Pinned issues
- 18
- 0
Paperless in Kubernetes with NFS Backing
#721 opened by carpenike - 1
ERROR Error while consuming document img_20180606_204601.893.jpg: Invalid rotation (0)
#720 opened by TruffelNL - 0
- 2
- 6
- 9
consumer not running in Synology Docker
#706 opened by landcraft - 3
Uploade with Webgui or App
#693 opened by Aruscha - 10
Disabling encryption failing after one file
#714 opened by jannislehmann - 1
- 1
New open source OCR
#685 opened by emanuele - 0
Provide as Yunohost App
#707 opened - 0
- 2
gunicorn cannot read files? wrong permissions?
#705 opened by luke-barnett - 2
Problem using docker-compose
#704 opened by JoergPalmer - 0
- 0
- 3
Consumer uses 100% CPU when idle
#700 opened by shtrom - 0
ImportError: cannot import name 'FieldDoesNotExist' from 'django.db.models' in
#698 opened by amo13 - 13
Webinterface broken using docker-compose and nginx
#660 opened by stueja - 0
Docker Container Unhealthy
#696 opened by kj21 - 0
Correnspondent picked from filename
#695 opened by jdeluyck - 3
- 0
QNAP Docker Setting to detect only eng?
#692 opened by tanderson1992 - 3
Similar project
#687 opened by ciur - 7
Documentation for easy Docker install
#684 opened by chezmoa - 0
Consumer dies with exception when using special characters in correspondent detection
#689 opened by texel-sensei - 1
Constant logins required
#688 opened by a10kiloham - 7
No text in the output PDF - only in manifest.json
#681 opened by proxseas - 2
Importer and then can't access original file
#680 opened by clinis - 1
Make PAPERLESS_EMAIL_SECRET case insensitive
#678 opened by frrad - 1
Guesswork: File naming for attributes
#686 opened by FrankBrandel - 5
- 0
- 3
Performance issues (~4 hours for 14 pages)
#668 opened by stueja - 2
Long runtime / Database is locked in Docker
#667 opened by stueja - 7
Consuming works but where are the documents?
#666 opened by ictIntdev - 1
inotify not being triggered on SFTP file transfer
#665 opened by jat255 - 1
Finish migration to pipenv
#661 opened by pitkley - 4
500 Server Error when trying to add tag to multiple checked documents (non-docker)
#648 opened by stueja - 1
Consumer won't get past problematic email (e.g. "Not-awesome file type: application/octet-stream")
#664 opened by martinhpunkt - 2
Error "Message subject is unsafe"
#659 opened by stilltldr - 0
Feature Request: Show number of pages in overview
#658 opened by totti4ever - 1
Useless scan names
#655 opened by RussNelson - 0
Feature Request: conditional filtering
#654 opened by totti4ever - 0
Feature Request: New bulk action --> download
#657 opened by totti4ever - 0
Feature Request: Filter bookmarks
#656 opened by totti4ever - 0
Feature Request: Write (and read?) metadata (Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, ...)
#653 opened by totti4ever - 2
#650 opened by totti4ever - 2
Error setting up through docker
#649 opened by wouterverduin