
Simple text editor made with python

Primary LanguagePython


Simple text editor made with python.


  • Basic edit/copy/paste/undo/redo
  • Multi-files edit
  • Showing line numbers
  • Hightlight current line
  • Files drag-n-drop
  • Text drag-n-drop
  • Code highlighting
  • Code formatting



  1. Tkinter

    • Windows

      This is embedded in python3 which is downloaded from here

    • MacOS

      The default version of python3 do not contain tkinter. Download and install a new one from here

    • Debian Linux / Ubuntu Run this command in terminal

       sudo apt-get install python3-tk

      and there you go!

  2. chardet

    Install by

    pip3 install chardet
  3. Pillow (Only on Linux)

    Install by

    pip3 install Pillow
    sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk
  4. tkdnd (Optional)

    This is an optional dependancy for supporting Drag-N-Drop feature. It's a little bit of tricky in the installation. PyEditor can run without it so it's okay to skip this process.

    • Ubuntu / Debian

      This is the most simple way:

       sudo apt-get install tkdnd
    • Fedora / RedHat This is untested:

       sudo dnf install tkdnd
    • Arch Linux

      There is an AUR called tkdnd, see here. But this is untested, you need to find out yourself.

      For AUR install guide, see here

    • Windows & MacOS

      Download tkdnd2.8 from here, make sure you are downloading the right arch. For example, if you are using Python 64-bit on Windows, you should download the Windows 64-bit version.

      How to check my python version?

      In your terminal, type python3 and hit enter, you will see:

       Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:57:54) [MSC v.1924 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
       Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

      In this example, there is a string "64 bit" and "win32", so we can determine that we are on 64-bit python on Windows.


      • On Windows:

        Nevigate to you python installation directory.

        Check C:\Program Files\Python, C:\Program Files (x86)\Python, D:\Program Files\Python and D:\Program Files (x86)\Python

        Hint: you can use where.exe python3 to locate your installation directory.

        For example, my installation directory is D:\Program Files\Python\Python38\. Then goto its subfolder tcl. Now the full path is D:\Program Files\Python\Python38\tcl\.

        Extract tkdnd2.8 which you downloaded in the previous step and put the tkdnd2.8 folder here.

      • On MacOS: Simply put tkdnd folder under /Library/Tcl. If your system don't have that folder, just make a new one.

        On command line it will be

         cd PathToYourTkdnd2.8Folder
         sudo mkdir /Library/Tcl
         sudo cp tkdnd2.8 /Library/Tcl/

Then run in terminal

python3 editor.pyw


  • On macOS


    1. py2app

      Will be satisfied automatically, or you can install manually with pip3 install py2app

    then run

     python3 build.py
  • On Windows


    1. PyInstaller

      Install by pip3 install pyinstaller

    then run

     python3 build.py
  • On Linux


    1. PyInstaller

      Install by pip3 install pyinstaller

    then run

     python3 build.py

After that, you will find the executable file or app bundle under dist folder.