- 0
- 1
- 1
You can get the satchel fluff without the Ford scenario registering as completed
#42 opened by eriktorbjorn - 1
You can understand the Vogon guard's response to "hello" even without the babel fish
#31 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 0
- 0
Telling the guards to take their rifles does not give the rifles NDESCBIT again
#46 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 1
If you die as Trillian while carrying the tweezers, they reappear in Arthur's inventory
#41 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
The Ford scenario doesn't always track the thumb's broken status correctly
#44 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
If you get the towel dirty (as Ford), it's still dirty if you revisit the Ford scenario
#43 opened by eriktorbjorn - 1
Time passes strangely in the sauna
#40 opened by eriktorbjorn - 1
The game claims the door closes when Marvin enters the pantry, but it doesn't (and shouldn't)
#39 opened by eriktorbjorn - 2
The game prints the score twice at the end
#38 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
The electronic thumb should, at least temporarily, have TRYTAKEBIT when you are Ford
#34 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
If you don't follow Ford to the pub, the game will later say he's there even though he's not
#33 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
"LOOK IN CIRCUIT BOARD" prints no response
#28 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
You can refer to "dipswitch 0"
#27 opened by eriktorbjorn - 2
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
If you "STAND BEFORE BULLDOZER" the game will tell you that you are "getting close" even if you're already lying in front of it
#23 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 3
Gown/sleeves inconsistencies
#19 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
Taking the gown can say there's something in the pocket, even if it's empty
#20 opened by eriktorbjorn - 1
YES/NO inconsistency when talking to Eddie
#18 opened by eriktorbjorn - 1
- 1
Repeair robot message never shown
#16 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
You can get rid of your own head
#15 opened by eriktorbjorn - 1
- 0
You can carve strange things on the memorial
#12 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 0
You can't put things in the glass case
#10 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 0
Lying down in front of the babel fish dispenser doesn't check if you already are
#8 opened by eriktorbjorn - 1
- 0
"EXIT" triggers a Frotz warning
#6 opened by eriktorbjorn - 0
- 4
Build Game
#2 opened by AlexProudfoot - 1
Baseline Sources
#1 opened by AlexProudfoot