
Generating recursive project folders from Templates

Primary LanguageRust


Ginkerate is a personal project I made after reading the RustBook to practice what I've just learned.

Context :

I've been quiet annoyed of setting up the same project folders over and over, one day I've decided to just put all my boilerplates in the ~/Templates directory and just cp ~/Template/<project_template> . It helped for a while, but after reading half of the RustBook, I wanted to practice Rust a little bit, so I came with the idea of making a CLI to help me setup my Projects.

Usage :

As easy as it seems.

ginker <Project Name> <Template Type>

And you're ready to go


A Template folder located in the Home directory containing the actual templates.

Example :

├── example1
│   ├── a
│   ├── b
│   ├── c
│   └── d
│       ├── a
│       ├── b
│       └── c
└── p5
    ├── index.html
    └── sketch.js