Collections of links to various resources, grouped by subject.
This repository started as a collection of interesting RSS feeds of bioinformatics, genomics, data science blogs. Below is the list of blogs I'm reading in Feedly.
BioIT Top Headlines - Biotech news from Bio-IT World
Bits of DNA - blog by Lior Pachter
DataScience+ - R & Python data science news and tutorials
DataTau news - all about programming
Dave Tang's blog - bioinformatics mini-tutorials by Dave Tang
DNA confesses Data speak - bioinformatics, genomics and programming notes by Ming Tang
GATK blog - GATK news and announcements
Probably Overthinking It - Bayesian statistics and more by Allen Downey
R-bloggers - a rich source or R-related news, updates, and packages
RNA-Seq Blog - all RNA-seq-related news and publications
Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, And Social Science - statistics notes by Andrew Gelman and others
Simply Statistics - data science, statistics news by Rafael Irizarry, Roger Peng, Jeff Leek
The stupidest thing... - blog by Karl Broman
The Third Bit - blog by Greg Wilson from Software Carpentry
Statistical Thinking - blog by Frank Harrell