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You are discovering a pretty quiet rails app template to have a pre-setup app ready to develop.

To generate a project run:

rails new app_name -a propshaft --css=tailwind --database=postgresql --skip-jbuilder -T --template=

or using a local template:

rails new app_name -a propshaft --css=tailwind --database=postgresql --skip-jbuilder -T --template=base_app_template/template_by_github.rb

To generate a whole project just add --template= to your app generation string if you have your own options

Some tips:

You can disable some templates generation by just commenting or simply removing a line with its template, like:

# apply "template_parts/rubocop_template.rb"
apply "template_parts/db_template.rb"

This template contains things to set up into the project, such as:

  • CI (GitHub Actions)
  • DB (PostgreSQL)
  • Useful gems bundle
  • .gitignore file (to exclude some system and extra files for different OS, like Ubuntu, MacOS)
  • RSpec setup with stuff like (ShouldaMatchers, DatabaseCleaner, FactoryBot, SimpleCov)
  • Rubocop (linter who don't know)
  • TailwindCSS (really powerful CSS framework, much better than Bootstrap)

Ready to go?))

Then simply run rails s and enjoy the codding!


  • add dotenv gem
  • Solve problem of using remote template, might be store it at "rails bytes"
  • Add gem "rails-controller-testing"
  • Insert all required includes to "spec/rails_helper.rb"


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.