
A PoC Lua interpreter break out for Zoo Tycoon 2

It's Just Normal Lua Things, but like, 15 years later, so uh. I guess it's interesting.


Zoo Tycoon contains a Lua 5.0.2 interpreter which executes scripts located in zip and z2f files in Zoo Tycoon 2 program folder.

Some entries to run custom code has already been found, and can be found on other places.

One of the functions this Lua interpreter exposes is loadlib with which one can load C symbols from libraries,

Zoobreak defines a C symbol called zoobreak, which can then be loaded via loadlib. the result of this loadlib call can then be executed and zoobreak gets access to the lua_State variable.

zoobreak loads it's own Lua 5.0.3 library since Zoo Tycoon 2 doesn't expose the symbols, and can execute actions on the stack, and return a valid table.

The Lua would looks something like the following

--- Returns the C symbol to the rust code
local zoobreak_entry = loadlib([[zoobreak.dll]], "zoobreak")
--- Creates the "module" table
local zoobreak = zoobreak_entry()
--- Returns "gamers"


Make sure you have MSVC (rustup will point you), rustup (with the i686-pc-windows-msvc toolchain) and clang installed,

cargo build

After building copy the resulting zoobreak.dll from target/i686-pc-windows-msvc/debug/build and lua50.dll from lua50 and place them into the Zoo Tycoon 2 progam folder next to zt2.exe.

Choose a lua entry point, and the code shown above should work