
Taking screenshots from google maps of greater Stuttgart Areawith with traffic feature enabled

Primary LanguagePython

Stuttgart Traffic Crawler

Shoots screenshots of google maps set to greater area of Stuttgart every 5 minutes and safes it to /pics. The Map is centered to 48.7933017,9.1715786. So it is using this URL: https://www.google.de/maps/@48.7933017,9.1715786,12z/data=!5m1!1e1. The Resolution is 1920 x 1080 pixels.

It is using basically Puppeteer via browser-screen-grab.

Use scripts in postproduction directory to put a Header with Timestamp to every recorded Screenshot.


Captured Screenshot: Stuttart Traffic

After postprocessing with Header Tile and counter in the filename: Stuttart Traffic

Setup App

  1. Install node.js and npm
  2. Install dependecies npm i
  3. node index.js to start the app

Setup on Raspberry


Mark Images with Timestamp

The Python Script is using ImageMagick to add the recorded Timestamp of the images

  1. Install python
  2. Install imagemagick
  3. python marker.py <your path to the images> to start the script

Create Video

  1. Install ffmpeg
  2. Execute ffmpeg -framerate 5 -vcodec libx265 -i marked-%02d.png output.webm to create a Video out of the captured Screenshots