
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Ditanian Fleet Waitlist

The official incursion waitlist for The Ditanian Fleet, Eve Online's premier armour HQ incursion community. Features include ESI fleet invites, skill checking, fit checking, a doctrine page, and community guides.


Report bugs by opening a GitHub issue, or send a message to a TDF HQ FC. Security issues should be reported to an FC directly.

A One-Time Change

If you only want to make a one-time contribution, have a chat with the FC team. We will discuss your idea, any potential issues and may make some requests. After our chat, fork the repository and get to work.

Regular Contributions

If you want to make regular contributions, please reach out to Reoze or Lyari on Discord.

Creating a Pull Request

Once you think you are ready, please check:

  • the backend and front end still compile
  • your code works as expected
  • other features your changes might affect still work correctly

If you aren't sure about the expected behaviour, talk to an FC.

Then you can create a pull request against upstream/main. Remember to include:

  • A title that describes your change - example "Updated announcement system"
  • A description that describes the rational for change, any additional context (if applicable), and any steps that other developers need to take - example "Run migration 006"

We will review your pull request and let you know what happens.

👍🎉 Thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍

Development Setup

We recommend you use WSL for development as it simplifies working with the backend code. This readme is written using Ubuntu but it should cover the basics for most Linux distros, if you haven't got WSL setup see Installing WSL | Microsoft Docs.

Visual Studio Code users can use the plugin Remote - WSL to edit code inside of WSL from their native windows VS Code install.

1. Required Software:

Check that mysql-server, nodejs, npm, sqlite3, and cargo are installed on your system:

sudo apt install mysql-server nodejs npm sqlite3 cargo
2. Register an ESI Application

Register an Eve Swagger API application at https://developers.eveonline.com with an eligible player account.

Setting Value
Callback URL http://localhost:3000/auth/cb
Scopes publicData esi-skills.read_skills.v1 esi-clones.read_implants.v1 esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1 esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1 esi-ui.open_window.v1 esi-search.search_structures.v1

* Valid account: You will need to agree to the Developer License Agreement. Your account must have a valid credit card that has been used to pay for at least one month of Omega.

** Never share your secret key, commit it to a repo, or make it public!

3. Setup Waitlist Services

The Waitlist has three services (see below). Before starting the front end, both the back end and SSE server should be running.

Service Name Language Purpose
backend/ Rust Handles business logic, ESI and database calls, and provides an API for the front end.
frontend/ JavaScript (React) Provides a UI that consumes the API provided by the backend.
the-ditanian-fleet/sse-server Rust A service that broadcasts server driven events to UI clients
Setup and run the SSE Server
  1. Clone the repo the-ditanian-fleet/sse-server
  2. Build a Docker image
  3. Generate a secret key using openssl rand -hex 32 and copy it somewhere safe. This key is needed to start the SSE server and the backend process
  4. Start the docker image. You must pass the secret key from step three as an environment variable called SSE_SECRET
CLI Prompts
git clone https://github.com/the-ditanian-fleet/sse-server
docker build . -t tdf/sse
openssl rand -hex 32
docker run --env SSE_SECRET=<secret> tdf/sse
Setup and run the Backend
  1. Navigate to the backend/ directory
  2. Create a config.toml file and populate the environment variables:
    • Use openssl rand -hex 32 to generate a new app token_secret
    • ESI client_id and client_secret values come from step 2
    • SSE secret should be the same as the SSE_SECRET used when launching the SSE server
  3. Run the shrink-sde.sh script
  4. Login to mysql, and create a database called waitlist
  5. Copy the SQL queries from sql/mysql.sql into the mysql terminal and execute them
  6. Set environment variables using export: DATABASE_ENGINE=mysql and DATABASE_URL=mysql://usrname:passwd@localhost/waitlist?ssl-mode=disabled
  7. Compile the code using cargo build --release --no-default-features --features=mysql
  8. Run the server
  9. Run the frontend (see section below)
  10. Click on login and complete the SSO workflow with at least one character
  11. Insert a record in the admin table to give yourself council permissions
  12. Navigate to the Fleet page and "ESI re-auth as FC"
CLI Prompts
# Setup app (steps 1-3)
cd backend/
cp config.example.toml config.toml & nano config.toml
sh shrink-sde.sh

# Setup Database (step 4-5)
mysql -u root -p
use waitlist;

# Now copy and paste and run the mysql.sql script

# Start backend (step 6-8)
export DATABASE_ENGINE=mysql
export DATABASE_URL=mysql://usrname:passwd@localhost/waitlist?ssl-mode=disabled
cargo build --release --no-default-features --features=mysql
cargo run

# Now build and run frontend in a separate shell (step 9, also see section below)

# Final things (step 10-12)
mysql -u root -p
use waitlist;
INSERT INTO admin (character_id, role, granted_at, granted_by_id)
    id AS character_id,
    'council' AS role,
    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS granted_at,
    id AS granted_by_id
FROM `character` WHERE name = 'YOUR CHARACTER NAME';
## Quit the shell using 'exit;'
Setup and run front end
  1. Navigate to the frontend/ directory
  2. Install NPM dependencies
  3. Build the React Code
  4. Start the server
CLI Prompts
cd frontend/
npm install
npm run build
npm run start