Pinephone Modem SDK: Tools to build your own bootloader, kernel and rootfs
- archseermxxn
- bjoern-rBerlin; Germany
- bryanasdev000Wake
- calebccffEngland
- crespumSC Robotics
- delijatiPotsdam (Berlin)
- DrWhax@AmnestyTech
- DylanVanAsschePhD Researcher @IDLabResearch Ghent
- ejpcmacCaen, France
- erdincayVienna
- frzifusRed Hat
- gbThreepwood@switchcraft
- gjyoung1974Phoenix Arizona, USA
- jackghg
- jakeisnt@improvin
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- johnaa123
- lammas@intfish @avalahEE
- matsura8Texas
- MatteoGhezaBrescia, Italy
- MattRCole
- max1220Germany
- NewbyteeBeundra AB
- omasanoriJapan
- onnyKarlsruhe, Germany
- ozmentThe Natural State
- r00tb3Earth
- rsglobal
- sajankiDelft University of Technology
- samueldr[TBD]
- smaeulBuried alive in wrapper functions
- Tanja-4732Europe (English & German)
- VaughnGHSan Diego
- vinc456Vancouver, Canada
- xaabi6Teknei IT
- z3ntu@Fairphone