🍳 Examples for Fiber
Welcome to the official Fiber cookbook!
Here you can find the most delicious recipes to cook delicious meals using our web framework.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk
- Certificates from Let's Encrypt
- Clean Architecture
- Cloud Run
- CSRF-with-Session
- Custom 404 Not Found
- Docker MariaDB Clean Architecture
- Docker Nginx Loadbalancer
- Docker Postgres-JWT
- DummyJson
- Enable HTTPS/TLS using PKCS12 store
- Enable HTTPS/TLS
- Enable Preforking
- Ent Mysql Example
- Entgo Sveltekit
- GeoIP (with MaxMind databases)
- GeoIP
- GORM Mysql Example
- Graceful shutdown
- GraphQL
- Hello, World!
- Heroku App
- Hexagonal Architecture
- i18n
- Kubernetes
- Listen on Multiple Ports
- Live Reloading (Air)
- Memgraph
- MongoDB
- MVC Application Bootstrap
- Netlify Functions
- OAuth2 Google
- PostgreSQL
- RabbitMQ
- React Router
- Recover from panic
- RSS feed
- Serve Static Files
- Server Timing
- Server-Sent Events
- Sessions-SQLite3
- Single Page Application Example
- Sqlboiler
- Sqlc
- Streaming of the Request Body
- Sveltekit Embed
- Tableflip (Graceful updates)
- Template Asset Bundling
- Unit Test Example
- Upload Multiple Files
- Upload Single File
- URL shortener API
- User Auth with JWT
- Validation
- Vercel
- WebSocket Chat Example
- WebSockets
If you have found an amazing recipe for Fiber — share it with others! We are ready to accept your PR and add your recipe to the cookbook (both on website and this repository).