
Scans the available license plates for Stuttgart Region

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Collection of python scripts to query available license plates in Stuttgart, Germany.

The Scripts basically settle on bs4 and requests. If you wish to get Notifications also Scripts to send the results to telegram are available.

Basic Setup

  • Install Python 3.6+ (due to f-Strings)
  • Install bs4 e.g. via pip install bs4
  • Install requests e.g. via pip install requests
  • Install pytz e.g. via pip install pytz
  • Install python-telegram-bot e.g. via pip install python-telegram-bot

Usage of plain

scan_license_plates.py is a basic example. It needs no further dependencies as the basic Setup.


To scan S:GO-9?? run python scan_license_plates.py --letters go --numbers 9??

Usage with mitm

scan_license_plates_mitm.py uses a proxy which can be mitm to capture the traffic.


  • Install mitmproxy
  • Install mitmproxy cert on your System
  • Use mitm Proxy like in script scan_license_plates_mitm.py which already uses


To scan S:GO-9?? run python scan_license_plates_telegram.py --letters go --numbers 9??

Usage with telegram

scan_license_plates_telegram.py queries the wanted license plate and send the results via telegram bot to a chat.

Setup bot

  • set up a bot
  • create a group, send a message like /my_id @my_bot and find out the chat id via https://api.telegram.org/bot<TOKEN>/getUpdates
  • test bot and group manually curl -X POST "https://api.telegram.org/bot<TOKEN>/sendMessage" -d "chat_id=<CHAT_ID>&text=test message from bot"

Setup Python

  • install python-telegram-bot e.g. via pip install python-telegram-bot


To scan S:GO-9?? and get a message run python scan_license_plates_telegram.py --letters go --numbers 9?? --telegram-bot-token <TOKEN> --telegram-chat-id <CHAT_ID>

Usage with telegram bot

scan_multiple_license_plates_telegram.py scans for multiple plate combinations at once at given timestamps. Can also process commands served to the telegram bot. Given timestamps are interpreted in Berlin Timezone.

python scan_multiple_license_plates_telegram.py --combination ab:123 --combination bc:456 --combination cd:789 -t 09:00:00 -t 12:00:00 -t 15:00:00 -t 18:00:00 --telegram-bot-token <TOKEN> --telegram-chat-id <CHAT_ID>

Bot Commands

  • /help to show available commands
  • /scanAll trigger search for configured combinations
  • /scan <combination> trigger search for given combination (:). multiple combinations are possible.
  • /butterfly Easteregg, sending some random pictures from the image folder


  • docker build --progress=plain --no-cache -t licence .