
"ENTER AIRLOCK" prints the wrong response

eriktorbjorn opened this issue · 0 comments

Vogon Hold
This is a squalid room filled with grubby mattresses, unwashed cups, and
unidentifiable bits of smelly alien underwear. A door lies to port, and an
airlock lies to starboard.
There is a satchel here.
There is a towel here.
There is a thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what it is here.
Ford is in the corner, snoring loudly.
Along one wall is a tall dispensing machine.
In the corner is a glass case with a switch and a keyboard.
It looks like the glass case contains:
  an atomic vector plotter

The inner door is closed.

The door to the corridor is locked (from the outside).

That's because AIRLOCK-OBJECT-F calls <DO-WALK ,P?WEST> where it should probably call <DO-WALK ,P?EAST> instead:

		       <TELL ,LOOK-AROUND CR>)
		      (<EQUAL? ,HERE ,HOLD>
		       <DO-WALK ,P?WEST>)>)

("LEAVE AIRLOCK" while inside the airlock tries to move you east, but I think that's ok since you don't specify if you want to leave through the inner or the outer door.)