A selector component on React Native that can be used for time, address, and various classification selection scenarios.
Implemented through RN components (JS / TS), compatible with Android and iOS.
Support the use of cascaded data selection and parallel data selection.
Most styles can be customized: entry text, background color, entire selector header.
Custom display method, default to absolute positioning Mask, customizable container placement selector.
Install (npm) :
npm install react-native-slidepicker -S
Import & use :
import SlidePicker from "react-native-slidepicker";
import SlidePicker from 'react-native-slidepicker';
import PARALLEL_TIME from './test_data/parallel_time.json';
export default class PickerTest extends Component {
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = {demoType : '', timeData: [] };
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
visible={this.state.demoType === 'parallel_time'}
normalTextStyle={{fontSize: 14}}
onCancelClick={() => this.setState({demoType: ''})}
onConfirmClick={res => this.setState({timeData: res, demoType: ''})}
prop | type ( * means required) | description | default |
visible | boolean * | component visible | false |
dataSource | array * | data source,view data format | [] |
values | array * | checked values | [] |
wheels | number | data columns | 2 |
onMaskClick | function | background click event | null |
animationDuration | number | open/close animation duration | 200 |
checkRange | number | row ranges数 | 3 |
itemHeight | number | height of item | 60 |
contentBackgroundColor | string | check area background color | #f8f8f8 |
itemDividerColor | string | divider line color | rgba(0,0,0,0.05) |
checkedTextStyle | TextStyle | checked item text style | { fontWeight: '700',fontSize: 16,color: '#006' } |
normalTextStyle | TextStyle | normal item text style | { fontWeight: '400', fontSize: 14 } |
titleText | string | picker heading | |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | picker heading text style | |
cancelText | string | cancel text | cancel |
cancelTextStyle | TextStyle | cancel text style | { fontSize: 15, color: 'rgb(42, 123, 152)' } |
onCancelClick | function | cancel event | |
confirmText | string | confirm text | confirm |
confirmTextStyle | TextStyle | confirm text style | { fontSize: 15, color: 'rgb(42, 123, 152)' } |
onConfirmClick | function | confirm event, (res) => { } width result |
HeaderComponent | JSX element | Custom selector header component (If using a custom selector header component, the default header will be replaced, onConfirmClick will not be called, and ref needs to be used to call \ _getValues to take values)) |
If you have used a custom header, then you need to set ref for the picker component. Then, the selection result can only be obtained by calling ref when clicking.
Unless you use a custom header, you should use the onConfirmClick props instead of using this method.
By setting ref, the selected data can be obtained in real-time.
export default class RefDemo extends Component {
constructor(props: any) {
// ...
this.skuRef = React.createRef();
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
// ....
<View style={styles.header}>
<View style={{flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center'}}>
<Image source={ICON_DOG} style={{width: 34, height: 34}} />
<Text style={{marginLeft: 10}}>What you want?</Text>
onPress={() => {
const res = this.skuRef?.current?._getValues();
console.info('res', res);
this.setState({skuData: res, demoType: ''});
<Text style={{fontWeight: '700'}}>Done</Text>
- Issue with pop-up layers
Generally, the Picker component will have a pop-up layer, and this component's SlidePicker.Parallel
and SlidePicker.Cascade
uses an absolutely positioned View as the Mask container to load selectors, so it is best to place components at the page level. If you want to handle pop-up layers yourself, you can also use SlidePicker.PureParallel
and SlidePicker.PureCascade
, this is a pure selector component without a pop-up layer.
- Historical Version
The 1.x version uses react native Gesture handler to handle gesture scrolling, but on Android machines, especially when combined with react-native-modal, there are some instability issues that cannot be addressed by the native code of the library ( issue#139 ). Therefore, 2. x are completed using RN's built-in components, mainly FlatList
cascaded data format :
"label": "",
"value": "",
"options": [
"label": "",
"value": "",
"options": [
"label": "",
"value": "",
"options": [{ "label": "" }]
"label": "",
"value": ""
parallel data format :
"label": "",
"value": ""
"label": "",
"value": ""
"label": "",
"value": ""
"label": "",
"value": ""
"label": "",
"value": ""