OneWire MQTT to Home-Assistant with Docker

Publish onewire temperature sensor values with MQTT

Original author is dcbo and his repository is here:

Original docker adaptation by humpedli and the repository can be found here:

This is mostly minor adaptations to fit my Docker setup and enable automatic registering into Home-Assistant

This script is intended to run as a service, it connects to owserver (from owfs and reads the temperature values from DS18x20 onewire sensors. The temperatures which have been aquired using owserver will be published using a mqtt-broker.

A running owserver and a mqtt-broker (e.g: mosquitto) are required to use this deamon.

Run with docker-compose

Don't forget to create configuration file first (there is a sample in the repository), then attach the file as a volume like examples below.

version: '3'
    container_name: "onewire-mqtt"
    restart: always
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "./app:/app"
      - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
      - "./log:/var/log"
    network_mode: host

Configuration file

a self explaining sample configuration file is included

# sample configuration

# MQTT broker  related config
host =
port = 1883

# polling interval for sensors
pollinterval = 30

# topic for status messages
statustopic = onewire-to-mqtt/status

# Onewire related config
host= localhost
port = 4304

#verbose = false
verbose = true
logfile = /var/log/onewire-to-mqtt.log

# list of sensors to be polled and names to be used in HASS
28.100000000000 = Hallway
10.200000000000 = Bedroom
28.300000000000 = Outside
10.400000000000 = Kitchen