
You can remove the Nutrimat/Computer interface while it's being used

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The Nutrimat is puzzled that you want something made by pouring boiling water on
dead leaves and squirting stuff from a cow in it, and says that it will need
some help from Eddie (the shipboard computer).

The nutrimat begins to whirr.

You get a powerful electric shock.

A red sign lights up saying:

(Taking the Nutrimat/Computer Interface first)
How can you read a Nutrimat/Computer Interface?

Another red sign lights up saying:

That's because NUT-COM-INTERFACE doesn't have TRYTAKEBIT. Or rather, it does have TRYTAKEBIT but only until the first time you pick it up. (Because otherwise you would be able to pick it up without getting any points for it. See NUT-COM-INTERFACE-F.)

This is that the check to see if you can pick it up looks like:

	       (<AND <VERB? TAKE>
		     <RUNNING? ,I-TEA>>
		<TELL "You get a powerful electric shock." CR>)

Maybe it would make sense for I-TEA to sett TRYTAKEBIT on NUT-COM-INTERFACE, and then remove it again when the tea is done? I think the only other case where I-TEA is disabled is when the game kills you for various reasons, though of course that would have to be tested.

Sorry, I was mistaken. Using the improbability drive while I-TEA is running will disable I-TEA. I mistakenly through it killed you because I missed that SWITCH-F sets DREAMING first:

			     (<RUNNING? ,I-TEA>
			      <SETG DREAMING T>
			      <DISABLE <INT I-TEA>>
"Everything becomes dark! But no, not quite everything ... There's a big bright
planet below, just visible behind your mighty tail fin. Air begins rushing by,
tickling your snout and dorsal fins ... you suddenly realise that, improbably
enough, you've turned yourself into a sperm whale and are plummeting through
the atmosphere of a planet! You begin experimenting with your new body, opening
and closing your spout and wagging your enormous tail. Just as you are getting
used to being a whale, the ground rushes up and hits you at about 200 mph.">