
The Guild's secrets. 🤫

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Guild Secrets

Collection of shared secrets from The Guild for local and CI usage.


Make sure to have git-secret and GnuPG installed.

Reveal secrets

  1. git secret reveal
  2. Revealed secrets are files inside the secrets/ folder without the .secret extension

Hide secrets

  1. git secret hide
  2. Hidden secrets are files inside the secrets/ folder with the .secret extension

Add new secret

  1. Reveal secrets
  2. Create a new file inside secrets/
  3. Make sure the filename (because the filename is the secret name):
    1. Has no spaces
    2. Has illegal characters
    3. Has no extension
  4. Write the secret inside the contents of the file
  5. git secret add <filepath>
  6. Hide secrets

Remove secret

  1. Reveal secrets
  2. git secret remove <filepath>
  3. Hide secrets

Give access to user

Make sure you have obtained the GPG key from the user.

  1. Reveal secrets
  2. Import the obtained GPG key
  3. git secret tell <email>
  4. Hide secrets

Use in GitHub Actions

Simply add a job step that uses the-guild-org/secrets and provide the GPG key that has access to the secrets through the gpg-key input.

The revealed secrets will be a part of the job step's output, for example: steps.secrets.outputs.<filename>.

    name: Publish
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: The Guild Secrets
        id: secrets
        uses: the-guild-org/secrets@main
          gpg-key: ${{ secrets.GPG_KEY }}
      - name: Publish
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ steps.secrets.outputs.NPM_TOKEN }}
        run: npm publish