
Clang-Tidy and Cppcheck usage guide with examples in CMake

Primary LanguageCMake

Cppcheck, Clang-Tidy and CMake


To use Cppcheck, a static analysis tool for C and C++ code, follow these steps. For basic usage, call it in the project root directory:

cppcheck --enable=<checks> <path to root directory>

# example:
cppcheck --enable=all .
cppcheck --enable=all -I libmath -I libthirdparty .

For analyzing an entire project depending on the compile_commands.json file:

cppcheck --project=<path to compile_commands.json file> --enable=<checks>

# example:
cppcheck --project=build/compile_commands.json --enable=all 


To use Clang-Tidy, another static analysis tool for C and C++ code, follow these steps. For basic usage on a single file:

clang-tidy <file to check> -checks=<checks> -- <compilation options>

# example:
clang-tidy app/app.cpp -checks=* -- -I libmath -I libthirdparty

For analyzing an entire project depending on the compile_commands.json file:

clang-tidy [source files to be checked] -p=<path to compilation_commands.json directory> -checks=<checks>

# example:
clang-tidy app/app.cpp libmath/libmath.cpp -p=build -checks=*

Cppcheck and Clang-Tidy via CMake targets

Assuming that Ninja is set as generator (-G Ninja CMake option), Cppcheck and Clang-Tidy can be called via:

# Cppcheck
ninja -C <build_dir> cppcheck-check

# Clang-Tidy
ninja -C <build_dir> clang-tidy-check

NOTE: Additional options can be found in the CMakeLists.txt file.