TMD: FullStack Intern Assignment


This assignment involves setting up a simple username/password authentication system using Redux for state management and Next.js for the front-end and back-end. You will create API endpoints with bearer token authentication and implement a custom useAuthSession hook to manage the user's session on the client side.

Your Tasks

  1. Implement the useAuthSession Hook:

    • In hooks/useAuthSession.ts, create a custom hook that manages the user's authentication session.
    • The hook should handle checking if a user is authenticated and fetching user data.
  2. Create and Complete the API Endpoints:

    • create the required apis
  3. Bearer Token Authentication:

    • Implement bearer token authentication in your API endpoints.
    • Ensure that API requests are secured and only accessible to authenticated users.

Example Usage of useAuthSession Hook

const { user } = useAuthSession();

if (user) {
  console.log('User:', user.username);

Estimated Time

Please spend no more than 3-4 hours on this assignment and submit whatever you can complete within that time frame.

Bonus Tasks

  1. Add validation checks for the login form.
  2. Show toast notifications for errors and successful login.


  1. Ensure all your changes are committed.
  2. Push your changes to a new repository on your personal GitHub account with public access.
  3. Provide a link to your repository, along with your email and phone number, in the provided Google Form. Do not create pull requests in the shared repository.