
Simplified cloning and mixing for prototypes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very tiny library that turns Object.create() into a method called clone, where the idea is to use a simple system of cloning and mixing prototypes:


var Fruit = Obj.clone()
Fruit.taste = 'sweet'
Fruit.eat = function() {return 'it tasted ' + this.taste}

var Apple = Fruit.clone()
Apple.texture = 'crunchy'
Apple.eat = function() { return Fruit.eat.call(this) + ' and ' + this.texture }

Apple.taste === 'sweet' // true
Apple.eat() // 'it tasted sweet and crunchy'


init acts as a constructor for cloned objects. It is run when clone is called using any arguments passed to clone. For example, you may want a new object insantiated each time the original object is cloned:

var Original = Obj.clone()
Original.init = function(param) { this.new_obj = {key: param} }

var MyClone = Original.clone('my value!')

Original.new_obj //undefined
MyClone.new_obj //{key: 'my value!'}


There's also a mixin method, allowing you to mix another object's properties into your own object. It will override existing defined properties.

var Edible = Obj.clone()
Edible.eat = function() {return 'it tasted ' + this.taste}

var Kale = Obj.clone()
Kale.taste = 'bitter'

Kale.eat() // 'it tasted bitter'


npm install the-swerve/obj



A polyfill is provided for browsers that don't have Object.create defined.