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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces   Codeforces
  • AtCoder   AtCoder


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
1427 F - Not Splitting GNU C++20 (64) geometry graphs implementation shortest paths Jan/16/2022 00:10
1426 E - Not Escaping GNU C++20 (64) data structures dp implementation shortest paths sortings two pointers Jan/15/2022 21:41
1425 D - Not Adding GNU C++20 (64) dp math number theory Jan/15/2022 21:05
1424 C - Not Assigning GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar number theory trees Jan/15/2022 20:23
1423 B - Not Sitting GNU C++20 (64) games greedy sortings Jan/15/2022 20:15
1422 A - Not Shading GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms implementation Jan/15/2022 20:08
1421 F - Variety of Digits C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jan/15/2022 19:02
1420 E - MST + 1 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jan/15/2022 17:55
1419 D - Multiply and Rotate C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jan/15/2022 17:49
1418 C - The Kth Time Query C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jan/15/2022 17:35
1417 B - Climbing Takahashi C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jan/15/2022 17:33
1416 A - Rotate C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jan/15/2022 17:32
1415 C - Road Optimization GNU C++20 (64) dp *1700 Jan/12/2022 18:12
1414 B - Elementary Particles GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy sortings *1100 Jan/12/2022 17:42
1413 A - Ancient Civilization GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks greedy math *800 Jan/12/2022 17:38
1412 D - New Year's Problem GNU C++20 (64) binary search greedy sortings *1800 Jan/12/2022 16:37
1411 C - Wrong Addition GNU C++20 (64) implementation *1200 Jan/12/2022 15:55
1410 B - Squares and Cubes GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *800 Jan/12/2022 15:31
1409 A - Square String? GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Jan/12/2022 15:26
1408 E - Purple Crayon GNU C++20 (64) data structures dfs and similar games graphs greedy math sortings trees *2400 Jan/12/2022 15:13
1407 D - X(or)-mas Tree GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2200 Jan/11/2022 19:02
1406 F - Interacdive Problem GNU C++20 (64) binary search constructive algorithms interactive *2000 Jan/10/2022 21:07
1405 G - MinOr Tree GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy *1900 Jan/10/2022 20:45
1404 F - Tree Queries GNU C++20 (64) brute force dp trees *2800 Jan/10/2022 16:51
1403 E - Math Test GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks brute force greedy *2200 Jan/10/2022 13:58
1402 D - Shuffle GNU C++20 (64) combinatorics math two pointers *2000 Jan/09/2022 23:30
1401 E - Middle Duplication GNU C++20 (64) data structures dfs and similar greedy strings trees *2500 Jan/09/2022 21:58
1400 D - Robot Cleaner Revisit GNU C++20 (64) implementation math probabilities *2300 Jan/09/2022 19:23
1399 E - Lexicographically Small Enough GNU C++20 (64) brute force data structures greedy strings *2200 Jan/09/2022 18:30
1398 D - Keep the Average High GNU C++20 (64) dp greedy math *2000 Jan/09/2022 16:11
1397 G - Divide a Sequence C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *600 Jan/08/2022 22:55
1396 F - Reordering C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jan/08/2022 19:01
1395 E - Arithmetic Number C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jan/08/2022 17:49
1394 D - Prefix K-th Max C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jan/08/2022 17:41
1393 C - Happy New Year! C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jan/08/2022 17:37
1392 B - Longest Segment C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jan/08/2022 17:34
1391 A - Weird Function C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jan/08/2022 17:31
1390 C - Poman Numbers GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms dp greedy math *2300 Jan/07/2022 19:41
1389 B - Grime Zoo GNU C++20 (64) brute force data structures greedy implementation ternary search *2100 Jan/07/2022 01:56
1388 F - Isomorphic Strings GNU C++20 (64) hashing strings *2300 Jan/07/2022 00:52
1387 C - Graph Transpositions GNU C++20 (64) dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths *2400 Jan/06/2022 21:41
1386 G - Weighted Increasing Subsequences GNU C++20 (64) data structures dp math *3200 Jan/06/2022 16:08
1385 D - The Winter Hike GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *2100 Jan/05/2022 16:54
1384 B - Integers Shop GNU C++20 (64) data structures greedy implementation *1500 Jan/05/2022 16:38
1383 E - New School GNU C++20 (64) binary search data structures dp greedy implementation sortings *2300 Jan/03/2022 21:56
1382 C - Hidden Permutations GNU C++20 (64) dfs and similar interactive math *1700 Jan/03/2022 20:47
1381 A - Stable Arrangement of Rooks GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms *800 Jan/03/2022 20:08
1380 C - Representative Edges GNU C++20 (64) brute force geometry implementation math *1500 Dec/29/2021 21:32
1379 B - Mirror in the String GNU C++20 (64) greedy strings *1100 Dec/29/2021 21:20
1378 A - Integer Diversity GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Dec/29/2021 21:07
1377 C - Balanced Stone Heaps GNU C++20 (64) binary search greedy *1600 Dec/28/2021 19:49
1376 B - Game on Ranges GNU C++20 (64) brute force dfs and similar implementation sortings *1100 Dec/28/2021 19:31
1375 A - Robot Cleaner GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation math *800 Dec/28/2021 19:18
1374 C - Menorah GNU C++20 (64) brute force graphs greedy math *1600 Dec/24/2021 21:08
1373 B - And It's Non-Zero GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks greedy math *1300 Dec/24/2021 20:11
1372 A - Closing The Gap GNU C++20 (64) greedy math *800 Dec/24/2021 20:06
1371 E - Replace the Numbers GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms data structures dsu implementation *1900 Dec/18/2021 22:46
1370 B - Triangles on a Rectangle GNU C++20 (64) geometry greedy math *1000 Dec/18/2021 21:14
1369 A - Equal or Not Equal GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms dsu implementation *800 Dec/18/2021 21:09
1368 E - Frequency Queries GNU C++20 (64) binary search data structures dfs and similar trees two pointers *2400 Dec/12/2021 22:08
1367 D - Yet Another Sorting Problem GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms data structures math sortings *1900 Dec/12/2021 21:41
1366 C - Minimize Distance GNU C++20 (64) greedy math *1300 Dec/12/2021 21:14
1365 B - Array Eversion GNU C++20 (64) greedy *900 Dec/12/2021 20:51
1364 A - Life of a Flower GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Dec/12/2021 20:47
1363 D - Dominoes GNU C++20 (64) combinatorics graphs math number theory *2400 Dec/11/2021 18:01
1362 C - Game Master GNU C++20 (64) data structures dfs and similar dp graphs greedy two pointers *1700 Dec/11/2021 16:25
1361 B - Build the Permutation GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1200 Dec/11/2021 16:15
1360 A - Find Array GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Dec/11/2021 15:36
1359 C - Di-visible Confusion GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy math number theory *1300 Dec/08/2021 16:27
1358 B - XOR Specia-LIS-t GNU C++20 (64) *1100 Dec/08/2021 01:55
1357 A - Era GNU C++20 (64) greedy *800 Dec/08/2021 01:44
1356 E - Arena GNU C++20 (64) combinatorics dp math *2100 Dec/08/2021 01:15
1355 D - Red-Blue Matrix GNU C++20 (64) brute force constructive algorithms implementation sortings *2400 Dec/08/2021 00:50
1354 G - Changing Brackets GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms data structures dp greedy *2200 Dec/07/2021 20:15
1353 E - Bored Bakry GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks greedy math two pointers *2400 Dec/07/2021 00:14
1352 D - Hemose in ICPC ? GNU C++20 (64) binary search dfs and similar implementation interactive math number theory trees *2300 Dec/06/2021 23:21
1351 C - Bakry and Partitioning GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1700 Dec/06/2021 23:04
1350 E - Fraction Floor Sum C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Dec/03/2021 17:50
1349 D - Destroyer Takahashi C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Dec/03/2021 17:47
1348 C - X drawing C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Dec/03/2021 17:42
1347 B - Triple Metre C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Dec/03/2021 17:35
1346 A - AtCoder Quiz 3 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Dec/03/2021 17:33
1345 D - MEX Sequences GNU C++20 (64) dp math *1900 Dec/02/2021 01:52
1344 E - Crazy Robot GNU C++20 (64) dfs and similar graphs *2000 Dec/01/2021 22:01
1343 B - Absent Remainder GNU C++20 (64) greedy implementation sortings *1000 Dec/01/2021 20:30
1342 C - Poisoned Dagger GNU C++20 (64) binary search *1200 Dec/01/2021 20:26
1341 A - Long Comparison GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *900 Dec/01/2021 20:09
1340 C - Train Maintenance GNU C++20 (64) brute force data structures implementation *2200 Dec/01/2021 19:21
1339 D - Zigzag Tree C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *600 Nov/30/2021 19:31
1338 F - Tree Patrolling C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *600 Nov/30/2021 16:32
1337 D - Social Network GNU C++20 (64) dsu graphs greedy implementation trees *1600 Nov/28/2021 21:06
1336 C - Complex Market Analysis GNU C++17 binary search dp implementation number theory schedules two pointers *1400 Nov/28/2021 20:50
1335 B - William the Vigilant GNU C++17 implementation strings *1100 Nov/28/2021 20:15
1334 A - Divide and Multiply GNU C++17 greedy implementation math number theory *900 Nov/28/2021 20:08
1333 B - Colorful Lines C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Nov/28/2021 17:39
1332 A - Remove One Character C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Nov/28/2021 17:32
1331 G - Longest Y C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *600 Nov/27/2021 20:10
1330 F - Make Bipartite C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Nov/27/2021 19:36
1329 E - Graph Destruction C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Nov/27/2021 17:47
1328 D - Longest X C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Nov/27/2021 17:44
1327 C - Cheese C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Nov/27/2021 17:37
1326 B - Hard Calculation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Nov/27/2021 17:35
1325 A - First Grid C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/27/2021 17:32
1324 D1 - Divan and Kostomuksha (easy version) GNU C++20 (64) dp number theory *2100 Nov/26/2021 17:31
1323 C - Divan and bitwise operations GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks combinatorics constructive algorithms dp math *1500 Nov/26/2021 17:10
1322 B - Divan and a New Project GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Nov/26/2021 16:55
1321 A - Divan and a Store GNU C++20 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy *800 Nov/26/2021 16:47
1320 C - Keshi Is Throwing a Party GNU C++20 (64) binary search greedy *1600 Nov/23/2021 22:00
1319 B - Kalindrome Array GNU C++20 (64) greedy two pointers *1100 Nov/23/2021 20:21
1318 A - Anti Light's Cell Guessing GNU C++20 (64) math *900 Nov/23/2021 20:13
1317 B - Range Point Distance C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Nov/21/2021 17:42
1316 A - Smaller XOR C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Nov/21/2021 17:36
1315 G - Minimal Coverage GNU C++20 (64) dp *2200 Nov/21/2021 16:02
1314 F - Array Stabilization (AND version) GNU C++20 (64) brute force graphs math number theory shortest paths *1700 Nov/21/2021 15:35
1313 E2 - Array Optimization by Deque GNU C++20 (64) data structures greedy *1700 Nov/21/2021 14:35
1312 D - Xor of 3 GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms *2500 Nov/21/2021 14:17
1311 C - Book GNU C++20 (64) data structures dp graphs implementation *1800 Nov/20/2021 21:13
1310 F - Stamp Game C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Nov/20/2021 20:12
1309 E - Integer Sequence Fair C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Nov/20/2021 19:15
1308 D - Linear Probing C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Nov/20/2021 17:55
1307 C - Final Day C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Nov/20/2021 17:46
1306 B - Takahashi's Secret C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Nov/20/2021 17:38
1305 A - On and Off C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/20/2021 17:35
1304 E - Non-Decreasing Dilemma GNU C++20 (64) data structures divide and conquer math *2200 Nov/20/2021 16:34
1303 B - Guess the Permutation GNU C++20 (64) binary search combinatorics implementation interactive *2000 Nov/14/2021 16:22
1302 A - Two Arrays GNU C++20 (64) graph matchings greedy math sortings *900 Nov/14/2021 11:38
1301 B - Odd Grasshopper GNU C++20 (64) math *900 Nov/04/2021 21:31
1300 A - Linear Keyboard GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Nov/04/2021 21:25
1299 E - Equilibrium GNU C++20 (64) data structures dp greedy *2200 Oct/26/2021 02:26
1298 E - Rescue Niwen! GNU C++20 (64) dp greedy string suffix structures strings *2500 Oct/26/2021 01:47
1297 A - Two Subsequences GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Oct/25/2021 21:48
1296 B - Divine Array GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1100 Oct/25/2021 21:45
1295 C - Array Elimination GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks math number theory *1300 Oct/25/2021 18:02
1294 D - Frog Traveler GNU C++20 (64) data structures dp graphs greedy shortest paths *1900 Oct/25/2021 17:48
1293 E - Optimal Insertion GNU C++20 (64) data structures divide and conquer *2300 Oct/25/2021 17:48
1292 A - Array Elimination GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks greedy math number theory *1300 Oct/25/2021 17:46
1291 B - Frog Traveler GNU C++20 (64) data structures dfs and similar dp graphs shortest paths two pointers *1900 Oct/25/2021 17:38
1290 C - Optimal Insertion GNU C++20 (64) data structures divide and conquer dp greedy sortings *2300 Oct/25/2021 16:24
1289 F2 - Korney Korneevich and XOR (hard version) GNU C++20 (64) binary search brute force dp greedy two pointers *2400 Oct/24/2021 17:09
1288 F1 - Korney Korneevich and XOR (easy version) GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks dp greedy *1800 Oct/24/2021 16:27
1287 E - Pchelyonok and Segments GNU C++20 (64) binary search data structures dp greedy math *2000 Oct/24/2021 16:10
1286 B - Swaps GNU C++20 (64) greedy math sortings *1400 Oct/19/2021 20:22
1285 A - Countdown GNU C++20 (64) greedy *800 Oct/19/2021 19:46
1284 E - Polycarp and String Transformation GNU C++20 (64) binary search implementation sortings strings *1800 Oct/19/2021 19:07
1283 J - Jeopardy of Dropped Balls GNU C++20 (64) binary search brute force dsu implementation *1500 Oct/19/2021 15:14
1282 D - Omkar and the Meaning of Life GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy interactive *1800 Oct/19/2021 00:26
1281 E - Moment of Bloom GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar graph matchings graphs greedy trees *2200 Oct/18/2021 23:54
1280 C - Omkar and Determination GNU C++20 (64) data structures dp *1700 Oct/18/2021 22:59
1279 B - Omkar and Heavenly Tree GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms trees *1200 Oct/18/2021 22:13
1278 A - Windblume Ode GNU C++20 (64) math number theory *800 Oct/18/2021 22:10
1277 D - Make a Power of Two GNU C++17 (64) greedy math strings *1300 Oct/14/2021 20:02
1276 C - Infinity Table GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 Oct/14/2021 19:43
1275 B - Who's Opposite? GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Oct/14/2021 19:29
1274 A - Dislike of Threes GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 Oct/14/2021 19:22
1273 E - Mocha and Stars GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp fft math number theory *2200 Oct/14/2021 16:56
1272 D2 - Mocha and Diana (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy trees two pointers *2500 Oct/14/2021 16:04
1271 D1 - Mocha and Diana (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms dsu graphs greedy trees *1400 Oct/14/2021 12:33
1270 F - Red-Black Number GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp implementation math meet-in-the-middle *2100 Oct/14/2021 00:42
1269 D - Strange Lunchbox C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Sep/18/2021 17:50
1268 C - Neo-lexicographic Ordering C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Sep/18/2021 17:44
1267 B - Maritozzo C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Sep/18/2021 17:33
1266 A - AtCoder Quiz 2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Sep/18/2021 17:31
1265 C - City Savers C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Sep/17/2021 13:29
1264 F - Dist Max 2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Aug/21/2021 18:33
1263 E - Chain Contestant C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Aug/21/2021 18:12
1262 D - Coprime 2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/21/2021 17:42
1261 C - One More aab aba baa C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Aug/21/2021 17:33
1260 A - Your First Judge C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/21/2021 17:31
1259 B - log2(N) C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Aug/21/2021 17:31
1258 E - Stronger Takahashi C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Aug/08/2021 18:08
1257 D - Takahashi Tour C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Aug/08/2021 17:45
1256 B - Booby Prize C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Aug/08/2021 17:36
1255 C - Reorder Cards C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Aug/08/2021 17:35
1254 A - Bitwise Exclusive Or C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/08/2021 17:30
1253 E - Ring MST C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jul/17/2021 18:59
1252 D - National Railway C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/17/2021 17:52
1251 C - Colorful Candies C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/17/2021 17:36
1250 B - Bouzu Mekuri C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/17/2021 17:33
1249 A - Cabbages C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/17/2021 17:31
1248 E - Shiritori C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Jul/10/2021 23:08
1247 C - Not Equal C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jul/10/2021 17:44
1246 D - Collision C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jul/10/2021 17:38
1245 A - Counting C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jul/10/2021 17:33
1244 B - Can you buy them all? C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jul/10/2021 17:32
1243 F - Sugoroku2 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *600 May/13/2021 16:42
1242 F - Tree and Constraints C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *600 Feb/02/2021 12:10
1241 D - Snuke's Coloring C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jan/01/2021 14:29
1240 C - Many Formulas C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jan/01/2021 13:58
1239 A - Selling Hamburgers Kotlin *special problem *800 Dec/22/2020 00:43
1238 C - Sonya and Robots GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Dec/22/2020 00:08
1237 B - Move and Turn GNU C++17 (64) dp math *1300 Dec/19/2020 19:09
1236 A - Red-Blue Shuffle GNU C++17 (64) math probabilities *800 Dec/19/2020 18:23
1235 B - Glass Half Spilled GNU C++17 (64) dp *2000 Dec/19/2020 15:48
1234 A - Row GCD GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1600 Dec/19/2020 15:12
1233 E - Kamil and Making a Stream GNU C++17 (64) math number theory trees *2000 Dec/12/2020 22:56
1232 E - Counting Arrays GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp math number theory *2000 Dec/12/2020 21:44
1231 E - Water Level GNU C++17 (64) brute force graphs greedy implementation math *2200 Dec/12/2020 00:09
1230 D - Divide and Summarize GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures divide and conquer implementation sortings *1600 Dec/11/2020 21:03
1229 C - Random Events GNU C++17 (64) dp math probabilities *1500 Dec/11/2020 20:45
1228 B - Find the Spruce GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp implementation *1400 Dec/11/2020 20:17
1227 A - String Generation GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *800 Dec/11/2020 20:07
1226 E - Down or Right GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms interactive matrices *2100 Dec/09/2020 21:33
1225 C1 - Errich-Tac-Toe (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *2100 Dec/09/2020 15:31
1224 D - Palindromic characteristics GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp hashing strings *1900 Dec/07/2020 21:11
1223 E - Capitalism GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *2700 Dec/07/2020 19:50
1222 F - The Struggling Contestant GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *2400 Dec/07/2020 17:15
1221 C2 - Errich-Tac-Toe (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *2300 Dec/07/2020 16:11
1220 D - Rating Compression GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures greedy implementation two pointers *1800 Dec/06/2020 21:25
1219 B - Balls of Steel GNU C++17 (64) brute force geometry greedy *1000 Dec/06/2020 20:31
1218 A - Avoid Trygub GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms sortings *800 Dec/06/2020 20:05
1217 E - Dog Snacks GNU C++17 (64) binary search dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2300 Dec/05/2020 21:42
1216 C - Triangles GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1700 Dec/05/2020 21:02
1215 B - Suffix Operations GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Dec/05/2020 20:34
1214 D - Checkpoints GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy math probabilities *1900 Dec/05/2020 20:16
1213 C - Exoswap C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Dec/05/2020 18:14
1212 B - Many 110 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Dec/05/2020 18:03
1211 A - Redundant Redundancy C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Dec/05/2020 17:42
1210 A - Cancel the Trains GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 Dec/04/2020 18:39
1209 F - Integer Game GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms games interactive math *2600 Dec/02/2020 00:28
1208 D - Unbalanced C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Dec/01/2020 10:56
1207 D - Sequence and Swaps GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy sortings *1600 Nov/30/2020 20:46
1206 C - Ping-pong GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms games math *1100 Nov/30/2020 20:36
1205 B - Jumps GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1200 Nov/30/2020 20:13
1204 A - Strange Functions GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *800 Nov/30/2020 20:06
1203 E - New Game Plus! GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy *2200 Nov/29/2020 22:42
1202 D - XOR-gun GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms dp *2000 Nov/29/2020 21:34
1201 C - Bouncing Ball GNU C++17 (64) dp implementation *1400 Nov/29/2020 20:51
1200 B - Repainting Street GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy *1100 Nov/29/2020 20:26
1199 A - Prison Break GNU C++17 (64) brute force math *800 Nov/29/2020 20:20
1198 F - Array Partition GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures greedy two pointers *2100 Nov/25/2020 11:49
1197 A - Special Permutation GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms probabilities *800 Nov/24/2020 21:52
1196 B - Unique Bid Auction GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 Nov/24/2020 21:50
1195 C - Sequence Transformation GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1200 Nov/24/2020 21:47
1194 D - Number into Sequence GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory *1300 Nov/24/2020 21:33
1193 E - Number of Simple Paths GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dfs and similar graphs trees *2000 Nov/24/2020 21:25
1192 D - Radio Towers GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp math *1600 Nov/20/2020 15:14
1191 C - Two Brackets GNU C++17 (64) greedy *800 Nov/20/2020 13:42
1190 B - Toy Blocks GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy math sortings *1400 Nov/20/2020 13:38
1189 A - Robot Program GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Nov/20/2020 13:25
1188 C2 - Binary Table (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1900 Nov/18/2020 15:05
1187 C1 - Binary Table (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1500 Nov/18/2020 14:40
1186 B - Sum of Medians GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *900 Nov/18/2020 14:10
1185 A - Buy the String GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 Nov/18/2020 13:57
1184 E - The LCMs Must be Large GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms math number theory *2100 Nov/17/2020 15:14
1183 C - A Tale of Two Lands GNU C++17 (64) binary search sortings two pointers *1500 Nov/17/2020 14:22
1182 B - All the Vowels Please GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory *1100 Nov/17/2020 14:09
1181 A - Silent Classroom GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics greedy *900 Nov/17/2020 13:50
1180 E1 - Stars Drawing (Easy Edition) GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy *1700 Nov/16/2020 19:37
1179 E2 - Stars Drawing (Hard Edition) GNU C++17 (64) binary search dp greedy *1900 Nov/16/2020 19:36
1178 D - Walking Between Houses GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Nov/16/2020 18:42
1177 C - Songs Compression GNU C++17 (64) sortings *1100 Nov/16/2020 18:25
1176 B - Obtaining the String GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1200 Nov/16/2020 18:21
1175 A - Points in Segments GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 Nov/16/2020 18:16
1174 C - Prefixes and Suffixes GNU C++17 (64) strings *1700 Nov/16/2020 14:28
1173 E - Minimal Diameter Forest GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy trees *2000 Nov/16/2020 13:43
1172 F - Tree with Maximum Cost GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp trees *1900 Nov/16/2020 13:07
1171 B - Teams Forming GNU C++17 (64) sortings *800 Nov/16/2020 12:11
1170 A - Uniform String GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 Nov/16/2020 12:09
1169 B - Catching Cheaters GNU C++17 (64) dp strings *1800 Nov/15/2020 21:13
1168 A - Knapsack GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1300 Nov/15/2020 20:19
1167 D - Powerful Ksenia GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms math *2200 Nov/13/2020 23:18
1166 C - Engineer Artem GNU C++17 (64) 2-sat chinese remainder theorem constructive algorithms fft flows *2000 Nov/13/2020 21:46
1165 B - Valerii Against Everyone GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1000 Nov/13/2020 21:09
1164 A - Specific Tastes of Andre GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *800 Nov/13/2020 21:07
1163 F - Best Representation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *900 Nov/10/2020 14:20
1162 C - Helga Hufflepuff's Cup GNU C++17 (64) dp trees *2000 Nov/09/2020 20:29
1161 C - Booking System GNU C++17 (64) binary search dp greedy implementation *1600 Nov/09/2020 19:24
1160 F - Elongated Matrix GNU C++17 (64) binary search bitmasks brute force dp graphs *2000 Nov/09/2020 19:08
1159 A - Watermelon GNU C++17 (64) brute force math *800 Nov/03/2020 02:25
1158 E - Long Permutation GNU C++17 (64) brute force math two pointers *2400 Nov/03/2020 00:11
1157 F - Identify the Operations GNU C++17 (64) brute force combinatorics data structures greedy math *1800 Nov/02/2020 21:34
1156 D - Extreme Subtraction GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy math *1800 Nov/02/2020 21:05
1155 C - The Delivery Dilemma GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy sortings *1400 Nov/02/2020 20:35
1154 B - Saving the City GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy math sortings *1300 Nov/02/2020 20:28
1153 A - Kids Seating GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Nov/02/2020 20:17
1152 E - Children and Candies C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *800 Nov/02/2020 15:52
1151 F - Unhappy Hacking C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *800 Nov/02/2020 15:17
1150 E - Team-Building GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs *2500 Nov/02/2020 01:02
1149 C - Team-Building GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs *2500 Nov/02/2020 00:53
1148 C - Division GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1500 Nov/01/2020 22:35
1147 D - Divide and Sum GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics math sortings *1900 Nov/01/2020 22:35
1146 B - Elimination GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *900 Nov/01/2020 22:28
1145 A - Array Rearrangment GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *800 Nov/01/2020 22:11
1144 B - Divide and Sum GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics math sortings *1900 Nov/01/2020 19:02
1143 A - Division GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory *1500 Nov/01/2020 16:54
1142 F1 - Pictures with Kittens (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) dp *1900 Nov/01/2020 03:13
1141 F2 - Pictures with Kittens (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp *2100 Nov/01/2020 03:12
1140 E - Thematic Contests GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *1800 Nov/01/2020 01:25
1139 D - Cutting Out GNU C++17 (64) binary search sortings *1600 Nov/01/2020 01:15
1138 C - Good Array GNU C++17 (64) *1300 Nov/01/2020 01:04
1137 B - Disturbed People GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1000 Nov/01/2020 00:59
1136 A - Frog Jumping GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Nov/01/2020 00:56
1135 D - Number of Multisets C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *600 Nov/01/2020 00:40
1134 C - Shuffle Permutation C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *500 Oct/31/2020 22:02
1133 B - Quadruple C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/31/2020 21:17
1132 A - Simple Math C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Oct/31/2020 21:01
1131 E - Make It Increasing GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms data structures dp implementation *2200 Oct/28/2020 12:21
1130 D - Shurikens GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy schedules *1700 Oct/25/2020 23:51
1129 B - A New Technique GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1100 Oct/25/2020 22:44
1128 A - Finding Sasuke GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Oct/25/2020 22:32
1127 D - Book of Evil GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar divide and conquer dp trees *2000 Oct/25/2020 21:48
1126 D - Bandit in a City GNU C++17 (64) binary search dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1900 Oct/24/2020 23:59
1125 C - Binary Search GNU C++17 (64) binary search combinatorics *1500 Oct/24/2020 20:01
1124 B - Prime Square GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *900 Oct/24/2020 19:43
1123 A - Reorder GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Oct/24/2020 19:38
1122 E - Two Round Dances PyPy 3 combinatorics math *1300 Oct/21/2020 13:07
1121 G - Reducing Delivery Cost GNU C++17 (64) brute force graphs shortest paths *2100 Oct/21/2020 01:43
1120 F - Zero Remainder Sum Java 8 dp *2100 Oct/20/2020 21:23
1119 D - Districts Connection Java 8 constructive algorithms dfs and similar *1200 Oct/20/2020 20:52
1118 C - Dominant Piranha Java 8 constructive algorithms greedy *900 Oct/20/2020 20:44
1117 B - Yet Another Bookshelf Java 8 greedy implementation *800 Oct/20/2020 20:35
1116 A - Boring Apartments Java 8 implementation math *800 Oct/20/2020 20:31
1115 E - Swedish Heroes GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp implementation *2700 Oct/18/2020 20:14
1114 D - Hexagons GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation math shortest paths *1900 Oct/18/2020 15:50
1113 C - Palindromifier GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms strings *1400 Oct/18/2020 15:04
1112 B - Putting Bricks in the Wall GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1100 Oct/18/2020 14:44
1111 A - XORwice GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks greedy math *800 Oct/18/2020 14:37
1110 E - Carrots for Rabbits GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures greedy math sortings *2200 Oct/18/2020 01:30
1109 D - Bouncing Boomerangs GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1900 Oct/18/2020 00:34
1108 C - ABBB GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures greedy strings *1100 Oct/17/2020 18:57
1107 B - Belted Rooms GNU C++17 (64) graphs implementation *1200 Oct/17/2020 18:51
1106 A - Box is Pull GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Oct/17/2020 18:37
1105 F - Wi-Fi GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp greedy *2100 Oct/17/2020 15:23
1104 C - White Sheet GNU C++17 (64) geometry math *1700 Oct/17/2020 14:46
1103 D - Swords GNU C++17 (64) math *1300 Oct/17/2020 14:19
1102 B - Shooting GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation sortings *900 Oct/17/2020 14:02
1101 A - Prefixes GNU C++17 (64) strings *800 Oct/17/2020 13:58
1100 F - Yet Another Substring Reverse GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp *2200 Oct/16/2020 18:51
1099 E - Special Permutations GNU C++17 (64) math *2000 Oct/16/2020 18:03
1098 D - Distinct Characters Queries GNU C++17 (64) data structures *1600 Oct/16/2020 17:39
1097 B1 - Social Network (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1000 Oct/16/2020 17:23
1096 B2 - Social Network (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1300 Oct/16/2020 17:22
1095 A - Equalize Prices Again GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Oct/16/2020 17:15
1094 D - Credit Card GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp greedy implementation *1900 Oct/13/2020 02:26
1093 D - Barcelonian Distance GNU C++17 (64) geometry implementation *1900 Oct/13/2020 01:05
1092 C - Chicken or Fish? GNU C++17 (64) greedy *2100 Oct/12/2020 21:07
1091 B - Lynyrd Skynyrd GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar dp math trees *2000 Oct/12/2020 19:06
1090 B - Nauuo and Circle GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dfs and similar dp trees *1900 Oct/12/2020 17:41
1089 F - Realistic Gameplay GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy *2600 Oct/12/2020 16:24
1088 D - Unshuffling a Deck GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *2000 Oct/12/2020 01:43
1087 G - Yet Another DAG Problem GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dfs and similar dp flows graphs math *2600 Oct/12/2020 00:58
1086 E - String Reversal GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy strings *1900 Oct/11/2020 17:04
1085 C - Numbers on Whiteboard GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation math *1000 Oct/11/2020 15:03
1084 B - Barrels GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation sortings *800 Oct/11/2020 14:48
1083 A - Number of Apartments GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms math *900 Oct/11/2020 14:40
1082 C - The Hard Work of Paparazzi GNU C++17 (64) dp *2000 Oct/11/2020 13:20
1081 B - Chess Cheater GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation sortings *1400 Oct/10/2020 20:59
1080 A - Avoiding Zero GNU C++17 (64) math sortings *900 Oct/10/2020 20:24
1079 E - Trains and Statistic GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp greedy *2300 Oct/08/2020 10:07
1078 D - Iroha and a Grid C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Oct/07/2020 15:02
1077 C - Iroha's Obsession C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Oct/07/2020 14:53
1076 D - Good Substrings GNU C++17 (64) data structures strings *1800 Oct/05/2020 17:41
1075 E - Minlexes GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy implementation strings *2700 Oct/05/2020 11:57
1074 D - Returning Home GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths sortings *2300 Oct/04/2020 23:22
1073 C - Bargain GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp math *1700 Oct/04/2020 22:25
1072 B - Nice Matrix GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *1300 Oct/04/2020 22:03
1071 A - Fence GNU C++17 (64) geometry math *800 Oct/04/2020 21:37
1070 F - Radio Stations GNU C++17 (64) 2-sat *2700 Oct/02/2020 21:08
1069 D - The Door Problem GNU C++17 (64) 2-sat dfs and similar dsu graphs *2000 Oct/02/2020 18:23
1068 E - Avoid Rainbow Cycles GNU C++17 (64) data structures dsu graphs greedy sortings trees *2400 Oct/01/2020 16:54
1067 F - Two Different GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms divide and conquer *2300 Oct/01/2020 15:48
1066 D - Searchlights GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures dp implementation sortings two pointers *2000 Oct/01/2020 02:39
1065 B - Arrays Sum GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1400 Oct/01/2020 01:46
1064 C - Discrete Acceleration GNU C++17 (64) binary search dp implementation math two pointers *1500 Oct/01/2020 01:27
1063 A - Circle Coloring GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *800 Sep/30/2020 20:15
1062 E - Information Graph GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2100 Sep/30/2020 16:44
1061 D - Increase Sequence GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp *2100 Sep/30/2020 14:48
1060 F - Group Projects GNU C++17 (64) dp *2400 Sep/30/2020 13:18
1059 C - Gerald and Giant Chess GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp math number theory *2200 Sep/29/2020 19:38
1058 D - Mr. Kitayuta's Technology GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar *2200 Sep/29/2020 18:22
1057 C - Mr. Kitayuta, the Treasure Hunter GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp two pointers *1900 Sep/29/2020 17:14
1056 E - Another Sith Tournament GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp math probabilities *2200 Sep/29/2020 13:22
1055 F - Number of Subsequences GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp strings *2000 Sep/28/2020 17:55
1054 C - Increase and Copy GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms math *1100 Sep/28/2020 13:57
1053 B - Symmetric Matrix GNU C++17 (64) implementation *900 Sep/28/2020 13:41
1052 A - Floor Number GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 Sep/28/2020 13:36
1051 C - k-Amazing Numbers GNU C++17 (64) data structures *1500 Sep/27/2020 21:14
1050 B - Two Arrays GNU C++17 (64) greedy math sortings *1100 Sep/27/2020 20:58
1049 A - Copy-paste GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 Sep/27/2020 20:38
1048 C - Substitutes in Number GNU C++17 (64) dp *2100 Sep/21/2020 19:17
1047 F - Tourist Reform GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs *2300 Sep/21/2020 15:22
1046 E - Shortest Path GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths *2000 Sep/20/2020 21:58
1045 E - Expected Damage GNU C++17 (64) binary search combinatorics probabilities *2400 Sep/20/2020 20:16
1044 C - Little Elephant and Furik and Rubik GNU C++17 (64) math probabilities *2000 Sep/17/2020 12:59
1043 E2 - Median on Segments (General Case Edition) GNU C++17 (64) sortings *2400 Sep/17/2020 01:40
1042 E1 - Median on Segments (Permutations Edition) GNU C++17 (64) sortings *1800 Sep/17/2020 00:09
1041 F - Berland and the Shortest Paths GNU C++17 (64) brute force dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *2100 Sep/16/2020 23:49
1040 D - Polycarp and Div 3 GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy number theory *1500 Sep/16/2020 23:13
1039 C - Summarize to the Power of Two GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation *1300 Sep/16/2020 23:06
1038 B - Delete from the Left GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation strings *900 Sep/16/2020 23:00
1037 A - Tanya and Stairways GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 Sep/16/2020 22:58
1036 D - Fibonacci-ish GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp hashing implementation math *2000 Sep/14/2020 17:51
1035 D - Building Bridge GNU C++17 (64) geometry ternary search two pointers *1900 Sep/14/2020 16:26
1034 B - World Tour GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths *2000 Sep/14/2020 13:42
1033 D - Cloud of Hashtags GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy implementation strings *1800 Sep/14/2020 11:52
1032 C - Playing Piano GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dp *1700 Sep/14/2020 11:20
1031 B - Connecting Universities GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1800 Sep/14/2020 02:11
1030 E - Connecting Universities GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1800 Sep/14/2020 02:10
1029 E - Blood Cousins GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures dfs and similar trees *2100 Sep/14/2020 00:15
1028 B - Labyrinth GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths *1800 Sep/13/2020 22:53
1027 D - Distance in Tree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp trees *1800 Sep/13/2020 22:15
1026 C - Sum of Nestings GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *1800 Sep/13/2020 21:54
1025 C - Propagating tree GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar trees *2000 Sep/13/2020 20:52
1024 E - Deleting Numbers GNU C++17 (64) interactive math number theory *2600 Sep/13/2020 17:30
1023 F - Robots on a Grid GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy matrices *2200 Sep/13/2020 14:23
1022 D - Three Sequences GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy math *2200 Sep/13/2020 13:23
1021 E1 - Three Blocks Palindrome (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures dp two pointers *1700 Sep/09/2020 15:59
1020 E2 - Three Blocks Palindrome (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures dp two pointers *1800 Sep/09/2020 15:56
1019 E - Egor in the Republic of Dagestan GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs greedy shortest paths *2500 Sep/09/2020 12:57
1018 D - Tree Tag GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp games strings trees *1900 Sep/07/2020 10:02
1017 C - Balanced Bitstring GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation strings *1500 Sep/07/2020 09:39
1016 B - Array Cancellation GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1000 Sep/07/2020 09:24
1015 A - Permutation Forgery GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *800 Sep/07/2020 09:15
1014 J - Bottles GNU C++17 (64) dp *1900 Sep/01/2020 19:06
1013 S - Digit Sum C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 23:11
1012 R - Walk C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 21:48
1011 Q - Flowers C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 20:36
1010 P - Independent Set C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 20:01
1009 O - Matching C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 18:49
1008 N - Slimes C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 17:45
1007 M - Candies C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 16:45
1006 E - Monster Invaders GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy *2300 Aug/31/2020 16:02
1005 L - Deque C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/31/2020 10:24
1004 B - Power Sequence GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory sortings *1500 Aug/30/2020 21:43
1003 D - Stoned Game GNU C++17 (64) brute force games greedy implementation *1800 Aug/30/2020 21:37
1002 C - Multiples of Length GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1600 Aug/30/2020 20:54
1001 K - Stones C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/29/2020 13:00
1000 J - Sushi C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/29/2020 12:33
999 G - Longest Path C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/29/2020 11:25
998 X - Tower C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/29/2020 00:14
997 D - Zabuton C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *700 Aug/28/2020 23:27
996 E - Clear the Multiset GNU C++17 (64) data structures divide and conquer dp greedy *2200 Aug/26/2020 03:01
995 B - RPG Protagonist GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *1700 Aug/25/2020 22:19
994 D - Zigzags GNU C++17 (64) brute force combinatorics data structures math two pointers *1900 Aug/25/2020 21:25
993 C - Binary String Reconstruction GNU C++17 (64) 2-sat brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1500 Aug/25/2020 20:32
992 A - String Similarity GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms strings *800 Aug/25/2020 20:09
991 C - Four Segments GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures dp *1800 Aug/25/2020 12:55
990 F - Multicolored Markers GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force math number theory *2000 Aug/25/2020 01:48
989 E - Tree with Small Distances GNU C++17 (64) dp graphs greedy *2100 Aug/25/2020 01:21
988 D - Concatenated Multiples GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *1900 Aug/25/2020 00:25
987 C - Maximal Intersection GNU C++17 (64) greedy math sortings *1600 Aug/24/2020 23:56
986 B - Creating the Contest GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy math *1200 Aug/24/2020 23:40
985 A - Many Equal Substrings GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *1300 Aug/24/2020 23:36
984 E - Divide Square GNU C++17 (64) data structures geometry implementation sortings *2400 Aug/23/2020 12:47
983 A - Distance and Axis GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *900 Aug/21/2020 21:09
982 D - Maximum Distributed Tree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp greedy implementation math number theory sortings trees *1800 Aug/21/2020 20:58
981 C - Mere Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory sortings *1300 Aug/21/2020 20:35
980 B - Ternary Sequence GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1100 Aug/21/2020 20:32
979 B - Restore Cube GNU C++17 (64) brute force geometry *2000 Aug/21/2020 16:13
978 D - Strip GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp two pointers *2000 Aug/21/2020 12:22
977 C2 - Skyscrapers (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp greedy *1900 Aug/20/2020 23:07
976 D - Theseus and labyrinth GNU C++17 (64) graphs implementation shortest paths *2000 Aug/19/2020 19:47
975 B - Preparing for the Contest GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures greedy sortings *1900 Aug/19/2020 13:07
974 D - Omkar and Bed Wars GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy *1700 Aug/19/2020 10:41
973 D - Mahmoud and Ehab and another array construction task GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1900 Aug/19/2020 10:27
972 A - Anu Has a Function GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *1500 Aug/18/2020 19:37
971 C - Remove Adjacent GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy strings *1600 Aug/18/2020 18:53
970 E - Omkar and Duck GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms interactive math *2100 Aug/16/2020 22:51
969 C - Omkar and Waterslide GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1200 Aug/16/2020 21:05
968 B - Omkar and Infinity Clock GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 Aug/16/2020 20:19
967 A - Omkar and Password GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 Aug/16/2020 20:07
966 F - Controversial Rounds GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures dp greedy two pointers *2500 Aug/15/2020 16:49
965 E - Two Types of Spells GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures greedy implementation math sortings *2200 Aug/15/2020 09:45
964 D - Colored Rectangles GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy sortings *1800 Aug/14/2020 21:26
963 C - Good Subarrays GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp math *1600 Aug/14/2020 20:28
962 B - Substring Removal Game GNU C++17 (64) games greedy sortings *800 Aug/14/2020 20:11
961 A - Bad Triangle GNU C++17 (64) geometry math *800 Aug/14/2020 20:08
960 E - Permutation Separation GNU C++17 (64) data structures divide and conquer *2200 Aug/14/2020 05:12
959 D - Boboniu Chats with Du GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy sortings *1800 Aug/13/2020 02:57
958 C - Boboniu and Bit Operations GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force dp greedy *1600 Aug/13/2020 02:06
957 B - Boboniu Plays Chess GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *1100 Aug/13/2020 01:52
956 A - Boboniu Likes to Color Balls GNU C++17 (64) brute force math *1000 Aug/13/2020 01:42
955 G - A/B Matrix GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1900 Aug/12/2020 16:41
954 E - Maximum Subsequence Value GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms *1900 Aug/12/2020 16:12
953 D - The Best Vacation GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force greedy implementation two pointers *1900 Aug/12/2020 04:10
952 F - Yet Another Segments Subset GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp graphs sortings *2300 Aug/10/2020 19:30
951 D2 - Remove the Substring (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy implementation two pointers *1700 Aug/10/2020 04:08
950 D - Rarity and New Dress GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp implementation shortest paths *2100 Aug/10/2020 03:18
949 B - Applejack and Storages GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1400 Aug/10/2020 02:39
948 C - Pinkie Pie Eats Patty-cakes GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math sortings *1700 Aug/10/2020 02:34
947 A - Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Chess Coloring GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 Aug/10/2020 01:53
946 E - Pairs of Pairs GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2600 Aug/10/2020 00:20
945 D - 505 GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dp greedy implementation *2000 Aug/09/2020 21:45
944 C - Cyclic Permutations GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp graphs math *1500 Aug/09/2020 20:46
943 B - Fix You GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation *800 Aug/09/2020 20:25
942 A - Suborrays GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Aug/09/2020 20:07
941 B - Restore the Permutation by Merger GNU C++17 (64) greedy *800 Aug/09/2020 03:54
940 F - Yet another 2D Walking GNU C++17 (64) dp *2100 Aug/05/2020 00:16
939 D - Boxes Packing GNU C++17 (64) binary search implementation *1800 Aug/04/2020 23:39
938 E - Binary Numbers AND Sum GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation math *1700 Aug/04/2020 23:22
937 C - Books Queries GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1400 Aug/04/2020 23:11
936 B - Heaters GNU C++17 (64) greedy two pointers *1500 Aug/04/2020 23:02
935 A - Vova and Train GNU C++17 (64) math *1100 Aug/04/2020 22:43
934 B - Quantity of Strings GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dfs and similar graphs math *1600 Aug/04/2020 15:10
933 C - Maximum Median GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy math sortings *1400 Aug/03/2020 23:32
932 B1 - Village (Minimum) GNU C++17 (64) *special problem dp greedy trees *2100 Aug/01/2020 23:27
931 C - Sereja and Brackets GNU C++17 (64) data structures schedules *2000 Aug/01/2020 00:42
930 D - Captain Flint and Treasure GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2000 Jul/30/2020 21:42
929 C - Uncle Bogdan and Country Happiness GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar greedy math trees *1800 Jul/30/2020 21:11
928 B - Captain Flint and a Long Voyage GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1000 Jul/30/2020 20:20
927 A - Captain Flint and Crew Recruitment GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math number theory *800 Jul/30/2020 20:14
926 D - Segment Intersections GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation math *2100 Jul/30/2020 02:41
925 B - Array Walk GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy *1600 Jul/30/2020 01:20
924 C - Good String GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy two pointers *1500 Jul/30/2020 00:49
923 A - LCM Problem GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *800 Jul/30/2020 00:34
922 E - Jamie and Tree GNU C++17 (64) data structures trees *2400 Jul/29/2020 23:22
921 C - Fools and Roads GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar trees *1900 Jul/29/2020 01:12
920 C - Watching Fireworks is Fun GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp math *2100 Jul/28/2020 00:14
919 E - Product Oriented Recurrence GNU C++17 (64) dp math matrices number theory *2300 Jul/27/2020 02:06
918 E - Okabe and El Psy Kongroo GNU C++17 (64) dp matrices *2100 Jul/26/2020 23:43
917 D - GukiZ and Binary Operations GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics implementation math matrices number theory *2100 Jul/26/2020 17:04
916 D - GameGame GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms games math *1900 Jul/25/2020 04:06
915 B2 - Koa and the Beach (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dp greedy implementation *2200 Jul/25/2020 04:00
914 B1 - Koa and the Beach (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy *1900 Jul/25/2020 04:00
913 C - String Transformation 1 GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy sortings trees *1700 Jul/25/2020 03:15
912 A - Common Prefixes GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy strings *1200 Jul/25/2020 03:03
911 A - Unusual Competitions GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1300 Jul/24/2020 04:19
910 F - Runner's Problem GNU C++17 (64) dp matrices sortings *2100 Jul/23/2020 18:45
909 A - Way Too Long Words GNU C++17 (64) strings *800 Jul/22/2020 05:13
908 B - Sequential Nim GNU C++17 (64) dp games *1100 Jul/22/2020 00:25
907 B - Unmerge GNU C++17 (64) dp *1800 Jul/21/2020 21:08
906 A2 - Prefix Flip (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures implementation strings two pointers *1700 Jul/21/2020 20:33
905 A1 - Prefix Flip (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures strings *1300 Jul/21/2020 20:22
904 C - Choosing flowers GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures dfs and similar dp greedy sortings two pointers *2000 Jul/19/2020 16:28
903 B - Dubious Cyrpto GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force math number theory *1500 Jul/19/2020 15:13
902 A - Acacius and String GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation strings *1500 Jul/19/2020 14:38
901 B - Bear and Three Musketeers GNU C++17 (64) brute force dfs and similar graphs hashing *1500 Jul/15/2020 23:31
900 C - Letter GNU C++17 (64) dp *1400 Jul/14/2020 01:44
899 E - Merging Towers GNU C++17 (64) data structures dsu implementation trees *2300 Jul/12/2020 23:49
898 D - Berserk And Fireball GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation math two pointers *2000 Jul/12/2020 22:08
897 C - Create The Teams GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1400 Jul/12/2020 21:16
896 B - Universal Solution GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1400 Jul/12/2020 21:04
895 A - Three Indices GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures *900 Jul/12/2020 20:55
894 C - Omkar and Baseball GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1500 Jul/11/2020 20:57
893 B - Omkar and Last Class of Math GNU C++17 (64) greedy math number theory *1300 Jul/11/2020 20:47
892 A - Omkar and Completion GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *800 Jul/11/2020 20:37
891 F - Make It Connected GNU C++17 (64) dsu graphs greedy *1900 Jul/11/2020 18:41
890 E - Almost Regular Bracket Sequence GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1900 Jul/11/2020 17:29
889 C - Powers Of Two GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks greedy *1400 Jul/11/2020 16:04
888 B - Array Stabilization GNU C++17 (64) implementation *900 Jul/11/2020 15:55
887 A - Repeating Cipher GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 Jul/11/2020 15:53
886 B - Falling Anvils GNU C++17 (64) math probabilities *1800 Jul/10/2020 23:44
885 C - Beaver Game GNU C++17 (64) dp games number theory *2000 Jul/10/2020 19:45
884 B - Easter Eggs GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1200 Jul/10/2020 19:18
883 A - Haiku GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jul/10/2020 19:12
882 D - Magic Numbers GNU C++17 (64) dp *2200 Jul/10/2020 16:53
881 C - Count Triangles GNU C++17 (64) binary search implementation math two pointers *1800 Jul/10/2020 16:08
880 B - Fix a Tree GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *1700 Jul/09/2020 00:01
879 D - Replace by MEX GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms sortings *1900 Jul/04/2020 23:55
878 C - Element Extermination GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 Jul/04/2020 21:32
877 B - Neighbor Grid GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1200 Jul/04/2020 20:33
876 A - Sign Flipping GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1100 Jul/04/2020 20:24
875 C - Creative Snap GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force divide and conquer math *1700 Jul/04/2020 14:25
874 C - Buns GNU C++17 (64) dp *1700 Jul/04/2020 13:48
873 C - Classy Numbers GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp *1900 Jul/03/2020 23:22
872 E - Ski Accidents GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms graphs greedy *2500 Jul/03/2020 03:14
871 E1 - Asterism (Easy Version) GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force combinatorics math number theory sortings *1900 Jul/01/2020 20:51
870 D - Grid-00100 GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1600 Jul/01/2020 20:23
869 C - A Cookie for You GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *1300 Jul/01/2020 19:32
868 B - Magical Calendar GNU C++17 (64) math *1200 Jul/01/2020 19:23
867 A - Magical Sticks GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Jul/01/2020 19:06
866 D - Nastya and Scoreboard GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp greedy *1700 Jul/01/2020 15:42
865 A - Required Remainder GNU C++17 (64) math *800 Jun/29/2020 00:30
864 B - Multiply by 2, divide by 6 GNU C++17 (64) math *900 Jun/29/2020 00:25
863 C - Move Brackets GNU C++17 (64) greedy strings *1000 Jun/29/2020 00:22
862 F - Cyclic Shifts Sorting GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms implementation sortings *2400 Jun/28/2020 23:56
861 E1 - Reading Books (easy version) GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy sortings *1600 Jun/28/2020 20:41
860 D - Zero Remainder Array GNU C++17 (64) math sortings two pointers *1400 Jun/28/2020 20:13
859 D - Substring GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graphs *1700 Jun/28/2020 17:13
858 D - Bicolorings GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp *1700 Jun/28/2020 15:02
857 E - Nuclear Fusion GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp *2200 Jun/28/2020 03:11
856 E - Fish GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp probabilities *1900 Jun/27/2020 18:36
855 C - Looking for Order GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks dp *2000 Jun/27/2020 18:08
854 F - Network Coverage GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy *2400 Jun/27/2020 15:31
853 B - Valera and Fruits GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1400 Jun/26/2020 20:35
852 E - Sum of Digits GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms dp greedy *2200 Jun/25/2020 23:30
851 D - Maximum Sum on Even Positions GNU C++17 (64) divide and conquer dp greedy implementation *1600 Jun/25/2020 21:06
850 C - Pluses and Minuses GNU C++17 (64) math *1300 Jun/25/2020 20:36
849 B - 01 Game GNU C++17 (64) games *900 Jun/25/2020 20:13
848 A - Donut Shops GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *1000 Jun/25/2020 20:09
847 E - DeadLee GNU C++17 (64) data structures dfs and similar greedy implementation sortings *2400 Jun/25/2020 16:19
846 A - Plant GNU C++17 (64) math *1300 Jun/25/2020 03:48
845 D - TediousLee GNU C++17 (64) dp graphs greedy math trees *1900 Jun/23/2020 20:30
844 C - RationalLee GNU C++17 (64) greedy math sortings two pointers *1400 Jun/23/2020 20:01
843 B - AccurateLee GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation strings *1200 Jun/23/2020 19:49
842 A - FashionabLee GNU C++17 (64) geometry math *800 Jun/23/2020 19:41
841 B - Mike and Feet GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures dp dsu *1900 Jun/22/2020 16:41
840 D - AND, OR and square sum GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks greedy math *1700 Jun/19/2020 23:21
839 B - Codeforces Subsequences GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy math strings *1500 Jun/19/2020 22:40
838 C - Even Picture GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *1500 Jun/19/2020 22:29
837 A - C+= GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation math *800 Jun/18/2020 20:26
836 E - Necklace Assembly GNU C++17 (64) brute force dfs and similar dp graphs greedy number theory *1900 Jun/16/2020 21:36
835 D - Task On The Board GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings *1800 Jun/16/2020 20:58
834 C - Social Distance GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1300 Jun/16/2020 20:21
833 B - Even Array GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 Jun/16/2020 20:09
832 A - Short Substrings GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *800 Jun/16/2020 20:07
831 B - Hungry Sequence GNU C++17 (64) math *1200 Jun/14/2020 00:21
830 B - Modulo Equality GNU C++17 (64) brute force sortings *1500 Jun/13/2020 23:53
829 D - Ehab's Last Corollary GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2100 Jun/13/2020 22:16
828 C - Ehab and Prefix MEXs GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Jun/13/2020 21:12
827 B - Most socially-distanced subsequence GNU C++17 (64) greedy two pointers *1300 Jun/13/2020 20:51
826 A - XXXXX GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures number theory two pointers *1200 Jun/13/2020 20:44
825 D - Two Divisors GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math number theory *2000 Jun/12/2020 19:32
824 D - Animals GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy *1700 Jun/12/2020 01:02
823 D - Soldier and Number Game GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dp math number theory *1700 Jun/12/2020 00:31
822 A - Kyoya and Colored Balls GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp math *1500 Jun/11/2020 23:59
821 C - Palindromic Paths GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1500 Jun/11/2020 20:42
820 B - Shuffle GNU C++17 (64) math two pointers *1300 Jun/11/2020 20:32
819 A - Shovels and Swords GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy math *1100 Jun/11/2020 20:26
818 F - Maximum Weight Subset GNU C++17 (64) dp trees *2200 Jun/10/2020 00:00
817 E - Lucky Tree GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dfs and similar trees *1900 Jun/09/2020 23:01
816 D - Choosing Capital for Treeland GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1700 Jun/09/2020 22:02
815 D2 - Equalizing by Division (hard version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force math sortings *1600 Jun/07/2020 23:22
814 E - Johnny and Grandmaster GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy implementation math number theory sortings two pointers *1900 Jun/04/2020 21:35
813 C - Johnny and Another Rating Drop GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks greedy math *1400 Jun/04/2020 20:31
812 B - Johnny and His Hobbies GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force *1200 Jun/04/2020 20:18
811 A - Johnny and Ancient Computer GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1000 Jun/04/2020 20:12
810 D - Guess The Maximums GNU C++17 (64) binary search implementation interactive math *2100 Jun/01/2020 01:04
809 E - Tree Shuffling GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 May/31/2020 20:46
808 C - Game On Leaves GNU C++17 (64) games trees *1600 May/31/2020 20:22
807 B - Subsequence Hate GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *1400 May/31/2020 20:15
806 A - Odd Selection GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation math *1200 May/31/2020 20:10
805 D - Yet Another Yet Another Task GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp implementation two pointers *2000 May/28/2020 22:41
804 C - Mixing Water GNU C++17 (64) binary search math *1700 May/28/2020 22:18
803 E - Modular Stability GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics math number theory *2000 May/28/2020 21:55
802 B - New Theatre Square GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy implementation two pointers *1000 May/28/2020 20:22
801 A - Berland Poker GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *1000 May/28/2020 20:12
800 G - Privatization of Roads in Treeland GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1900 May/28/2020 00:12
799 F2 - Same Sum Blocks (Hard) GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy *1900 May/28/2020 00:08
798 E - Superhero Battle GNU C++17 (64) math *1700 May/27/2020 22:37
797 D - Colored Boots GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1500 May/27/2020 21:54
796 C - Polycarp Restores Permutation GNU C++17 (64) math *1500 May/27/2020 21:42
795 B - Maximal Continuous Rest GNU C++17 (64) implementation *900 May/27/2020 21:35
794 A - Game 23 GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *1000 May/27/2020 21:32
793 C - Celex Update GNU C++17 (64) math *1600 May/26/2020 21:49
792 B - Maria Breaks the Self-isolation GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *1000 May/26/2020 20:21
791 A - Park Lighting GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 May/26/2020 20:07
790 A - Almost Equal GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1200 May/25/2020 12:23
789 F - Spy-string GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dp hashing strings *1700 May/24/2020 20:01
788 E - Polygon GNU C++17 (64) dp graphs implementation shortest paths *1300 May/24/2020 19:26
787 D - Buying Shovels GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1300 May/24/2020 19:18
786 C - Similar Pairs GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms graph matchings greedy sortings *1100 May/24/2020 19:15
785 B - Honest Coach GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *800 May/24/2020 19:11
784 A - Minimal Square GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 May/24/2020 19:08
783 C - DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers GNU C++17 (64) data structures math number theory *2400 May/23/2020 15:13
782 E - XOR on Segment GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks data structures *2000 May/22/2020 21:16
781 E - Monotonic Renumeration GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics sortings *1700 May/21/2020 22:24
780 D - Balanced Ternary String GNU C++17 (64) greedy strings *1500 May/21/2020 22:15
779 C - Doors Breaking and Repairing GNU C++17 (64) games *1200 May/21/2020 21:52
778 B - Array K-Coloring GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *1400 May/21/2020 21:15
777 A - Integer Sequence Dividing GNU C++17 (64) math *800 May/21/2020 21:06
776 C - Longest Regular Bracket Sequence GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures dp greedy sortings strings *1900 May/21/2020 16:58
775 C - Geometric Progression GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures dp *1700 May/20/2020 19:22
774 F - Frogs and mosquitoes GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy *2500 May/20/2020 18:11
773 F - MST Unification GNU C++17 (64) binary search dsu graphs greedy *2100 May/19/2020 21:52
772 E2 - Array and Segments (Hard version) GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *2100 May/19/2020 20:14
771 E1 - Array and Segments (Easy version) GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy implementation *1800 May/19/2020 20:14
770 D - Diverse Garland GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dp greedy *1400 May/19/2020 19:31
769 C - Nice Garland GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *1300 May/19/2020 19:22
768 B - Divisors of Two Integers GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math number theory *1100 May/19/2020 19:13
767 A - Two distinct points GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 May/19/2020 19:07
766 C - Two strings GNU C++17 (64) binary search hashing strings two pointers *2100 May/18/2020 20:29
765 D - Segment Tree GNU C++17 (64) data structures dsu graphs trees *2100 May/18/2020 18:17
764 E - World of Darkraft: Battle for Azathoth GNU C++17 (64) data structures sortings two pointers *2000 May/18/2020 16:37
763 C - Circular RMQ GNU C++17 (64) data structures *2200 May/18/2020 15:08
762 D - Multiset GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures *1900 May/17/2020 19:13
761 C1 - Simple Polygon Embedding GNU C++17 (64) binary search geometry math ternary search *1400 May/17/2020 15:26
760 B - Ternary String GNU C++17 (64) binary search dp implementation two pointers *1200 May/17/2020 15:04
759 A - Alarm Clock GNU C++17 (64) math *900 May/17/2020 14:55
758 C - Save the Nature GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy *1600 May/16/2020 23:16
757 C - Weakness and Poorness GNU C++17 (64) ternary search *2000 May/16/2020 22:00
756 E - Restorer Distance GNU C++17 (64) binary search greedy math sortings ternary search *2100 May/16/2020 20:47
755 D - Game With Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1400 May/16/2020 18:34
754 B - Young Explorers GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy sortings *1200 May/16/2020 17:17
753 A - Sequence with Digits GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation math *1200 May/16/2020 17:12
752 E - Paint the Tree GNU C++17 (64) dp sortings trees *2100 May/16/2020 15:08
751 B - Heidi and Library (medium) GNU C++17 (64) data structures greedy *1800 May/16/2020 13:37
750 A - Heidi and Library (easy) GNU C++17 (64) greedy *1800 May/16/2020 13:36
749 D - Power Products GNU C++17 (64) number theory *1800 May/15/2020 17:28
748 D - Dima and Lisa GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory *1800 May/15/2020 16:22
747 C - Neko does Maths GNU C++17 (64) brute force math number theory *1800 May/15/2020 15:28
746 E - K-periodic Garland GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy *1900 May/14/2020 21:16
745 D - Constructing the Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures sortings *1600 May/14/2020 20:42
744 C - Board Moves GNU C++17 (64) math *1000 May/14/2020 20:31
743 B - Two Arrays And Swaps GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *800 May/14/2020 20:13
742 A - Most Unstable Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *800 May/14/2020 20:10
741 D - Dreamoon and Sets GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math *1900 May/14/2020 15:11
740 D - Design Tutorial: Inverse the Problem GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu shortest paths trees *1900 May/14/2020 14:31
739 D - MUH and Cube Walls GNU C++17 (64) string suffix structures strings *1800 May/14/2020 13:11
738 D - Ring Road 2 GNU C++17 (64) 2-sat dfs and similar dsu graphs *2200 May/13/2020 23:53
737 B - Two Sets GNU C++17 (64) 2-sat dfs and similar dsu graph matchings greedy *2000 May/13/2020 23:02
736 E - The Road to Berland is Paved With Good Intentions GNU C++17 (64) 2-sat dfs and similar dsu graphs *1900 May/13/2020 19:33
735 B - Appleman and Tree GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp trees *2000 May/13/2020 16:20
734 E - Quantifier Question GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graphs *2600 May/13/2020 15:17
733 E - Orac and Game of Life GNU C++17 (64) data structures graphs implementation math shortest paths *2000 May/13/2020 14:22
732 B - Orac and Models GNU C++17 (64) dp math number theory *1400 May/12/2020 20:29
731 D - Orac and Medians GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *2000 May/12/2020 19:42
730 C - Orac and LCM GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1600 May/12/2020 18:58
729 A - Orac and Factors GNU C++17 (64) math *900 May/12/2020 18:10
728 F - Compress String GNU C++17 (64) strings *2100 May/10/2020 17:21
727 B - Mike and Children GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation *1200 May/10/2020 16:27
726 A - Technogoblet of Fire GNU C++17 (64) implementation sortings *1100 May/10/2020 16:17
725 B - Same Parity Summands GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *1200 May/09/2020 21:37
724 A - Sum of Round Numbers GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 May/09/2020 21:36
723 C - K-th Not Divisible by n GNU C++17 (64) binary search math *1200 May/09/2020 21:16
722 D - Alice, Bob and Candies GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1300 May/09/2020 21:08
721 E - Special Elements GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation two pointers *1500 May/09/2020 20:55
720 G - Special Permutation GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *1600 May/09/2020 20:38
719 F - Binary String Reconstruction GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar math *1500 May/09/2020 20:30
718 A - Escape from Stones GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures implementation two pointers *1200 May/08/2020 19:27
717 B - Lost Numbers GNU C++17 (64) brute force divide and conquer interactive math *1400 May/08/2020 19:13
716 B - Little Pony and Harmony Chest GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks brute force dp *2000 May/08/2020 16:22
715 A - Sereja and Bottles GNU C++17 (64) brute force *1400 May/08/2020 15:08
714 D - Count Good Substrings GNU C++17 (64) math *2000 May/08/2020 14:52
713 B - Jzzhu and Cities GNU C++17 (64) graphs greedy shortest paths *2000 May/07/2020 22:26
712 A - A+B (Trial Problem) GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 May/07/2020 20:34
711 C - Skier GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1400 May/07/2020 19:54
710 B - Square? GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation math *900 May/07/2020 19:40
709 D - Monopole Magnets GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu *2000 May/06/2020 21:16
708 C - Hilbert's Hotel GNU C++17 (64) math sortings *1600 May/06/2020 20:36
707 B - Card Constructions GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force dp math *1100 May/06/2020 20:17
706 A - Puzzle Pieces GNU C++17 (64) math *800 May/06/2020 20:09
705 B - DZY Loves Modification GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures greedy *2000 May/06/2020 17:55
704 D - Devu and his Brother GNU C++17 (64) binary search sortings ternary search two pointers *1700 May/06/2020 16:41
703 D - The Child and Zoo GNU C++17 (64) dsu sortings *1900 May/06/2020 15:58
702 D - Prefixes and Suffixes GNU C++17 (64) dp string suffix structures strings two pointers *2000 May/06/2020 00:46
701 D - Toy Sum GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *1700 May/05/2020 22:31
700 B - Maximum Submatrix 2 GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp implementation sortings *1600 May/03/2020 22:51
699 D - Vessels GNU C++17 (64) data structures dsu implementation trees *1800 May/03/2020 22:04
698 D - Pair of Numbers GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures math two pointers *2000 May/03/2020 21:39
697 B - Psychos in a Line GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1900 May/03/2020 16:16
696 B - Fish Weight GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1600 May/03/2020 15:10
695 D - Phoenix and Science GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1900 May/03/2020 14:55
694 C - Phoenix and Distribution GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy sortings strings *1600 May/03/2020 00:41
693 B - Phoenix and Beauty GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1400 May/02/2020 23:34
692 A - Phoenix and Balance GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 May/02/2020 23:16
691 E - Subsegments GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation *1800 Apr/29/2020 21:22
690 D - Colliders GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1600 Apr/28/2020 01:44
689 D - Bag of mice GNU C++17 (64) dp games math probabilities *1800 Apr/28/2020 00:51
688 D - Subway GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs *1600 Apr/27/2020 17:53
687 B - Petya and Divisors GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures number theory *1900 Apr/27/2020 17:19
686 D - Road Map GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar graphs *1600 Apr/27/2020 16:55
685 D - Roads not only in Berland GNU C++17 (64) dsu graphs trees *1900 Apr/27/2020 16:43
684 B - Sorting the Coins GNU C++17 (64) dsu implementation sortings two pointers *1500 Apr/27/2020 16:28
683 D - Love Rescue GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy strings *1600 Apr/27/2020 16:10
682 D - Make a Permutation! GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *1500 Apr/27/2020 15:57
681 D - Prizes, Prizes, more Prizes GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1200 Apr/27/2020 14:57
680 D - Queue GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation sortings *1300 Apr/27/2020 14:42
679 B - Mashmokh and ACM GNU C++17 (64) combinatorics dp number theory *1400 Apr/27/2020 14:14
678 D - Multiple Testcases GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings two pointers *1900 Apr/26/2020 22:50
677 C - Yet Another Counting Problem GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1600 Apr/26/2020 21:22
676 B - Binary Period GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms strings *1100 Apr/26/2020 20:30
675 A - Road To Zero GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1000 Apr/26/2020 20:19
674 E - Minimizing Difference GNU C++17 (64) binary search constructive algorithms greedy sortings ternary search two pointers *2000 Apr/24/2020 11:36
673 C - Nastya and Strange Generator GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1500 Apr/23/2020 20:44
672 B - Nastya and Door GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation *1300 Apr/23/2020 20:26
671 A - Nastya and Rice GNU C++17 (64) math *900 Apr/23/2020 20:17
670 E - Middle-Out GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy strings *2200 Apr/23/2020 17:53
669 B2 - Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms greedy math number theory ternary search two pointers *2100 Apr/23/2020 17:21
668 E2 - Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version) GNU C++17 (64) greedy math number theory *2100 Apr/23/2020 17:16
667 B - Numbers on Tree GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1800 Apr/23/2020 15:50
666 D - Navigation System GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths *1700 Apr/23/2020 11:58
665 D - White Lines GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures dp implementation two pointers *1900 Apr/22/2020 22:26
664 E - Weights Distributing GNU C++17 (64) brute force graphs greedy shortest paths sortings *2100 Apr/22/2020 17:14
663 D - Constant Palindrome Sum GNU C++17 (64) brute force data structures greedy two pointers *1700 Apr/21/2020 21:56
662 C - Alternating Subsequence GNU C++17 (64) dp greedy two pointers *1200 Apr/21/2020 20:23
661 B - Balanced Array GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/21/2020 20:18
660 A - Candies GNU C++17 (64) brute force math *900 Apr/21/2020 20:13
659 D - Challenges in school №41 GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms games graphs greedy implementation sortings *2100 Apr/19/2020 18:55
658 C - Eugene and an array GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures implementation two pointers *1700 Apr/19/2020 17:10
657 D - Paint the Tree GNU C++17 (64) brute force constructive algorithms dp graphs implementation trees *1800 Apr/19/2020 15:55
656 J - Just Arrange the Icons GNU C++17 (64) greedy implementation math *1800 Apr/19/2020 14:29
655 E - Kaavi and Magic Spell GNU C++14 dp strings *2200 Apr/17/2020 20:50
654 C - Linova and Kingdom GNU C++14 dfs and similar dp greedy sortings trees *1600 Apr/17/2020 19:35
653 D - Xenia and Colorful Gems GNU C++14 binary search data structures implementation math sortings *1700 Apr/15/2020 22:02
652 B - Kana and Dragon Quest game GNU C++14 greedy implementation math *900 Apr/15/2020 20:10
651 A - Ichihime and Triangle GNU C++14 constructive algorithms math *800 Apr/15/2020 20:06
650 E - Increasing Frequency GNU C++14 binary search dp greedy *2000 Apr/15/2020 19:13
649 E - Vasya and Binary String GNU C++14 dp *2400 Apr/15/2020 18:49
648 C - Brutality GNU C++14 greedy sortings two pointers *1300 Apr/14/2020 02:07
647 B - Digital root GNU C++14 math number theory *1000 Apr/14/2020 02:00
646 A - Digits Sequence Dividing GNU C++14 greedy strings *900 Apr/14/2020 01:54
645 E - Array Shrinking GNU C++14 dp greedy *2100 Apr/14/2020 01:40
644 D - Anti-Sudoku GNU C++14 constructive algorithms implementation *1300 Apr/13/2020 20:45
643 C - Two Teams Composing GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation sortings *1100 Apr/13/2020 20:33
642 B - Construct the String GNU C++14 constructive algorithms *900 Apr/13/2020 20:18
641 A - Candies and Two Sisters GNU C++14 math *800 Apr/13/2020 20:06
640 C - Adding Powers GNU C++14 bitmasks greedy implementation math number theory ternary search *1400 Apr/13/2020 18:37
639 F - Two Pizzas GNU C++14 bitmasks brute force *2100 Apr/13/2020 17:29
638 D - Roman and Numbers GNU C++14 bitmasks brute force combinatorics dp number theory *2000 Apr/13/2020 16:26
637 E - Ehab's REAL Number Theory Problem GNU C++14 brute force dfs and similar graphs number theory shortest paths *2600 Apr/13/2020 10:17
636 D - Edge Weight Assignment GNU C++14 bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy trees *1800 Apr/12/2020 20:36
635 C - Powered Addition GNU C++14 bitmasks brute force greedy *1500 Apr/12/2020 20:01
634 B - Sorted Adjacent Differences GNU C++14 constructive algorithms sortings *1200 Apr/12/2020 19:45
633 A - Filling Diamonds GNU C++14 brute force dp implementation math *900 Apr/12/2020 19:39
632 A - Lucky 7 C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Apr/12/2020 17:56
631 D - RGB Triplets C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Apr/12/2020 17:54
630 C - Sum of gcd of Tuples (Easy) C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Apr/12/2020 17:35
629 B - FizzBuzz Sum C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Apr/12/2020 17:33
628 E - Antenna Coverage GNU C++17 data structures dp greedy sortings *2200 Apr/11/2020 18:04
627 D - Minimum Euler Cycle GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs greedy implementation *1800 Apr/10/2020 22:01
626 C - Circle of Monsters GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *1600 Apr/10/2020 20:31
625 B - Middle Class GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1100 Apr/10/2020 20:22
624 B - Kind Anton GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1100 Apr/08/2020 20:24
623 A - Little Artem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1000 Apr/08/2020 20:19
622 F - Cheap Robot GNU C++17 binary search dsu graphs shortest paths trees *2500 Apr/07/2020 23:04
621 E - Height All the Same GNU C++17 combinatorics constructive algorithms math matrices *2100 Apr/07/2020 19:15
620 D - Shichikuji and Power Grid GNU C++17 dsu graphs greedy shortest paths trees *1900 Apr/07/2020 18:53
619 D - Salary Changing GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings *1900 Apr/07/2020 17:37
618 D - A Game with Traps GNU C++17 binary search dp greedy sortings *1900 Apr/07/2020 16:51
617 C - News Distribution GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs *1400 Apr/06/2020 19:37
616 D - Numbers GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1900 Apr/06/2020 01:13
615 B - Numbers GNU C++17 combinatorics dp *1900 Apr/06/2020 01:13
614 D - Volleyball GNU C++17 graphs shortest paths *1900 Apr/06/2020 00:03
613 D - Missile Silos GNU C++17 data structures dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *1900 Apr/05/2020 22:54
612 E - Paths and Trees GNU C++17 graphs greedy shortest paths *2000 Apr/05/2020 19:41
611 B - Planets GNU C++17 binary search data structures graphs shortest paths *1700 Apr/05/2020 18:10
610 C - Dijkstra? GNU C++17 graphs shortest paths *1900 Apr/05/2020 16:57
609 F - Three Paths on a Tree GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 Apr/05/2020 01:12
608 E - Obtain a Permutation GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *1900 Apr/05/2020 00:38
607 D - Same GCDs GNU C++17 math number theory *1800 Apr/04/2020 23:49
606 D - Time to Run GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs implementation *2000 Apr/04/2020 21:42
605 D - Cow and Fields GNU C++17 binary search data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths sortings *1900 Apr/04/2020 20:54
604 E - 1-Trees and Queries GNU C++17 data structures dfs and similar shortest paths trees *2000 Apr/04/2020 19:34
603 B - Dreamoon Likes Permutations GNU C++17 implementation math *1400 Apr/04/2020 19:06
602 D - Enchanted Artifact GNU C++17 constructive algorithms interactive strings *2300 Apr/04/2020 02:08
601 D - Christmas Trees GNU C++17 graphs greedy shortest paths *1800 Apr/04/2020 01:04
600 D - Minimax Problem GNU C++17 binary search bitmasks dp *2000 Apr/04/2020 00:34
599 D - Dr. Evil Underscores GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force dfs and similar divide and conquer dp greedy strings trees *1900 Apr/03/2020 23:56
598 D - Dreamoon Likes Sequences GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms dp math *1700 Apr/03/2020 23:07
597 C - Dreamoon Likes Coloring GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1800 Apr/03/2020 21:32
596 A - Dreamoon and Ranking Collection GNU C++17 implementation *900 Apr/03/2020 20:12
595 B - Interesting Subarray GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1200 Apr/03/2020 14:38
594 D - Walk on Matrix GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms math *1700 Mar/31/2020 20:28
593 C - K-Complete Word GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu greedy implementation strings *1500 Mar/31/2020 19:48
592 B - Composite Coloring GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1400 Mar/31/2020 19:37
591 A - Exercising Walk GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *1100 Mar/31/2020 19:16
590 D - Infinite Path GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs math number theory *2200 Mar/31/2020 00:00
589 F - Treeland Tour GNU C++17 data structures dfs and similar dp trees *2200 Mar/30/2020 20:47
588 B - Maximum Value GNU C++17 binary search math sortings two pointers *2100 Mar/30/2020 18:54
587 F - Make k Equal GNU C++17 greedy *2200 Mar/30/2020 18:30
586 E - Minimum spanning tree for each edge GNU C++17 data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *2100 Mar/29/2020 20:34
585 E - Tree Queries GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *1900 Mar/29/2020 16:13
584 D - Carousel GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp graphs greedy math *1800 Mar/26/2020 21:25
583 C - Ternary XOR GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1200 Mar/26/2020 20:43
582 B - K-th Beautiful String GNU C++17 binary search brute force combinatorics implementation math *1300 Mar/26/2020 20:33
581 A - Divisibility Problem GNU C++17 math *800 Mar/26/2020 20:07
580 E - Count The Blocks GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1800 Mar/24/2020 18:38
579 C - Game with Chips GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1600 Mar/24/2020 18:06
578 B - Princesses and Princes GNU C++17 brute force graphs greedy *1200 Mar/24/2020 17:51
577 A - Sum of Odd Integers GNU C++17 math *1100 Mar/24/2020 17:31
576 E - Divisible Substring C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *500 Mar/23/2020 16:48
575 A - Hexadecimal's theorem GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms implementation number theory *900 Mar/23/2020 15:06
574 D - String Formation C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *400 Mar/23/2020 14:57
573 C - Tax Increase C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *300 Mar/23/2020 14:46
572 B - Count Balls C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *200 Mar/23/2020 14:34
571 B - Math GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1500 Mar/21/2020 21:40
570 E - Reachability from the Capital GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy *2000 Mar/21/2020 20:19
569 D2 - Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Hard version) GNU C++17 binary search greedy hashing string suffix structures strings *1800 Mar/19/2020 21:46
568 D1 - Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Easy version) GNU C++17 hashing string suffix structures strings *1500 Mar/19/2020 21:46
567 C - Permutation Partitions GNU C++17 combinatorics greedy math *1300 Mar/19/2020 20:37
566 B - Maximums GNU C++17 implementation math *900 Mar/19/2020 20:18
565 A - Bad Ugly Numbers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms number theory *1000 Mar/19/2020 20:11
564 C - Basketball Exercise GNU C++17 dp *1400 Mar/19/2020 16:13
563 D - Harmonious Graph GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy sortings *1700 Mar/19/2020 04:22
562 E - Two Small Strings GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms *1900 Mar/16/2020 21:07
561 G - Path Queries GNU C++17 divide and conquer dsu graphs sortings trees *1800 Mar/16/2020 20:20
560 D1 - Equalizing by Division (easy version) GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1500 Mar/16/2020 19:48
559 C - Book Reading GNU C++17 math *1200 Mar/16/2020 19:01
558 B - Bad Prices GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1100 Mar/16/2020 18:48
557 A - Chips Moving GNU C++17 math *900 Mar/16/2020 18:46
556 F - Ehab's Last Theorem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy *2500 Mar/16/2020 16:14
555 D - Ehab the Xorcist GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1700 Mar/15/2020 00:43
554 D - Round Subset GNU C++17 dp math *2100 Mar/14/2020 22:31
553 C - Ehab and Path-etic MEXs GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy trees *1500 Mar/14/2020 20:54
552 B - CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Mar/14/2020 20:09
551 A - EhAb AnD gCd GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy number theory *800 Mar/14/2020 20:06
550 B - Just Eat It! GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation *1300 Mar/13/2020 23:39
549 D - Eternal Victory GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths trees *1800 Mar/13/2020 14:08
548 F - Maximum White Subtree GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1800 Mar/13/2020 01:17
547 E - Sleeping Schedule GNU C++17 dp implementation *1700 Mar/12/2020 19:40
546 D - Pair of Topics GNU C++17 binary search data structures sortings two pointers *1400 Mar/12/2020 19:02
545 C - Frog Jumps GNU C++17 binary search data structures dfs and similar greedy implementation *1100 Mar/12/2020 18:48
544 B - Yet Another Palindrome Problem GNU C++17 brute force strings *1100 Mar/12/2020 18:40
543 A - Yet Another Tetris Problem GNU C++17 implementation number theory *900 Mar/12/2020 18:37
542 A - Chunga-Changa GNU C++17 greedy math *1000 Mar/12/2020 15:26
541 E - Polycarp and Snakes GNU C++17 brute force implementation *2000 Mar/11/2020 20:19
540 D - Extra Element GNU C++17 implementation math *1700 Mar/11/2020 19:43
539 C2 - Exam in BerSU (hard version) GNU C++17 brute force data structures greedy math *1700 Mar/11/2020 19:20
538 C1 - Exam in BerSU (easy version) GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1200 Mar/11/2020 19:20
537 B - Email from Polycarp GNU C++17 implementation strings *1200 Mar/11/2020 18:56
536 A - Ropewalkers GNU C++17 math *800 Mar/11/2020 18:34
535 B - Count Subrectangles GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation *1500 Mar/11/2020 16:44
534 C - Unusual Competitions GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1300 Mar/11/2020 16:29
533 A - Even Subset Sum Problem GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy implementation *800 Mar/11/2020 15:56
532 D - Count the Arrays GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1700 Mar/09/2020 22:48
531 B - Bogosort GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Mar/09/2020 20:11
530 A - Two Regular Polygons GNU C++17 geometry greedy math number theory *800 Mar/09/2020 20:07
529 D - Nash Matrix GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs implementation *2000 Mar/05/2020 01:11
528 C - Primitive Primes GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math ternary search *1800 Mar/04/2020 20:56
527 B - String Modification GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms implementation sortings strings *1400 Mar/04/2020 20:23
526 A - Grade Allocation GNU C++17 implementation *800 Mar/04/2020 20:07
525 E - Kuroni and the Score Distribution GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *2200 Mar/04/2020 14:21
524 D - Kuroni and the Celebration GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar interactive trees *1900 Mar/03/2020 23:46
523 C - Kuroni and Impossible Calculation GNU C++17 brute force combinatorics math number theory *1600 Mar/03/2020 20:57
522 B - Kuroni and Simple Strings GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy strings two pointers *1200 Mar/03/2020 20:30
521 A - Kuroni and the Gifts GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy sortings *800 Mar/03/2020 20:09
520 B - Journey Planning GNU C++17 data structures sortings *1400 Mar/01/2020 19:08
519 A - Contest for Robots GNU C++17 greedy *900 Mar/01/2020 18:55
518 E - Median String GNU C++17 bitmasks math number theory strings *1900 Feb/29/2020 20:46
517 F - Graph Without Long Directed Paths GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs *1700 Feb/28/2020 18:38
516 D - Equalize Them All GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1400 Feb/28/2020 18:17
515 C - Two Shuffled Sequences GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Feb/28/2020 18:00
514 B - Parity Alternated Deletions GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *900 Feb/28/2020 17:54
513 A - Diverse Strings GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Feb/28/2020 17:46
512 F - Vus the Cossack and a Graph GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation *2400 Feb/28/2020 16:22
511 D - Vus the Cossack and Numbers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1500 Feb/28/2020 15:10
510 C - Vus the Cossack and Strings GNU C++17 implementation math *1800 Feb/28/2020 14:51
509 A - Vus the Cossack and a Contest GNU C++17 implementation *800 Feb/28/2020 14:30
508 D2 - Add on a Tree: Revolution GNU C++17 dfs and similar implementation trees *2500 Feb/28/2020 02:20
507 E - Count Pairs GNU C++17 number theory *2300 Feb/28/2020 01:52
506 D1 - Add on a Tree GNU C++17 trees *1600 Feb/28/2020 00:13
505 C - Candies! GNU C++17 data structures dp implementation math *1400 Feb/27/2020 23:41
504 B - Number Circle GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *1100 Feb/27/2020 23:13
503 A - Keanu Reeves GNU C++17 strings *800 Feb/27/2020 22:55
502 C - Serval and Parenthesis Sequence GNU C++17 greedy strings *1700 Feb/27/2020 22:28
501 C - Roads in Berland GNU C++17 graphs shortest paths *1900 Feb/26/2020 23:57
500 B - String Problem GNU C++17 shortest paths *1800 Feb/26/2020 23:42
499 B - Greg and Graph GNU C++17 dp graphs shortest paths *1700 Feb/26/2020 23:09
498 D - Recommendations GNU C++17 data structures greedy sortings *1700 Feb/26/2020 13:45
497 C - Restoring Permutation GNU C++17 greedy *1200 Feb/26/2020 01:56
496 B - Homecoming GNU C++17 binary search dp greedy strings *1300 Feb/26/2020 01:46
495 A - Dead Pixel GNU C++17 implementation *800 Feb/26/2020 01:28
494 F - Moving Points GNU C++17 data structures divide and conquer implementation sortings *1900 Feb/25/2020 03:47
493 D - Three Integers GNU C++17 brute force math *2000 Feb/25/2020 03:12
492 C - Perform the Combo GNU C++17 brute force *1300 Feb/25/2020 01:49
491 B - WeirdSort GNU C++17 dfs and similar sortings *1200 Feb/25/2020 01:39
490 A - Add Odd or Subtract Even GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *800 Feb/25/2020 01:26
489 C1 - Skyscrapers (easy version) GNU C++17 brute force data structures dp greedy *1500 Feb/23/2020 15:13
488 B - Different Rules GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1700 Feb/23/2020 15:00
487 A - Fast Food Restaurant GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *900 Feb/23/2020 14:41
486 B - T-Shirt Hunt GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1300 Feb/22/2020 13:51
485 C - Success Rate GNU C++17 binary search math *1700 Feb/22/2020 13:35
484 A - Is it rated? GNU C++17 implementation sortings *900 Feb/22/2020 12:53
483 F - Tokitsukaze and Strange Rectangle GNU C++17 data structures divide and conquer *2000 Feb/19/2020 22:39
482 D - Tokitsukaze, CSL and Stone Game GNU C++17 games greedy *1800 Feb/19/2020 19:24
481 C - Tokitsukaze and Discard Items GNU C++17 implementation *1400 Feb/19/2020 15:27
480 B - Tokitsukaze and Mahjong GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1200 Feb/19/2020 15:07
479 A - Tokitsukaze and Enhancement GNU C++17 brute force *800 Feb/19/2020 14:45
478 A - Three Strings GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Feb/18/2020 15:07
477 C - Cow and Message GNU C++17 brute force dp math strings *1500 Feb/17/2020 22:19
476 B - Cow and Friend GNU C++17 geometry greedy math *1300 Feb/17/2020 21:54
475 A - Cow and Haybales GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Feb/17/2020 21:09
474 D - Yet Another Subarray Problem GNU C++17 dp greedy math *1900 Feb/17/2020 00:17
473 C - Array Splitting GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1400 Feb/16/2020 23:22
472 B - Pillars GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1000 Feb/16/2020 23:09
471 A - DIY Wooden Ladder GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *900 Feb/16/2020 23:04
470 E - Matching vs Independent Set GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs greedy *2000 Feb/16/2020 22:46
469 F - Rectangle Painting 1 GNU C++17 dp *2300 Feb/16/2020 22:03
468 C - MP3 GNU C++17 two pointers *1600 Feb/16/2020 18:51
467 D - Welfare State GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1600 Feb/16/2020 18:10
466 B - Water Lily GNU C++17 geometry math *1000 Feb/16/2020 17:51
465 A - City Day GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Feb/16/2020 17:48
464 D - Shortest and Longest LIS GNU C++17 constructive algorithms graphs greedy two pointers *1800 Feb/15/2020 20:26
463 C - Air Conditioner GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation sortings two pointers *1500 Feb/15/2020 19:11
462 B - Longest Palindrome GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1100 Feb/15/2020 18:50
461 A - Two Rabbits GNU C++17 math *800 Feb/15/2020 18:37
460 B - Motarack's Birthday GNU C++17 binary search greedy ternary search *1500 Feb/14/2020 00:08
459 D - Fill The Bag GNU C++17 bitmasks greedy *1900 Feb/12/2020 21:39
458 C - Perfect Keyboard GNU C++17 dfs and similar greedy implementation *1600 Feb/12/2020 21:11
457 B - National Project GNU C++17 math *1400 Feb/12/2020 20:27
456 A - Erasing Zeroes GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Feb/12/2020 20:08
455 F - Berland Beauty GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy sortings trees *2100 Feb/11/2020 10:12
454 B - Wonder Room GNU C++17 brute force math *2000 Feb/10/2020 17:01
453 C - Number of Ways GNU C++17 binary search brute force data structures dp two pointers *1700 Feb/10/2020 15:01
452 B - Assigning to Classes GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1000 Feb/09/2020 19:45
451 A - Non-zero GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Feb/09/2020 19:38
450 D - Single-use Stones GNU C++17 binary search flows greedy two pointers *1900 Feb/05/2020 14:18
449 B - Food Buying GNU C++17 math *900 Feb/05/2020 02:09
448 E2 - String Coloring (hard version) GNU C++17 data structures dp *2000 Feb/04/2020 21:36
447 E1 - String Coloring (easy version) GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp graphs greedy sortings *1800 Feb/04/2020 21:22
446 D - Fight with Monsters GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1500 Feb/04/2020 21:03
445 C - Yet Another Walking Robot GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1500 Feb/04/2020 20:30
444 A - Array with Odd Sum GNU C++17 math *800 Feb/04/2020 20:07
443 B - Array Sharpening GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1300 Feb/03/2020 23:59
442 D - Irreducible Anagrams GNU C++17 binary search constructive algorithms data structures strings two pointers *1800 Feb/03/2020 01:36
441 C - Mind Control GNU C++17 brute force data structures greedy math *1600 Feb/03/2020 00:44
440 A - Even But Not Even GNU C++17 greedy math strings *900 Feb/02/2020 19:46
439 C - Common Divisors GNU C++17 implementation math *1300 Feb/02/2020 15:16
438 D - Coloring Edges GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2100 Feb/02/2020 15:06
437 A - Olesya and Rodion GNU C++17 math *1000 Feb/01/2020 18:56
436 C - Cycle In Maze GNU C++17 *special problem dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths *1700 Feb/01/2020 18:48
435 E - Gerald and Giant Chess GNU C++17 combinatorics dp *2200 Feb/01/2020 17:10
434 D - Police Stations GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs shortest paths trees *2100 Feb/01/2020 14:17
433 C - King's Path GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs hashing shortest paths *1800 Jan/30/2020 18:48
432 B - Biridian Forest GNU C++17 dfs and similar shortest paths *1500 Jan/30/2020 16:47
431 B - Infinite Prefixes GNU C++17 math strings *1700 Jan/30/2020 14:06
430 A - Rock-Paper-Scissors GNU C++17 implementation math *1300 Jan/30/2020 01:17
429 B - Han Solo and Lazer Gun GNU C++17 brute force data structures geometry implementation math *1400 Jan/30/2020 01:01
428 C - Obtain The String GNU C++17 dp greedy strings *1600 Jan/29/2020 20:26
427 C - Valeriy and Deque GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1500 Jan/28/2020 20:05
426 B - Serial Time! GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu *1400 Jan/25/2020 23:18
425 B - Recursive Queries GNU C++17 binary search data structures dfs and similar *1300 Jan/25/2020 15:28
424 C - Xenia and Weights GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs greedy shortest paths *1700 Jan/24/2020 11:31
423 B - Tanya and Candies GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Jan/24/2020 10:41
422 C - Palindromic Matrix GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1700 Jan/23/2020 22:34
421 A - Water Buying GNU C++17 math *800 Jan/23/2020 21:52
420 C - Product of Three Numbers GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1300 Jan/23/2020 16:16
419 D - MEX maximizing GNU C++17 data structures greedy implementation math *1600 Jan/22/2020 21:09
418 B - Collecting Packages GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1200 Jan/22/2020 20:21
417 A - Collecting Coins GNU C++17 math *800 Jan/22/2020 20:13
416 B - Good Sequences GNU C++17 dp number theory *1500 Jan/22/2020 18:42
415 C - George and Job GNU C++17 dp implementation *1700 Jan/22/2020 16:15
414 E - Pashmak and Graph GNU C++17 dp sortings *1900 Jan/22/2020 15:23
413 D - Xenia and Bit Operations GNU C++17 data structures trees *1700 Jan/22/2020 00:57
412 D - Caesar's Legions GNU C++17 dp *1700 Jan/21/2020 22:52
411 C - Ladder GNU C++17 dp implementation two pointers *1700 Jan/21/2020 15:39
410 C - Arithmetic Progression GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1700 Jan/21/2020 15:22
409 C - Barcode GNU C++17 dp matrices *1700 Jan/21/2020 14:19
408 C - Little Girl and Maximum Sum GNU C++17 data structures greedy implementation sortings *1500 Jan/21/2020 00:06
407 A - Cows and Sequence GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures implementation *1600 Jan/20/2020 23:43
406 C - Another Problem on Strings GNU C++11 binary search brute force dp math strings two pointers *1600 Jan/20/2020 23:05
405 D - Dima and Hares GNU C++11 dp greedy *1800 Jan/20/2020 22:46
404 D - Little Girl and Maximum XOR GNU C++17 bitmasks dp greedy implementation math *1700 Jan/20/2020 18:42
403 C - Hamburgers GNU C++17 binary search brute force *1600 Jan/20/2020 17:35
402 B - Greenhouse Effect GNU C++17 dp *1700 Jan/20/2020 16:38
401 B - Pipeline GNU C++17 binary search math *1700 Jan/20/2020 16:02
400 C - Fixing Typos GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1400 Jan/20/2020 13:50
399 B - Shaass and Bookshelf GNU C++17 dp greedy *1700 Jan/20/2020 05:07
398 B - Password GNU C++17 binary search dp hashing string suffix structures strings *1700 Jan/20/2020 04:25
397 C - Beautiful Numbers GNU C++17 brute force combinatorics *1800 Jan/20/2020 02:45
396 D - Aroma's Search GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms implementation *1700 Jan/20/2020 01:43
395 C - Divisibility by Eight GNU C++17 brute force dp math *1500 Jan/20/2020 01:09
394 C - NEKO's Maze Game GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Jan/20/2020 00:41
393 B - JOE is on TV! GNU C++17 combinatorics greedy math *1000 Jan/19/2020 19:17
392 A - ConneR and the A.R.C. Markland-N GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation *1100 Jan/19/2020 19:10
391 B - Dima and a Bad XOR GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dp *1600 Jan/19/2020 16:48
390 C - Bombs GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1600 Jan/18/2020 20:01
389 C - k-Tree GNU C++17 dp implementation trees *1600 Jan/18/2020 18:27
388 B - Hometask GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *1600 Jan/18/2020 15:58
387 A - Boredom GNU C++17 dp *1500 Jan/18/2020 15:21
386 D - Colorful Graph GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs *1600 Jan/18/2020 14:26
385 B - Color the Fence GNU C++17 data structures dp greedy implementation *1700 Jan/17/2020 18:52
384 F1 - Microtransactions (easy version) GNU C++17 binary search greedy *2000 Jan/17/2020 18:28
383 F2 - Microtransactions (hard version) GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation *2000 Jan/17/2020 18:27
382 C - XOR and OR GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation math *1500 Jan/17/2020 12:47
381 C - Valera and Elections GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *1600 Jan/17/2020 03:29
380 D - Common Divisors GNU C++17 brute force hashing implementation math strings *1400 Jan/17/2020 02:55
379 A - A Compatible Pair GNU C++17 brute force games *1400 Jan/17/2020 02:25
378 B - Physics Practical GNU C++17 binary search dp sortings two pointers *1400 Jan/17/2020 02:01
377 C - Ilya and Matrix GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings *1400 Jan/17/2020 01:31
376 A - DZY Loves Sequences GNU C++17 dp implementation two pointers *1600 Jan/17/2020 00:27
375 C - Almost Arithmetical Progression GNU C++17 brute force dp *1500 Jan/16/2020 22:46
374 C - To Add or Not to Add GNU C++17 binary search sortings two pointers *1600 Jan/15/2020 20:04
373 A - Mafia GNU C++17 binary search math sortings *1600 Jan/15/2020 19:01
372 C - Palindrome Transformation GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *1700 Jan/15/2020 17:55
371 C - Two Arrays GNU C++17 combinatorics dp *1600 Jan/14/2020 22:59
370 B - Yet Another Meme Problem GNU C++17 math *1100 Jan/14/2020 21:00
369 A - Deadline GNU C++17 binary search brute force math ternary search *1100 Jan/14/2020 20:15
368 C - Modified GCD GNU C++17 binary search number theory *1600 Jan/13/2020 19:38
367 D - Vasya and Chess GNU C++17 constructive algorithms games math *1700 Jan/13/2020 18:35
366 B - Maximum Absurdity GNU C++17 data structures dp implementation *1500 Jan/13/2020 14:18
365 A - Cut Ribbon GNU C++17 brute force dp *1300 Jan/13/2020 12:32
364 A - Greg and Array GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1400 Jan/13/2020 12:10
363 C - Phone Numbers GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation strings *1500 Jan/12/2020 17:46
362 C - Building Permutation GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1200 Jan/12/2020 01:11
361 A - Party GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs trees *900 Jan/12/2020 01:01
360 B - Fence GNU C++17 brute force dp *1100 Jan/12/2020 00:43
359 B - T-primes GNU C++17 binary search implementation math number theory *1300 Jan/12/2020 00:36
358 A - Ice Skating GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar dsu graphs *1200 Jan/12/2020 00:22
357 B - Dreamoon and WiFi GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force combinatorics dp math probabilities *1300 Jan/11/2020 23:28
356 A - System of Equations GNU C++17 brute force *800 Jan/11/2020 23:08
355 A - Even Odds GNU C++17 math *900 Jan/11/2020 23:04
354 A - Magnets GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jan/11/2020 22:58
353 A - Petya and Strings GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jan/11/2020 22:52
352 C - Fadi and LCM GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1400 Jan/10/2020 20:56
351 A - Mezo Playing Zoma GNU C++17 math *800 Jan/10/2020 19:38
350 B - Sagheer, the Hausmeister GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force dp *1600 Jan/10/2020 00:56
349 A - Raising Bacteria GNU C++17 bitmasks *1000 Jan/09/2020 23:36
348 C - Paint the Digits GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1500 Jan/08/2020 22:20
347 D - Cow and Snacks GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs *1700 Jan/08/2020 17:40
346 B - Koala and Lights GNU C++17 implementation math number theory *1300 Jan/08/2020 16:08
345 A - Paint the Numbers GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *800 Jan/08/2020 15:49
344 B - Mislove Has Lost an Array GNU C++17 greedy math *900 Jan/07/2020 18:22
343 A - BowWow and the Timetable GNU C++17 math *1000 Jan/07/2020 18:11
342 B - New Year and Ascent Sequence GNU C++17 binary search combinatorics data structures dp implementation sortings *1400 Jan/07/2020 14:30
341 C - Garland GNU C++17 dp greedy sortings *1800 Jan/06/2020 18:47
340 B - Hyperset GNU C++17 brute force data structures implementation *1500 Jan/06/2020 17:36
339 C - Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms number theory *1300 Jan/06/2020 00:09
338 A - Yellow Cards GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *1000 Jan/05/2020 22:45
337 A - Angry Students GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Jan/05/2020 19:43
336 C - New Year and Permutation GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1600 Jan/05/2020 18:11
335 A - New Year and Naming GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jan/05/2020 16:18
334 F - Maximum Balanced Circle GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp greedy two pointers *2000 Jan/02/2020 23:45
333 D - N Problems During K Days GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1900 Jan/02/2020 22:57
332 C2 - Increasing Subsequence (hard version) GNU C++17 greedy *1700 Jan/02/2020 21:25
331 C1 - Increasing Subsequence (easy version) GNU C++17 greedy *1300 Jan/02/2020 19:26
330 E - Minimum Array GNU C++17 binary search data structures greedy *1700 Jan/02/2020 19:11
329 B - Long Number GNU C++17 greedy *1300 Jan/02/2020 18:54
328 A - Reachable Numbers GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Jan/02/2020 18:40
327 C - New Year and Domino GNU C++17 dp implementation *1500 Jan/02/2020 13:55
326 C - Online Courses In BSU GNU C++17 *special problem dfs and similar graphs implementation *1500 Jan/01/2020 19:26
325 D - Generating Sets GNU C++17 binary search data structures dfs and similar greedy strings trees *1900 Jan/01/2020 18:43
324 G - Candy Box (hard version) GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *2000 Jan/01/2020 15:46
323 E - Subsequences (easy version) GNU C++17 dp graphs implementation shortest paths *2000 Dec/31/2019 16:24
322 D - Strange Device GNU C++17 constructive algorithms interactive math sortings *1900 Dec/30/2019 13:59
321 C - Make Good GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms math *1400 Dec/29/2019 20:52
320 A - Card Game GNU C++17 games greedy math *800 Dec/29/2019 19:39
319 B - Strings Equalization GNU C++17 strings *1000 Dec/29/2019 18:37
318 C - Ravioli Sort GNU C++17 implementation *1600 Dec/29/2019 16:37
317 A - Quirky Quantifiers GNU C++17 math *800 Dec/29/2019 16:17
316 E - New Year Parties GNU C++17 dp greedy *1800 Dec/29/2019 01:40
315 C - Friends and Gifts GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures math *1500 Dec/28/2019 23:41
314 B - Candies Division GNU C++17 math *900 Dec/28/2019 22:40
313 A - Minutes Before the New Year GNU C++17 math *800 Dec/28/2019 22:36
312 D - Marcin and Training Camp GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs greedy *1700 Dec/28/2019 19:12
311 C - Anadi and Domino GNU C++17 brute force graphs *1700 Dec/28/2019 15:01
310 B - Ania and Minimizing GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1000 Dec/28/2019 11:41
309 A - Dawid and Bags of Candies GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Dec/28/2019 11:36
308 D - Santa's Bot GNU C++17 combinatorics math probabilities *1700 Dec/27/2019 22:58
307 C - Stack of Presents GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1400 Dec/27/2019 21:55
306 B - Verse For Santa GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation *1300 Dec/27/2019 21:32
305 A - New Year Garland GNU C++17 math *900 Dec/27/2019 20:23
304 C - Garland GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2000 Dec/27/2019 17:21
303 F2 - Spanning Tree with One Fixed Degree GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy *1900 Dec/27/2019 16:58
302 F1 - Spanning Tree with Maximum Degree GNU C++17 graphs *1600 Dec/27/2019 02:34
301 E - K Balanced Teams GNU C++17 dp sortings two pointers *1800 Dec/27/2019 02:10
300 D - Zero Quantity Maximization GNU C++17 hashing math number theory *1500 Dec/27/2019 00:54
299 B - Preparation for International Women's Day GNU C++17 math number theory *1200 Dec/27/2019 00:41
298 A - Middle of the Contest GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Dec/27/2019 00:26
297 C - Balanced Team GNU C++17 sortings two pointers *1200 Dec/27/2019 00:09
296 C - Travelling Salesman and Special Numbers GNU C++17 brute force combinatorics dp *1800 Dec/26/2019 22:14
295 D - Three-dimensional Turtle Super Computer GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar graphs *1800 Dec/26/2019 18:46
294 A - Home Numbers GNU C++17 *special problem constructive algorithms math *1100 Dec/26/2019 17:57
293 C - Road Improvement GNU C++17 *special problem dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1800 Dec/26/2019 17:47
292 B - Making Genome in Berland GNU C++17 *special problem dfs and similar strings *1500 Dec/26/2019 16:25
291 E - Dasha and Puzzle GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2000 Dec/26/2019 15:20
290 F - st-Spanning Tree GNU C++17 dsu graphs greedy implementation *2300 Dec/25/2019 23:56
289 C - Polycarp at the Radio GNU C++17 greedy *1600 Dec/25/2019 16:27
288 E - One-Way Reform GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar flows graphs greedy *2200 Dec/25/2019 15:58
287 D - Lakes in Berland GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy implementation *1600 Dec/25/2019 14:54
286 B - Text Document Analysis GNU C++17 expression parsing implementation strings *1100 Dec/25/2019 13:06
285 A - The New Year: Meeting Friends GNU C++17 implementation math sortings *800 Dec/25/2019 12:35
284 A - Equation GNU C++17 brute force math *800 Dec/21/2019 16:39
283 D - Print a 1337-string... GNU C++17 combinatorics constructive algorithms math strings *1900 Dec/21/2019 00:37
282 A - You Are Given Two Binary Strings... GNU C++17 bitmasks greedy *1100 Dec/20/2019 19:09
281 A - Learning Languages GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu *1400 Dec/20/2019 16:27
280 C - Queen GNU C++17 dfs and similar trees *1400 Dec/20/2019 00:32
279 C - Berry Jam GNU C++17 data structures dp greedy implementation *1700 Dec/19/2019 23:41
278 E - Generate a String GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp *2000 Dec/18/2019 20:37
277 A - Transformation: from A to B GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar math *1000 Dec/18/2019 19:56
276 E - Spaceship Solitaire GNU C++17 data structures greedy implementation *2100 Dec/18/2019 16:24
275 D - Decreasing Debts GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures graphs greedy implementation math two pointers *2000 Dec/18/2019 14:50
274 B - Dice Tower GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1000 Dec/17/2019 23:03
273 C - Diverse Matrix GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1400 Dec/17/2019 21:29
272 A - Competitive Programmer GNU C++17 chinese remainder theorem math *1000 Dec/17/2019 20:45
271 A - Balanced Rating Changes GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 Dec/17/2019 17:44
270 D - Portals GNU C++17 data structures dp greedy implementation sortings *2100 Dec/17/2019 17:12
269 C - Shawarma Tent GNU C++17 brute force geometry greedy implementation *1300 Dec/17/2019 00:21
268 B - Blocks GNU C++17 greedy math *1300 Dec/17/2019 00:05
267 A - Suits GNU C++17 brute force greedy math *800 Dec/16/2019 23:47
266 D - Beingawesomeism GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1800 Dec/16/2019 22:45
265 C - Cut and Paste GNU C++17 implementation math *1700 Dec/16/2019 21:14
264 F - Beautiful Rectangle GNU C++17 brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms greedy math *2300 Dec/16/2019 20:27
263 D - Let's Play the Words? GNU C++17 data structures hashing implementation math *1900 Dec/16/2019 17:55
262 B - Azamon Web Services GNU C++17 greedy *1600 Dec/16/2019 16:55
261 A - Suffix Three GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/15/2019 10:41
260 D2 - RGB Substring (hard version) GNU C++17 data structures dp implementation two pointers *1600 Dec/15/2019 00:33
259 D1 - RGB Substring (easy version) GNU C++17 implementation *1500 Dec/15/2019 00:30
258 C - Robot Breakout GNU C++17 implementation *1500 Dec/14/2019 23:56
257 B - Odd Sum Segments GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1200 Dec/14/2019 23:36
256 A - Three Piles of Candies GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms math *800 Dec/14/2019 23:25
255 E - XOR Guessing GNU C++17 bitmasks interactive math *1900 Dec/14/2019 22:17
254 C - As Simple as One and Two GNU C++17 dp greedy *1400 Dec/14/2019 17:46
253 A - Happy Birthday, Polycarp! GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Dec/14/2019 17:24
252 B - Make Them Odd GNU C++17 greedy number theory *1200 Dec/14/2019 16:53
251 C - Gas Pipeline GNU C++17 dp greedy *1500 Dec/13/2019 23:57
250 A - There Are Two Types Of Burgers GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation math *800 Dec/13/2019 23:15
249 D - Remove One Element GNU C++17 brute force dp *1500 Dec/13/2019 15:07
248 D - Power Products GNU C++17 hashing math number theory *1800 Dec/13/2019 00:39
247 C - Yet Another Broken Keyboard GNU C++17 combinatorics dp implementation *1200 Dec/12/2019 20:05
246 B - Snow Walking Robot GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1200 Dec/12/2019 19:34
245 A - Three Friends GNU C++17 brute force greedy math sortings *900 Dec/12/2019 19:16
244 B - Uniqueness GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1500 Dec/12/2019 18:56
243 C - Magic Grid GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1800 Dec/11/2019 21:31
242 B2 - TV Subscriptions (Hard Version) GNU C++17 implementation two pointers *1300 Dec/11/2019 16:05
241 A - Forgetting Things GNU C++17 math *900 Dec/11/2019 01:47
240 A - Wrong Subtraction GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/11/2019 00:41
239 A - Distinct Digits GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Dec/11/2019 00:35
238 B - Modulo Sum GNU C++17 combinatorics data structures dp two pointers *1900 Dec/11/2019 00:12
237 A - Word Capitalization GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Dec/10/2019 23:27
236 I - Coins C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Dec/10/2019 22:43
235 B - Easy Number Challenge GNU C++17 implementation number theory *1300 Dec/10/2019 21:50
234 A - The Monster GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1200 Dec/09/2019 18:52
233 B - Distances to Zero GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1200 Dec/09/2019 16:50
232 C - Less or Equal GNU C++17 sortings *1200 Dec/09/2019 16:40
231 A - Shortest path of the king GNU C++17 greedy shortest paths *1000 Dec/09/2019 16:29
230 B - Godsend GNU C++17 games math *1100 Dec/09/2019 16:04
229 E - Fox and Card Game GNU C++17 greedy implementation *2000 Dec/09/2019 15:51
228 B - Our Tanya is Crying Out Loud GNU C++17 dp greedy *1400 Dec/08/2019 14:30
227 C - Meme Problem GNU C++17 binary search math *1300 Dec/08/2019 14:05
226 A - Chess Placing GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Dec/08/2019 13:55
225 B - Merge it! GNU C++17 math *1100 Dec/08/2019 13:39
224 A - Stones GNU C++17 brute force greedy math *800 Dec/07/2019 17:58
223 C - Labs GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1300 Dec/07/2019 17:42
222 B - Alice and the List of Presents GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1500 Dec/07/2019 17:06
221 B - Balanced Tunnel GNU C++17 data structures sortings two pointers *1300 Dec/07/2019 16:53
220 D - Beautiful Sequence GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1900 Dec/06/2019 03:25
219 C - Beautiful Regional Contest GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1500 Dec/06/2019 01:35
218 B - Beautiful Numbers GNU C++17 data structures implementation math two pointers *1300 Dec/06/2019 00:35
217 A - Beautiful String GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1000 Dec/06/2019 00:15
216 E - Compress Words GNU C++17 brute force hashing implementation string suffix structures strings *2000 Dec/04/2019 12:29
215 A - Choose Two Numbers GNU C++17 math sortings *800 Dec/03/2019 21:43
214 E - Archaeology GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy strings *1900 Dec/03/2019 18:38
213 D - Prime Graph GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1500 Dec/03/2019 18:06
212 C - Tiles GNU C++17 combinatorics greedy math *1300 Dec/03/2019 17:39
211 A - Prime Minister GNU C++17 greedy *800 Dec/03/2019 17:21
210 B - WOW Factor GNU C++17 dp strings *1300 Dec/03/2019 16:57
209 B - The Number of Products GNU C++17 combinatorics dp implementation *1400 Dec/03/2019 16:39
208 D - Sequence Sorting GNU C++17 dp greedy two pointers *2000 Dec/02/2019 23:58
207 F - Clear the String GNU C++17 dp *2000 Dec/02/2019 22:39
206 D - Little Pony and Harmony Chest GNU C++17 bitmasks dp *2000 Dec/02/2019 20:30
205 C - Little Pony and Expected Maximum GNU C++17 combinatorics math probabilities *1600 Dec/02/2019 17:26
204 A - Little Pony and Crystal Mine GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/02/2019 17:23
203 B - Little Pony and Sort by Shift GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Dec/02/2019 17:10
202 A - Little Pony and Expected Maximum GNU C++17 probabilities *1600 Dec/02/2019 16:44
201 A - CME GNU C++17 math *800 Dec/01/2019 23:30
200 L - Lexicography GNU C++17 constructive algorithms strings *1800 Dec/01/2019 21:28
199 E - Elections GNU C++17 greedy *1700 Dec/01/2019 19:51
198 B - Balls of Buma GNU C++17 *900 Dec/01/2019 18:27
197 H - Grid 1 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Dec/01/2019 11:25
196 F - LCS C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/30/2019 23:45
195 E - Knapsack 2 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/30/2019 23:10
194 D - Knapsack 1 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/30/2019 22:30
193 C - Vacation C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/30/2019 22:24
192 B - Frog 2 C++14 (GCC 5.4.1) AtCoder *100 Nov/30/2019 22:12
191 B - Checkout Assistant GNU C++17 dp *1900 Nov/30/2019 20:20
190 B - PIN Codes GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1400 Nov/29/2019 22:02
189 C - Everyone is a Winner! GNU C++17 binary search math meet-in-the-middle number theory *1400 Nov/29/2019 21:48
188 A - Sweet Problem GNU C++17 math *1100 Nov/29/2019 20:22
187 C - Infinite Fence GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1700 Nov/28/2019 00:04
186 B - Obtain Two Zeroes GNU C++17 binary search math *1300 Nov/27/2019 19:45
185 A - Heating GNU C++17 math *1000 Nov/27/2019 19:29
184 A - Chain Reaction GNU C++17 binary search dp *1600 Nov/25/2019 01:34
183 C - Messy GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1700 Nov/24/2019 23:15
182 D1 - Optimal Subsequences (Easy Version) GNU C++17 data structures greedy *1600 Nov/24/2019 20:29
181 D2 - Optimal Subsequences (Hard Version) GNU C++17 binary search data structures greedy sortings *1800 Nov/24/2019 20:26
180 B - Box GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1200 Nov/24/2019 17:06
179 A - Math Problem GNU C++17 greedy math *1100 Nov/24/2019 13:54
178 A - Mind the Gap GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Nov/23/2019 22:19
177 B - Petr and a Combination Lock GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force dp *1200 Nov/23/2019 19:43
176 D - Minimum Triangulation GNU C++17 dp greedy math *1200 Nov/23/2019 18:56
175 D - Flowers GNU C++17 dp *1700 Nov/23/2019 00:10
174 D - Bubble Sort Graph GNU C++17 binary search data structures dp *1500 Nov/22/2019 23:00
173 F - Equalizing Two Strings GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings strings *2000 Nov/22/2019 22:26
172 C - Platforms Jumping GNU C++17 greedy *1700 Nov/22/2019 21:56
171 E - Yet Another Division Into Teams GNU C++17 dp greedy sortings *2000 Nov/22/2019 20:09
170 E - The Contest GNU C++17 data structures dp greedy *2000 Nov/22/2019 19:04
169 C - Colorful Bricks GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1500 Nov/22/2019 15:15
168 E - Anfisa the Monkey GNU C++17 dp *1400 Nov/22/2019 14:39
167 E - Tetrahedron GNU C++17 dp math matrices *1500 Nov/22/2019 13:55
166 F - Make Them Similar GNU C++17 bitmasks brute force hashing meet-in-the-middle *2400 Nov/22/2019 11:27
165 D - Yet Another Monster Killing Problem GNU C++17 binary search data structures dp greedy sortings two pointers *1700 Nov/22/2019 02:16
164 A - Recycling Bottles GNU C++17 dp geometry greedy implementation *1800 Nov/22/2019 00:14
163 C - Bear and Prime Numbers GNU C++17 binary search brute force data structures dp implementation math number theory *1700 Nov/21/2019 22:54
162 C - Mishka and the Last Exam GNU C++17 greedy *1300 Nov/21/2019 22:17
161 L - Lazyland GNU C++17 *900 Nov/21/2019 21:45
160 M - The Pleasant Walk GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Nov/21/2019 21:26
159 B - And GNU C++17 greedy *1200 Nov/21/2019 20:21
158 A - Where do I Turn? GNU C++17 geometry *1300 Nov/21/2019 19:20
157 B - Div Times Mod GNU C++17 math *1100 Nov/21/2019 18:09
156 C - Vasya and String GNU C++17 binary search dp strings two pointers *1500 Nov/20/2019 19:19
155 E1 - Send Boxes to Alice (Easy Version) GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1800 Nov/20/2019 16:51
154 D - Feeding Chicken GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1700 Nov/20/2019 15:27
153 B - Fridge Lockers GNU C++17 graphs implementation *1100 Nov/20/2019 02:50
152 C - League of Leesins GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1600 Nov/20/2019 02:46
151 C - Multiplicity GNU C++17 data structures dp implementation math number theory *1700 Nov/20/2019 01:11
150 A - Changing Volume GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/19/2019 20:15
149 B - Views Matter GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1400 Nov/19/2019 17:16
148 A - Coins GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *800 Nov/19/2019 16:18
147 B - Photo to Remember GNU C++17 *special problem data structures dp implementation *1100 Nov/19/2019 15:56
146 F - Consecutive Subsequence GNU C++17 dp *1700 Nov/19/2019 15:43
145 F - Crossword Expert GNU C++17 combinatorics dp number theory probabilities two pointers *2400 Nov/19/2019 01:44
144 C - From S To T GNU C++17 implementation strings *1300 Nov/18/2019 19:05
143 B - Yet Another Crosses Problem GNU C++17 implementation *1300 Nov/18/2019 18:43
142 A - Remove a Progression GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/18/2019 18:14
141 D - 1-2-K Game GNU C++17 games math *1700 Nov/18/2019 17:16
140 C - Boredom GNU C++17 dp *1500 Nov/17/2019 18:06
139 C - Sweets Eating GNU C++17 dp greedy math sortings *1500 Nov/17/2019 00:00
138 B - Silly Mistake GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1400 Nov/16/2019 21:01
137 A - Single Push GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Nov/16/2019 20:35
136 B - Pairs GNU C++17 graphs implementation *1500 Nov/16/2019 18:55
135 A - Circle Metro GNU C++17 implementation math *900 Nov/16/2019 18:48
134 A - Thanos Sort GNU C++17 implementation Nov/16/2019 17:46
133 A - Prime Subtraction GNU C++17 math number theory *900 Nov/16/2019 12:38
132 D - AB-string GNU C++17 binary search combinatorics dp strings *1900 Nov/16/2019 11:49
131 E - Array Queries GNU C++17 brute force data structures dp *2000 Nov/15/2019 22:22
130 B - Odd sum GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation *1400 Nov/15/2019 21:55
129 A - k-Factorization GNU C++17 implementation math number theory *1100 Nov/15/2019 21:30
128 C - Minimal string GNU C++17 data structures greedy strings *1700 Nov/15/2019 21:09
127 D - Magic Gems GNU C++17 dp math matrices *2100 Nov/15/2019 10:43
126 N - Forecast GNU C++17 math *1300 Nov/14/2019 12:45
125 M - Turn GNU C++17 geometry math *1800 Nov/14/2019 12:16
124 K - Indivisibility GNU C++17 math number theory *1500 Nov/14/2019 11:46
123 J - Divisibility GNU C++17 math number theory *1100 Nov/14/2019 11:36
122 H - Benches GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1400 Nov/14/2019 11:30
121 G - Challenge Pennants GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1600 Nov/14/2019 11:13
120 I - Parking Lot GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1700 Nov/14/2019 10:36
119 F - Selection of Personnel GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1300 Nov/13/2019 23:58
118 E - A rectangle GNU C++17 math *1900 Nov/13/2019 23:40
117 C - Dominated Subarray GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings strings two pointers *1200 Nov/13/2019 21:22
116 B - Magic Stick GNU C++17 math *1000 Nov/13/2019 21:05
115 A - Two Rival Students GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Nov/13/2019 20:09
114 D - Hexagons! GNU C++17 math *1100 Nov/13/2019 19:06
113 C - Lucky Numbers GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1100 Nov/13/2019 18:54
112 B - Moore's Law GNU C++17 math *1200 Nov/13/2019 18:39
111 L - Cracking the Code GNU C++17 implementation math *1400 Nov/12/2019 23:47
110 A - Again Twenty Five! GNU C++17 number theory *800 Nov/12/2019 23:19
109 E - Two Arrays and Sum of Functions GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *1600 Nov/12/2019 09:37
108 B - Polycarp Training GNU C++17 data structures greedy sortings *1000 Nov/12/2019 02:22
107 A - Remainder GNU C++17 implementation math *1100 Nov/12/2019 01:56
106 D - Almost All Divisors GNU C++17 math number theory *1600 Nov/12/2019 01:43
105 A - Vasya and Chocolate GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Nov/11/2019 16:45
104 C - Oh Those Palindromes GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1300 Nov/11/2019 16:16
103 A - Make a triangle! GNU C++17 brute force geometry math *800 Nov/11/2019 15:45
102 B - Equations of Mathematical Magic GNU C++17 math *1200 Nov/11/2019 13:25
101 C - The Football Season GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *2000 Nov/11/2019 12:47
100 A - Pens and Pencils GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/11/2019 12:27
99 A - Heist GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *800 Nov/11/2019 11:01
98 G - Minimum Possible LCM GNU C++17 brute force greedy math number theory *2200 Nov/10/2019 21:21
97 F - Shovels Shop GNU C++17 dp greedy sortings *2100 Nov/10/2019 19:26
96 E - Two Teams GNU C++17 data structures implementation sortings *1800 Nov/10/2019 16:47
95 D - Walking Robot GNU C++17 greedy *1500 Nov/10/2019 14:57
94 C - Gourmet Cat GNU C++17 implementation math *1400 Nov/10/2019 14:35
93 A - Restoring Three Numbers GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/10/2019 14:14
92 B - Make Them Equal GNU C++17 math *1200 Nov/10/2019 14:09
91 D - Polycarp's phone book GNU C++17 data structures implementation sortings *1600 Nov/09/2019 23:06
90 B - Which floor? GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1500 Nov/09/2019 21:02
89 A - k-rounding GNU C++17 math number theory *1100 Nov/09/2019 20:27
88 C - Star sky GNU C++17 dp implementation *1600 Nov/09/2019 20:18
87 C - Did you mean... GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *1500 Nov/09/2019 19:17
86 B - The number on the board GNU C++17 greedy *1100 Nov/09/2019 16:33
85 A - Key races GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/09/2019 16:11
84 B - Zuhair and Strings GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *1100 Nov/09/2019 14:26
83 A - Salem and Sticks GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1100 Nov/09/2019 12:16
82 C - Ayoub and Lost Array GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1500 Nov/09/2019 11:58
81 C - Playlist GNU C++17 brute force data structures sortings *1600 Nov/09/2019 00:00
80 A - Watchmen GNU C++17 data structures geometry math *1400 Nov/08/2019 20:32
79 C - Registration System GNU C++17 data structures hashing implementation *1300 Nov/08/2019 19:59
78 B - Misha and Changing Handles GNU C++17 data structures dsu strings *1100 Nov/08/2019 19:30
77 A - XORinacci GNU C++17 math *900 Nov/08/2019 19:01
76 C - Table Tennis Game 2 GNU C++17 math *1200 Nov/08/2019 18:33
75 B - Kvass and the Fair Nut GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1200 Nov/08/2019 17:04
74 A - The Fair Nut and Elevator GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1000 Nov/08/2019 16:46
73 C - The Fair Nut and String GNU C++17 combinatorics dp implementation *1500 Nov/08/2019 16:16
72 C - Schedule GNU C++17 implementation *1700 Nov/08/2019 00:24
71 B - Sysadmin Bob GNU C++17 greedy implementation strings *1500 Nov/07/2019 22:49
70 E - TV Game GNU C++17 dp *2400 Nov/07/2019 21:14
69 B2 - Character Swap (Hard Version) GNU C++17 strings *1600 Nov/07/2019 00:08
68 A - Maximum Square GNU C++17 implementation *800 Nov/06/2019 23:49
67 C - Tile Painting GNU C++17 number theory *1500 Nov/06/2019 23:49
66 B1 - Character Swap (Easy Version) GNU C++17 strings *1000 Nov/06/2019 23:12
65 C - Trailing Loves (or L'oeufs?) GNU C++17 brute force implementation math number theory *1700 Nov/06/2019 10:14
64 B - Yet Another Array Partitioning Task GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1500 Nov/05/2019 23:07
63 A - Got Any Grapes? GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *800 Nov/05/2019 22:15
62 D - Flood Fill GNU C++17 dp *1900 Nov/05/2019 22:04
61 A - Filling Shapes GNU C++17 dp math *1000 Nov/05/2019 20:13
60 C - Perfect Team GNU C++17 binary search math *1200 Nov/05/2019 17:26
59 B - Knights GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1100 Nov/05/2019 17:07
58 A - 2048 Game GNU C++17 brute force greedy math *1000 Nov/05/2019 16:55
57 D - Make The Fence Great Again GNU C++17 dp *1800 Nov/05/2019 15:36
56 B - Reach Median GNU C++17 greedy *1300 Nov/05/2019 11:34
55 A - Packets GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1300 Nov/05/2019 11:09
54 C - Equalize GNU C++17 dp greedy strings *1300 Nov/05/2019 10:36
53 D - Binary String Minimizing GNU C++17 greedy *1500 Nov/04/2019 21:52
52 B - Minimize the Permutation GNU C++17 greedy *1400 Nov/04/2019 21:26
51 A - Payment Without Change GNU C++17 math *1000 Nov/04/2019 18:55
50 A - Important Exam GNU C++17 implementation strings *900 Nov/03/2019 22:22
49 B - Zero Array GNU C++17 greedy math *1500 Nov/03/2019 22:04
48 E - By Elevator or Stairs? GNU C++17 dp shortest paths *1700 Nov/03/2019 18:37
47 C2 - Good Numbers (hard version) GNU C++17 binary search greedy math meet-in-the-middle *1500 Nov/03/2019 17:26
46 B2 - Books Exchange (hard version) GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu math *1300 Nov/03/2019 16:43
45 D1 - Too Many Segments (easy version) GNU C++17 greedy *1800 Nov/03/2019 16:19
44 D2 - Too Many Segments (hard version) GNU C++17 data structures greedy sortings *1800 Nov/03/2019 16:17
43 C - Round Corridor GNU C++17 math number theory *1400 Nov/03/2019 13:10
42 A - Hotelier GNU C++17 brute force data structures implementation *800 Nov/03/2019 11:24
41 A - Theatre Square GNU C++17 math *1000 Nov/03/2019 10:12
40 C - Constanze's Machine GNU C++17 dp *1400 Nov/01/2019 23:46
39 B - Restricted RPS GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp greedy *1200 Nov/01/2019 21:00
38 A - Good ol' Numbers Coloring GNU C++17 math number theory *1000 Nov/01/2019 20:18
37 B - Block Adventure GNU C++17 dp greedy *1200 Nov/01/2019 19:07
36 B - Equal Rectangles GNU C++17 greedy math *1200 Nov/01/2019 18:38
35 C - Substring Game in the Lesson GNU C++17 games greedy strings *1300 Nov/01/2019 15:13
34 B - Kill `Em All GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1300 Oct/31/2019 23:49
33 A - Creating a Character GNU C++17 binary search math *1300 Oct/30/2019 13:29
32 C - Magic Ship GNU C++17 binary search *1900 Oct/29/2019 22:17
31 B - Rooms and Staircases GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1000 Oct/29/2019 19:34
30 A - Integer Points GNU C++17 geometry math *1000 Oct/29/2019 17:12
29 A - Forgetting Things GNU C++17 math *900 Oct/26/2019 16:44
28 B - Kefa and Company GNU C++17 binary search sortings two pointers *1500 Oct/25/2019 15:07
27 C - Alice, Bob and Chocolate GNU C++17 greedy two pointers *1200 Oct/25/2019 13:46
26 C - Sagheer and Nubian Market GNU C++17 binary search sortings *1500 Oct/25/2019 13:05
25 C - Minimize The Integer GNU C++17 greedy two pointers *1600 Oct/24/2019 23:14
24 B - Binary Palindromes GNU C++17 greedy strings *1400 Oct/24/2019 22:37
23 A - Broken Keyboard GNU C++17 brute force strings two pointers *1000 Oct/24/2019 20:48
22 C - Three Parts of the Array GNU C++17 binary search data structures two pointers *1200 Oct/23/2019 10:28
21 C1 - Good Numbers (easy version) GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *1300 Oct/23/2019 00:18
20 B1 - Books Exchange (easy version) GNU C++17 dsu math *1000 Oct/22/2019 20:57
19 A - Yet Another Dividing into Teams GNU C++17 math *800 Oct/22/2019 20:33
18 C - Gambling GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1300 Oct/21/2019 15:55
17 B - Grow The Tree GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *900 Oct/21/2019 01:52
16 A - Metro GNU C++17 graphs *900 Oct/19/2019 20:55
15 A - Complicated GCD GNU C++17 math number theory *800 Oct/19/2019 18:16
14 A - k-th divisor GNU C++17 math number theory *1400 Oct/17/2019 00:23
13 A - Noldbach problem GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1000 Oct/16/2019 19:10
12 B - Taxi GNU C++17 *special problem greedy implementation *1100 Oct/16/2019 02:25
11 A - Puzzles GNU C++17 greedy *900 Oct/16/2019 01:07
10 C - Good String GNU C++17 greedy *1300 Oct/16/2019 00:17
9 A - Pashmak and Garden GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Oct/15/2019 17:29
8 A - Next Round GNU C++17 *special problem implementation *800 Oct/15/2019 16:48
7 A - Bit++ GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/15/2019 16:26
6 A - Stones on the Table GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/15/2019 16:18
5 A - Tram GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/15/2019 16:13
4 C - Bad Sequence GNU C++17 data structures greedy *1200 Oct/14/2019 10:59
3 C - Increasing Matrix GNU C++17 greedy *1100 Oct/13/2019 20:56
2 B - Multiplication Table GNU C++17 math number theory *1300 Sep/19/2019 22:38
1 A - Cards GNU C++17 implementation sortings strings *800 Sep/18/2019 21:46