
Injector kext for Broadcom WiFi devices

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Airport TakeOff

Airport TakeOff is a OS X kext module to inject the required information to use the BCM94352Z with OS X Yosemite.

It uses AppleMergeUSBNub to merge data into IOPCIDevice, AirPort_Brcm4360 and AirPort_Brcm4360_Interface.

Even though AppleUSBMergeNub is meant to merge properties in IOUSBDevices, it does allow merging into IOPCIDevice also.

Excerpt from AppleUSBMergeNub.cpp:

OSDictionary *providerDict = (OSDictionary*)getProperty("IOProviderMergeProperties");
if (providerDict)
    //   provider->getPropertyTable()->merge(providerDict);		// merge will verify that this really is a dictionary
    MergeDictionaryIntoProvider( provider, providerDict);

return NULL;								// always fail the probe!

For the matching Airport_Brcm4360 Airport TakeOff merges the following properties:

  • IOVendor Apple This makes the device appear as Apple Airport Extreme
