The turbine is a set of server-side components that perform automated technical analysis on stocks.
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javaslang -> vavr
#35 opened by the-james-burton - 0
- 1
- 1
fix integration tests!
#34 opened by the-james-burton - 2
- 3
Elasticsearch 'Node' must use log4j2
#28 opened by the-james-burton - 1
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- 0
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upgrade to lastest elasticsearch version
#27 opened by the-james-burton - 1
- 1
Replace camel routes with Reactor 3
#26 opened by the-james-burton - 2
- 3
- 3
remove possibly redundant classes
#19 opened by the-james-burton - 1
Don't attempt to compute indicators or strategies with an empty series
#21 opened by the-james-burton - 3
ensure indicators and strategies are computed after the tick is received
#22 opened by the-james-burton - 0
the furnace should use the inlet webservice and not generate its own ticks
#20 opened by the-james-burton - 1
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convert Hamcrest assertions to assertJ
#13 opened by the-james-burton - 1
update testing to spring boot 1.4 style
#12 opened by the-james-burton - 1
- 1
use script to install JQuantLib in Travis CI instead of maven system dependency
#18 opened by the-james-burton - 0
Replace Guava Stopwatch with JMH
#15 opened by the-james-burton - 0
- 0
- 0
Replace JQuantLib with OpenGamma Strata
#10 opened by the-james-burton - 0
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