
Generates a custom standings list from handles stored in csv files using the Codeforces API. Features an Overall standings list as well as other separate list(s) which include some subset of handles.

Set up

  • Download and set up your directories as shown below.
  • Create your csv files in the same format as sample.csv and save them under CF Handles for them to appear in the overall standings list. You may create special list folders such as, say "New to CC", and save them there instead if you want those handles to appear in the "New to CC standings list" as well.
  • Modify respective options in as per your needs.
Codeforces Standingsinator
    ├── Separate Lists
    |        ├── Special list 1
    |        │   ├── some_special_handles_1.csv
    |        │   └──  some_special_handles_2.csv
    |        │    
    |        └── Special list 2
    |            ├── some_special_handles_1.csv
    |            └──  some_special_handles_2.csv
    ├── some_handles_1.csv
    └── some_other_handles_2.csv

All csv files within a particular 'Special List' will be considered for their corresponding standings list, as well as the overall standings list. Duplicates within a file must not exist. However, they may exist in separate files simultaneously.

Note that the folders CF HANDLES and Separate Lists can be named anything. Modify the file-specific paths in accordingly.



  • Enter Contest ID, not Round number
  • Enter a single line with one or more contest ID numbers, separated by spaces
  • Following each contest ID, you may enter some (possibly empty) combination of the following
    • 'o' => to also display [official rank]
    • 's' => to also display a separate list for those the contest is rated for
    • '-c or -commit' => to commit changes/updates to all csv files
    • '-{handle}' => to exclude particular handle(s)

Eg: 1220 o 1340 s 1332 234 s o -the_hyp0cr1t3 -commit

Codeforces Round #586 (Div. 1 + Div. 2)
Codeforces Round #637 (Div. 1) - Thanks, Ivan Belonogov!
Codeforces Round #630 (Div. 2)
Codeforces Round #145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules)
commited Success