Ruby Delivery


  • ruby 2.7.1
  • rails 6.0.3
  • postgres 12
  • Docker


This API receives an incoming order, parses it and send the parsed result to other API.

Getting started

To run the project ensure that you have docker and docker-compose installed and follow this instructions:

# add .env to project
mv .env.sample .env

# build project
docker-compose build

# start the server
docker-compose up

# in other terminal run the following to preprate DB and its deps
docker-compose exec web bin/setup

# to access the container run
docker-compose exec web bash


Inside the web container run:

# lint the code

# run test suit

Coverage report can be found at coverage/index.html.

Sending an order

To create a new order you must send a post request containing the raw order data. e.g:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d @spec/fixtures/raw_order.json \
  • Possible responses:

    • 201 - Successfully created
    • 422 - Cant create order, please check your params
    • 503 - Cant send order to remote server