
01_libraries and load data.R : all necessary libraries for all files in repo. all data needed for analysis. to be run #01!

02_analysis.R : create all sheets in excel workbooks at this link: https://datacenterresearch.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/Ev6LoIzqyuRPg36e_MmCqKsB3pbZhzxWMkNUL52RUhvHxA?e=05zv8W

graphics themes.R : our standardized plotting code, + DC official colors

attl nbhd data for Allison.R : create a new spreadsheet with nbhd-level race/etnicity and housing data, per Allison's request

data checks on written analysis.R : for the "changing nbhds" brief. was simpler to do some of the checking in R rather than manually. hopefully more thorough this way too!

changing nbhs brief maps.R : all graphics for the first brief, "changing neighborhoods." outputs PDFs to outputs/nbhd change maps, which is where Cody pulled from for the brief (via github)