
React component to create image hotspots

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub package.json version npm npm bundle size NPM License


React component to create image hotspots


Install using npm or yarn

npm install react-hotspots
yarn add react-hotspots


Import the component and base styles:

import ReactHotspots from 'react-hotspots'
import 'react-hotspots/dist/style.css';
import { Si1Password } from 'react-icons/si';

Use it:

        imageAlt="React Logo"
                left: '50%',
                top: '50%',
                triggerIcon: <Si1Password />,
                className: 'cstm-hotspot',
                iconSize: '60px',
                iconColor: 'red',
                content: 'Text',
                modal: true,
                left: '25%',
                top: '25%',
                content: <div>Hotspot 2</div>
                left: '75%',
                top: '75%',
                content: <div>Hotspot 3</div>


Edit react-hotspots

Component props

Props Type Default Description
image String, required Image source
imageAlt String, optional Image alternative info
overlay Boolean, optional true Adds a transparent black overlay to the image for better visibility
className String, optional Apply custom classname to the main container
iconSize String, optional 30px Set the font size for the icon. This will be applied to all hotspots.
iconColor String, optional #ffffff Set the icon color. This will be applied to all hotspots.
hotspots Array of objects, required Contains information of hotspots to be added.

Hotspot object

Key Type Default Description
left String, required Horizontal position with css units(px,%,etc.)
top String, required Vertical position with css units(px,%,etc.)
triggerIcon React element/image/svg, optional <AiFillInfoCircle /> - from react-icons/ai library React element / image / svg / a react-icon to indicate the hotspot
className String, optional Apply custom classname to the hotspot element
iconSize String, optional 30px Set the font size for the icon. This will be applied to individual hotspot and will override the global value.
iconColor String, optional #ffffff Set the icon color. This will be applied to individual hotspot and will override the global value.
modal Boolean, optional false If set to true, the hotspot content will be displayed in a modal.
content React or HTML element, optional Hotspot content. If no content is provided, only the icon would be displayed


MIT License © 2023 the-marolie