
A robot who's following another robot will continue doing so even if getting killed

eriktorbjorn opened this issue · 0 comments

I got this from Graeme Cree's Infocom bugs list. I'm pretty sure I had this happen to me once, many years ago, but I was never able to figure out how to reproduce it on my own.

FC: Cryolink established to Iris.
IRIS: Okay. I'll follow Waldo.

I'm reaching for the fourteen-inch cable of orange wire...
Oh oh!

FC: Sizzle, pop, and snap-crackly noises. The delicious smell of fried robot.
Mmm Mmm.

FC: So much for that robot. Too bad.
FC: Cryolink established to Waldo.

Internal map reference -- Weather Monitors
This large area has smooth walls.
In the room with me is non-functional Iris.
Iris is carrying a hollow container.

It gets even stranger if I then tell Waldo to go to another room, e.g. Alpha Repair. Then Iris will follow even outside of her designated area. Which means you can repair her and have her walking around where she doesn't belong. (Though this is nowhere near as interesting as it sounds.)

I think the proper solution is to add <PUT ,FOLLOW-TBL <GETP .ROBOT ,P?ROBOT> 0> to JIGS-UP.