbConnection with the specific data base connection configuration
Try to establish a connection with the database
The same current instance of DbConnection, but now connected to the database.
- SQLException: If it fails to check for existent connections
- DbException: If it fails to create a new connection
Executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object
- selectSql: An SQL Select statement to be sent to the database
A Java ResultSet object that contains the data produced by the given query (never null)
- SQLException: if a database access error occurs
- DbException: if it is not connected to the database
Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement.
- sqlStatement: An SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement.
The row count for SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements; or 0 for SQL statements that return nothing.
- SQLException: if a database access error occurs
- DbException: if it is not connected to the database
Check if it is connected to the database.
if it is connected and False
if it is not.
- SQLException: If it fails to check for existent connections
Close the current connection with the database. Do nothing if there isn't a connection opened.
The same current instance of DbConnection.
Cancels the current execution if both the DBMS and driver support aborting an SQL statement.
- SQLException: If it fails to check for existent connections
Clone this repository and import it in eclipse as a java project.
You can test the code running the src.darc.Main.java
- Add support to others databases like Oracle, MySQL and others...
- Add docs to help in the use of this connector with the
class - Add some unity tests