A SPA Client for consuming and endpoint and showing some data.
- React: to help creating the UI
- Redux: for managing state
- Typescript: to speed up the development experience
- SCSS: to power up styling
- GitFlow: for Git branching model
- Jest: for unit testing
- Cypress: for e2e testing
- Yarn: faster was of handling package dependencies
- Mocky: for mocking HTTP responses
- Conventional Commits: to create an explicit commit history
- Husky: for Git Hooks
- Lint Staged: applying Git Hooks to staged files
- Github Actions: for CI/CD
- Create React App: for bootstrapping this project
- Using Docker
- Using Yarn or NPM
if you have Docker installed just run:
$ docker-compose up --build
The build version of the application will be served on: http://localhost:8080
For faster development workflow use Yarn.
$ yarn
Alternatively run:
npm install
$ yarn start
Alternatively run:
npm run start
$ yarn test
Alternatively run:
npm test
$ yarn lint
Alternatively run:
npm run lint
$ yarn test:e2e
Alternatively run:
npm run test:e2e
$ yarn test:e2e:dev
Alternatively run:
npm run test:e2e:dev
I'm using feature branches for my features/refactors/etc. Also, Squashing the commits when merging a PR to main, this way the main branch is cleaner and shows only meaningful commits. Not using Development branch but main directly.
I'm using GitHub Actions to will run linting, tests, and build tasks when pushing to a PR targeting main branch
I'm using cross-env and the .env
file. Usually, I don't commit this file, these variables should be set in a CD context change its values for the different environments, i.e: Staging, Production. Check comments on .env
file for more details.