
Node scripts to clean and combine data for an upcoming article on 24-hr country radio plays by gender.




Clone the repo and run pnpm i


pnpm run b2bSum

Imports all radio station data csvs from input/, outputs new csvs with back-to-back plays data added to output/{city}_{station}-{wave}_withB2B.csv, and outputs the summary data (described below) for all stations in output/summary.csv.

var type description
cityName string The city in which the radio station is located
stationName string The radio station's 3-to-4-letter call sign and the wave (FM/AM) formatted like {callSign}-{wave}
ownerName string The radio station's owner
total_COUNT number The total number of songs by all artists
onlyWomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble)
onlyWomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble)
b2bWomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble)
b2bWomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble)
onlyMenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by men artists (either solo or in a men's only ensemble)
onlyMenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by men artists (either solo or in a men's only ensemble)
b2bMenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by men artists (either solo or in a men's only ensemble)
b2bMenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by men artists (either solo or in a men's only ensemble)
onlyMixedGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
onlyMixedGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
b2bMixedGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
b2bMixedGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
onlyCombinedGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
onlyCombinedGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
b2bCombinedGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
b2bCombinedGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.)
onlyCollabGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women AND mix gendered artists collabs
onlyCollabGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women AND mix gendered artists collabs
b2bCollabGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women AND mix gendered artists collabs
b2bCollabGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women AND mix gendered artists collabs
b2bcombinedCollabDiff_COUNT number The number difference of songs between women + ALL mixed gendered artists and women + ONLY mixed gendered collabs
b2bcombinedCollabDiff_PERCENT number The percent difference of songs between women + ALL mixed gendered artists and women + ONLY mixed gendered collabs
onlyNonWhiteSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by non-white artists
onlyNonWhiteSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by non-white artists
b2bNonWhiteSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by non-white artists
b2bNonWhiteSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by non-white artists
onlyNonWhiteWomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by non-white women artists
onlyNonWhiteWomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by non-white women artists
b2bNonWhiteWomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by non-white women artists
b2bNonWhiteWomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by non-white women artists
OVNwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women artists played during the overnight or OVN hours (12–6am)
OVNwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women artists played during the overnight or OVN hours (12–6am)
b2bOVNwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the overnight or OVN hours (12–6am)
b2bOVNwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the overnight or OVN hours (12–6am)
AMDwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women artists played during the morning day or AMD hours (6–10am)
AMDwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women artists played during the morning day or AMD hours (6–10am)
b2bAMDwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the morning day or AMD hours (6–10am)
b2bAMDwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the morning day or AMD hours (6–10am)
MIDwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women artists played during the morning day or MID hours (10–3pm)
MIDwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women artists played during the morning day or MID hours (10–3pm)
b2bMIDwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the morning day or MID hours (10–3pm)
b2bMIDwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the morning day or MID hours (10–3pm)
PMDwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women artists played during the afternoon day or PMD hours (3–7pm)
PMDwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women artists played during the afternoon day or PMD hours (3–7pm)
b2bPMDwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the afternoon day or PMD hours (3–7pm)
b2bPMDwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the afternoon day or PMD hours (3–7pm)
EVEwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women artists played during the evening or EVE hours (7pm-12am)
EVEwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women artists played during the evening or EVE hours (7pm-12am)
b2bEVEwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the evening or EVE hours (7pm-12am)
b2bEVEwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women artists played during the evening or EVE hours (7pm-12am)
GwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of gold songs by women artists
GwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of gold songs by women artists
b2bGwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back gold songs by women artists
b2bGwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back gold songs by women artists
RwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of recurrent songs by women artists
RwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of recurrent songs by women artists
b2bRwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back recurrent songs by women artists
b2bRwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back recurrent songs by women artists
CwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of current songs by women artists
CwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of current songs by women artists
b2bCwomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back current songs by women artists
b2bCwomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back current songs by women artists

pnpm run b2bDay

Imports all radio station data with b2b plays csvs from output/, and outputs the summary data for EACH day (described below) for all stations in output/daySummary.csv.

var type description
date string A 24-hr period of radio play
cityName string The city in which the radio station is located
stationName string The radio station's 3-to-4-letter call sign and the wave (FM/AM) formatted like {callSign}-{wave}
ownerName string The radio station's owner
total_COUNT number The total number of songs by all artists per date
onlyWomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble) per date
onlyWomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble) per date
b2bWomenSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble) per date
b2bWomenSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women artists (either solo or in a women's only ensemble) per date
onlyCombinedGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.) per date
onlyCombinedGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.) per date
b2bCombinedGenderSongs_COUNT number The total number of back-to-back songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.) per date
b2bCombinedGenderSongs_PERCENT number The percentage of back-to-back songs by women AND mix gendered artists (ensemble, collaboration, duet, etc.) per date


R scripts to run coin flip probability analysis.