
Keep track of the sales rank of books on Amazon

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Keep track of the sales rank of books on Amazon


Install pre-requisites

Requires sqlite3 (already installed on Mac) Requires pipenv

Run installation script

$ ./install.sh

Command-line usage

$ pipenv run python book_tracker.py

Killing it

Sometimes book tracker can get stuck due to networking issues, Run kill.sh to kill it and orphan Chromium instances too

REST API + Admin interface

Launch with:

$ pipenv run sandman2ctl sqlite+pysqlite:///book-tracker.db

a REST API is available at http://localhost:5000

The admin interface is avaialble at: http://localhost:5000/admin


The following query finds the floor of number of books sold based on rank change of more than 12500 (applies to best seller rank) grouped by book id.

sqlite3 book-tracker.db "select book_id,count(*) from rank where change < -12500 group by book_id order by book_id ;"

Use with watch to monitor change

watch -n 360 'sqlite3 book-tracker.db "select book_id,count(*) from rank where change < -12500 group by book_id order by book_id ;"'

The following queries find the floor of number of books sold based on average change in categories

Ignore the global best seller rank, average the other categories and pick those with average less then -1

   from rank where category_id <> 6 group by timestamp, book_id)
   where average < -1;
select * from (select book_id, timestamp, avg(change) as average 
from rank where category_id <> 6 group by timestamp, book_id) where average < -1;"

Use 2 sub-selects. first select all the negative changes. Then, group them by timestamp and book id. Finally, keep only those times and books where all 4 categories (including the global AWS best seller rank) improved at the same time and the sum of changes was less than 12500 to accommodate for real shift and not just Amazon removing other books from category.

select book_id, timestamp from (
    select book_id, timestamp, count(*) as changes, sum(change) as total  from (
        select * from rank where change < 0)
    group by timestamp, book_id)
where changes = 4 and total < -12500;```
select book_id, timestamp from (select book_id, timestamp, count(*) as changes, sum(change) as total  from (select * from rank where change < 0) group by timestamp, book_id) where changes = 4 and total < -12500;

Here is the ultimate query, including time formatting

sqlite3 book-tracker.db "select book_id, strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M', timestamp), rank, change from rank where timestamp in (select timestamp from rank where change < -30000) and category_id=(select id from category where name='Amazon Best Sellers Rank') and change < -30000 and timestamp > datetime('now','-2 day');"

If you want to watch for overall changes every hour:

watch -n 3600 -x sqlite3 book-tracker.db "select count(*) from rank where change < -30000;"